

RBS、ABN Amro買収バトルで勝利間近

2007-09-18 15:55:57 | Telegraph (UK)
RBS nears victory in ABN battle
(RBS、ABN Amro買収バトルで勝利間近)
By Philip Aldrick
Royal Bank of Scotland has moved to within touching distance of winning its long-coveted rival ABN Amro after the Dutch regulator approved its €71bn (£49bn) consortium bid.

オランダの規制当局がコンソーシアムの買収提案€710億を承認した後、RBSが長らく待ち望んできた競合ABN Amro買収バトルの勝利まで後僅かとなった。

All that stands in the way now is the financing, which includes a €13bn rights issue and €6bn bond issue by Belgian partner Fortis and another €6bn issue by RBS – for which it began marketing yesterday.


ABN investors, however, remain concerned that the consortium, of which Spain’s Santander is also a member, may still exercise a “material adverse change” clause to lower its bid in the wake of the current market turmoil sparked by the global credit crunch.

しかしABN Amroの投資家は相変わらず、スペインのSantanderも加わっているコンソーシアムが、国際的信用収縮によって引き起こされた現在の信用市場混乱の結果、買収提案額を引き下げるMAC条項を発動するかもしれない、と警戒している。

ABN shares rose 0.3pc to €35.11 in anticipation of the regulatory clearance, which came after the market closed. However, it is still below the consortium’s bid of €38.10 a share.

ABN Amro株は規制当局の承認(市場が引けた後で出された)を予測して0.3%上昇して€35.11となった。

As a condition of approval, the Dutch Ministry of Finance has required that “RBS is responsible for compliance with the financial supervisory regulations applicable to ABN in all relevant jurisdictions”. The Scottish bank will also have to consolidate ABN in its accounts until the business is parcelled out among its partners.

承認の条件として、オランダ財務省は「RBSが全ての関連管轄権においてABN Amroに適用される金融監督規制を遵守すること」を求めている。
このスコットランドの銀行はまた、パートナーの間でABN Amroが分割されるまで、同行を連結しなければならない。

Separate approval will be required when RBS proceeds with the break-up, which the regulator expects to include “fundamental changes to the current set-up of the organisation, the division of tasks and responsibilities, the committee structure and the reporting lines”.


Another condition requested by the regulator, similar to that demanded of rival bidder Barclays, is that the consortium “shall ensure sufficient continuity within the ABN board and… ensure the preservation of knowledge… as well as the availability of specific expertise".

規制当局によって求められているもう一つの条件は、ライバル買収候補者であるバークレーズに要求されているものと似ているのだが、コンソーシアムが「ABN Amro役員内に十分な継続性を確保することと、知識や特定の専門性の保全を確実にすること」だ。

It has agreed that, until the break-up, ABN’s board will comprise three new members and five existing members, of whom three “will be charged with special responsibility for ensuring that the interests of minorities are protected”.

分割までABN Amroの役員が3名の新規役員と既存の5名とで構成されることは合意されている。





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