


2019-12-08 04:50:22 | 日記
Simizu town, Tokachi-Shimizu station

There are so many snow in Tokachi area but they aren't in Kushiro area at all. I think good point of Kushiro is little snow in winter. I don't want to use my important time shoveling snow in winter.
By the way, my station's sketching in Tokachi is going well. I did 5 of 16 now. I want to achieve half of that in 2019. I think station is using usualy by residents or visitors in Tokachi area. There are town around the station and it is useful to transfer to another town. On the other hand, train in Kushiro area can't access to each central towns by train. I don't think core of the town should be the station, but it would be the face of the town. Kushiro have to learn from Tokachi about this.

