

Daily Vocabulary(2019/09/04)

2019年09月04日 | Daily Vocabulary
23986.storeroom(倉庫 ) a room where goods are stored 
I'll see if there are any in the storeroom.
23987.Let's me see(確認させてください)in a way that improves the situation 
Let’s me see if the manager is in her office.
23988.set a record (記録を樹立する / 記録を打ち立てる  )to achieve the best result in a sport, competition etc that has ever been achieved, by running fastest, jumping highest etc 
Rikako Ikee set a Japanese record in the 100 meter butterfly.
23989.Maybe I can help (お力になれるかもしれません ) 
 Maybe I can help. I'm not a native speaker but I wrote a resume in English before.
23990.inadequate (不十分な )not good enough, big enough, skilled enough etc for a particular purpose OPP adequate 
I’m not sure what we were supposed to do. We were given inadequate information. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

