

解任されたボルトンの恨み:イラン攻撃で罪を犯したトランプを追い詰める/Grudge Bolton, Trump which sin 100% by Iran attack are cornered

2020-01-24 05:43:16 | ユダヤ支配下アメリカ2020
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 出典:INDEPENDENT「Al Quds Day: Protesters burn flags and chant 'death to Israel' at annual rallies held across Iran」 


 The New Testament・The Epistle of James 4:6
  But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”

 Grudge of dismissed Bolton
  Trump which sin mistake of 100% by a preemptive attack to Iran and an assassination are cornered in this chance.

YouTube: الجنرال الشهيد قاسم سليماني ونائب قائد الحشد الشعبي أبو مهدي المهندس ونبذة عن الشهيدين
YouTube: Bolton says he will testify in Senate impeachment trial if subpoenaed


 以下、2020/01/06付・John Bolton PAC「STATEMENT OF JOHN R. BOLTON」より
  「During the present impeachment controversy, I have tried to meet my obligations both as a citizen and as former National Security Advisor. My colleague, Dr. Charles Kupperman, faced with a House committee subpoena on the one hand, and a  Presidential directive not to testify on the other, sought final resolution of this Constitutional conflict from the Federal judiciary. After my counsel informed the House committee that I too would seek judicial resolution of these Constitutional issues, the committee chose not to subpoena me. Nevertheless, I publicly resolved to be guided by the outcome of Dr. Kupperman’s case.
  But both the President and the House of Representatives opposed his effort on jurisdictional grounds, and each other on the merits. The House committee went so far as to withdraw its subpoena to Dr. Kupperman in a deliberate attempt to moot the case and deprive the court of jurisdiction. Judge Richard Leon, in a carefully reasoned opinion on December 30, held Dr. Kupperman’s case to be moot, and therefore did not reach the separation-of-powers issues.
  The House has concluded its Constitutional responsibility by adopting Articles of Impeachment related to the Ukraine matter. It now falls to the Senate to fulfill its Constitutional obligation to try impeachments, and it does not appear possible that a final judicial resolution of the still-unanswered Constitutional questions can be obtained before the Senate acts.
  Accordingly, since my testimony is once again at issue, I have had to resolve the serious competing issues as best I could, based on careful consideration and study. I have concluded that, if the Senate issues a subpoena for my testimony, I am prepared to testify.」
 (以上、2020/01/06付・John Bolton PAC「STATEMENT OF JOHN R. BOLTON」より)


 ユダヤ人であるチャールズ・クッパーマン(Charles Kupperman)はジョン・ボルトンの下、米副国家安全保障問題担当大統領補佐官を2019年1月11日から9月22日まで務め、ボルトンが解任された9月10日からボルトンの後継者としてロバート・オブライエンが指名された9月18日まで国家安全保障問題顧問代理を務めた。



  ・2019/09/05付:『「悪魔カルト」のボルトン撃たれる?/“Stanic Cult & Jew’s Puppet Bolton”』
  ・2019/09/06付:「2020米大統領選挙:イランへの先制攻撃はトランプの再選を不可能にする/A preemptive attack to Iran makes impossible Trump reelection」
  ・2019/11/12付:『トランプは「悪魔カルト」ボルトンを解任!・・・Bチーム崩壊へ/Trump dismissed "devil cult" Bolton, and "B team" towards to collapse』
  ・2019/11/12付:「ボルトン解任:極右の偽イスラエルは直接イラン攻撃を謀る/Bolton was dismissed, Far-right Fake Israel plots direct attacks to Iran」

  ・2020/01/08付:「イラク議会が米軍撤退要求決議採択 “自惚れるな!さっさと出て行け!”/"Don't be conceited! Get out quickly!" from Iraq to disliked US」
  ・2020/01/09付:「軽挙妄動:トランプはグローバリストの罠に陥り殺人の過ちを犯す/Rash Trump fell into trap by globalist, and made mistakes of murder」
  ・2020/01/09付:『イラン・イラク司令官暗殺:米国の良識者「私達は殺されるに値」「我の道徳崩壊」/US good ex."US morality collapse" "We are worth being killed"』
  ・2020/01/22付:「僕は無罪のソレイマニ少将を暗殺したトランプを支持する事が出来なくなった/I can't support Trump who assassinated innocent Gen. Soleimani」
  ・2020/01/23付:「イランへの先制攻撃を行ったトランプの再選は失くなった/Trump who did a preemptive attack to Iran lost reelection possible」
  ・2020/01/24付:「クビにしたボルトンに従う皮肉:トランプはイラン攻撃で祝福を受ける/Irony from dismissed Bolton, Trump received blessing by Iran attack」

  ・World English Bible(eBible.org)

  ・2020/01/06付・John Bolton PAC:「STATEMENT OF JOHN R. BOLTON」

