


2020-02-15 23:22:10 | 日記
Toyokoro town, Toyokoro station

Covid 19, new corona virus, is spreading all around world. Japan is the most infected country except China. We may have to prepare for pandemic. I will storage foods and bottles of water. If it dosen't happen, I could use it for another disastor.
I went to Toyokoro station today. I have conquered stations in Tokachi area one by one. Tempetature become mild day by day but I can't sketch outside until April for the coldness. Staions in Tokachi area are more developed than one in Kushiro, so I can't sketch it from the car ahead of station. I must wait until spring to do without car. Long freight train ran alongside my car today. It was so romantic like cinema. I want to draw the dramatic situation like that, so I'm going to learn drawing picture harder. But before that, I must study for real estate appraisal exam.

