

Daily Vocabulary(2024/07/14)

2024年07月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
32596.roll up (まくり上げる)to make something into the shape of a tube or ball, or to become this shape 
Roll up your sleeves before you wash the rice, OK?.
32597.button-down(ボタンダウンの)a button-down shirt or collar has the ends of the collar fastened to the shirt with buttons 
I always wear a button-down shirt when I teach.. 
 WI think a crisp white shirt can make anyone look great..
32599.evade  (はぐらかす、回避する) to avoid talking about something, especially because you are trying to hide something → evasion 
 At the press conference , Paul evaded questions about why the band broke up. 
32600.impromptu (準備なしに、即座に、即興的に )  done or said without any preparation or planning 
Vocab incorporated held an impromptu press conference this afternoon. 

