

Daily Vocabulary(2017/01/12)

2017年01月12日 | Daily Vocabulary
19221.be chained to(~に繋がれている)
It is as if we are chained to our smartphones.
19222.grow by leaps and bounds(飛躍的に成長する)
The technology in fields like smartphones is growing by leaps and bounds.
19223.put one's foot down(断固とした態度を取る)
You have to put your foot down and tell yourself to stop it.
19224.motive oneself(自分を奮い立たせる)
I try to motive myself by visualizing the time saved and all the meaningful activities I can spend it on instead.
19225.make a conscious effort to(~しようと意識的に努力する)
I think we all have to make a conscious effort to slow down.

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