


2015-02-18 11:22:11 | 英語


The Japan Newsの関連記事に'Grexit'という言葉がありました。 何となく予想できる造語ですが調べてみました。

That is why investors grew increasingly concerned Monday that a deal may not emerge in time to avoid a so-called “Grexit” from the euro — the main stock market in Greece fell 3.8 percent while the euro slipped.

Investors are worried that the two sides are poles apart especially as a cornerstone of the election campaign of Greece’s new left-wing government was to scrap the bailout program. In return for €240 billion ($275 billion) of rescue money from 2010 onwards, successive Greek governments have had to implement a wide array of austerity measures such as deep cuts to spending and pensions.

Grexit とは:

Both the EU and Greece say the country should remain in the eurozone, but creditors are resisting pressure from the new Greek government to write off massive debts. As a result, the future of Greece's bailout is in doubt and the country faces a possible exit from the euro, the so-called "Grexit".

もう一つ be poles apartとは:

if two people or things are poles apart, they are complete opposites My sister and I are poles apart in personality. Our political views are poles apart.


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