

Daily Vocabulary(2019/10/10)

2019年10月10日 | Daily Vocabulary
24166.all the rage(とてつもなく人気の )informal to be very popular or fashionable 
DiCaprio became all the rage after starring in the film ‘Titanic’. 
24167.well thought out (丹念に考案された)liked and admired by other people  
 That sounds like a way rational, well thought out  life plan.
24168.minimalist (最小限主義者 )a style of art, design, music etc that uses only a very few simple ideas or patterns 
It could be pretty difficult to maintain that kind of minimalist lifestyle withut moving inland.
24169.watch one's nickels and dims(けちけちする、出し惜しみする)
I am not kind of a guy who watch his nickels and dims when he goes to the grocery store.
24170.fully completely 
The restaurant is fully booked this evening .

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