

Daily Vocabulary(2024/06/28)

2024年06月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
32516.leverage(活用する、利用する)influence that you can use to make people do what you want 
Let's leverage our connections and collaborate with influence or local personalities. 
32517.be mindful of(~に配慮する、~に留意する ) remembering a particular rule or fact and thinking about it when you are making decisions about what to do 類義語 conscious of 
We should be mindful of any religious considerations and respectful of customers in our approach 
32518.conflict with(~とぶつかる)
 We should consider scheduling our events at times that don’t conflict with Buddhist festivals or rituals
32519.comply with  (規則などに従う、準拠する)
They need to comply with Halal requirements  
32520.uplift an increase in something 
I'm grateful for your uplifting words 

