


2019-12-22 19:02:39 | 日記
Kushiro City Kushiro Shitsugen art museum

I have wanted to go to Memuro station today, but I couldn't have time to go there as I have to attend the year end party. I shoudn't attend those events until I pass the exam. I must complete every stations in Tokachi area. I will reshedule my plan. OK. When I just enter a highway, I realised I can't have enogh time to sketch.So I turned back the highway's entrance and arrived at central Akan city. I don't know about Akan city but I finally reached this museum. It is about artist Eisho Sasaki who draw a picture about wetland. I love the picture about died salmon. It has storng sence of beauty. But I'm afraid this muesum will close near future becouse there isn't visitor at all.


2019-12-15 20:27:48 | 日記
Shimizu Town Mikage station

I realise why is train in Kushiro area decreasing. Japan government in Meiji era decide the route of train in east Hokkaido useful to coal transportation. But coal industry declined in mid Showa ear. As the result of that, stations distant from central city became meaningless and anyone don't use it now. Maybe stations in Tokachi area made for aguricaltual products so it is useful for resident now. I want to learn about local history more.
By the way, there is a same name station in Kobe city.


2019-12-08 04:50:22 | 日記
Simizu town, Tokachi-Shimizu station

There are so many snow in Tokachi area but they aren't in Kushiro area at all. I think good point of Kushiro is little snow in winter. I don't want to use my important time shoveling snow in winter.
By the way, my station's sketching in Tokachi is going well. I did 5 of 16 now. I want to achieve half of that in 2019. I think station is using usualy by residents or visitors in Tokachi area. There are town around the station and it is useful to transfer to another town. On the other hand, train in Kushiro area can't access to each central towns by train. I don't think core of the town should be the station, but it would be the face of the town. Kushiro have to learn from Tokachi about this.


2019-12-01 20:20:16 | 日記
Ikeda town Ikeda station

I want to write this blog on English from now. Maybe it is easy but strange English so please read with a light heart. I went to Ikeda town to sketch the station. Today is warm so I could sketch in outside. I'm going to conqure every stations in Tokachi region in this winter. But there are 2 stations I can't sketch from my car. Ikeda is the one of them. So I tried it today. Ikeda is the wine famous town in Hokkaido. If you love the wine, you could enjoy wine festival in October. And then, you can eat good lunch at the resutrauant near the station.
Well, see you next week!