my way of translation (3) 6/18

2022年06月18日 06時45分20秒 | 翻訳・通訳
You should be modest:

Modesty, or being humble with something. When people hear that kind of word, some may feel something mean or miserable. but it's wrong. People are arrogant, and try to show off their strength assuming a haughty attitude, only when they have nothing which they could be proud of. If you behave with a modest manner and somebody fools that, that somebody should be wrong.


my way of translation 6/18

2022年06月18日 06時27分36秒 | 翻訳・通訳
You cannot understand how your life is, no matter how old you may advance. Living your life which is originally hard to understand, thinking you understand it, is no less dangerous than anything. (how to live your life)