
Count down to the Golden age

SaiBaba will return! Part 4 (English version )

2015-11-23 00:03:14 | 日記
Chapter 22 Feeling of Oneness

Believe Me, a day will come, when you will barely be able to spot a tiny red flash of My robes, from a long distance, that too with a great effort.
You will realise Swami's glory when I walk across the sky from one end to the other.

Thapovanam Sri Sathya Sai Sathcharithra Chapter 11

Yoshio, his sister and her family left the interview feeling complete. Yoshio intended to return to his newly born son and Sue immediately. Following Darshan Sai Baba moved beyond the gate to the Sai Baba College where a long queue of students sat awaiting his presence. Yoshio moved towards the gate with palms folded giving thanks for Sai Baba's blessing for himself and his sister's family prior to leaving.
Sai Baba had been proceeding towards the students and suddenly stopped and turned back towards Yoshio. Yoshio was alarmed that his prayers had once again reached Sai Baba and somehow interrupted Sai Baba's darshan routine.
On a previous visit to the ashram lunchtime had finished on arrival therefore food was not available. Yoshio had thought that it would be nice if God would give him some food. A volunteer from Sai Baba's residence brought a plate of curry saying that at Sai Baba's request his left overs were to be given to hungry devotee who is looking for the meal outside of Ashram. The thought of Sai Baba giving his lunch to Yoshio had Yoshio choking on tears as he ate the curry.
On another occasion Yoshio had opened a door leading to the dais upon which Sai Baba had been having a discourse with fellow devotees. Yoshio reached out with his heart to let Sai Baba know he had arrived. Sai Baba immediately stopped the discourse and turned to look at Yoshio.
In the moment that Yoshio was saying his farewells Sai Baba had been walking thirty meters ahead. Sai Baba had turned and returned to the gate as soon as Yoshio had sent his prayer. Yoshio was over joyed at Sai Baba's acknowledgement and waved his left hand in greeting. Sai Baba too raised his right hand and waved in return. Yoshio felt as if he was standing in front of a mirror. In happiness Yoshio raised both hands and began to wave. Sai Baba followed and raised both hands to wave back. Yoshio unable to contain his joy then proceeded to raise both arms above his head to wave and was awed when Sai Baba reciprocated Yoshio's motions. Yoshio was in such bliss he was unable to remember what followed in that moment his head had completely blanked out. All Yoshio could comprehend was that there was another of himself standing in front of him and waving back.
The intense feeling of non dualism and love was overwhelming. Yoshio felt like his being was merging into his surroundings. The Yoshio that was standing and waving his hands disappeared and only the Sai Baba waving his hands remained. Unable to stop tears streaming down his face Yoshio said goodbye to Yoshio, goodbye to myself. Yoshio did not want to disturb Sai Baba any longer who had taken on a physical body to work. Yoshio decided to make this trip to India his last.
Yoshio did not remove his sunglasses the entire flight back to Australia unable to stop the tears. The lesson learnt was that everything is one and there is nothing more powerful in this world than love.
Returning home Yoshio struggled for months after to return to daily life with a mere mention of Sai Baba's name, or a glance at Sai Baba's image enough to bring Yoshio to tears. The long promise of merging with God and attaining bliss was enough. There was no other want or need.
Whether the earth was to tilt on its axis or a tsunami was to envelop the world held no meaning for Yoshio. Everything is God. Everything is a Game God is playing. Thinking that one is doing it themselves is why feelings of happiness, anger and grief are born. Every action should be as easy as writing on the surface of water. God's work should not be seen as one's own actions. The promise given Yoshio prior to his birth meant everything to Yoshio.

God of Puttaparthi I have come from the land of cherry blossoms
Chanting Sai Ram
Holding your image in my soul
In the glory of your Darshan I wait for you
God of Love
Chanting Sai Ram
Holding your image in my soul

The Will of God cannot be stopped.
The events God ordains must take place.
The joyful Golden Age will recur.

(EVJC, 1982, 12.)

Chapter 23 The Entrance Of a Young Man

Again how fortunate you are that you can witness all the countries of the world paying homage to Bharatha (India); you can hear adoration to Sathya Sai's Name reverberating throughout the world, even while this body is existing, before you.
And again, you can witness very soon the restoration of Sanathana Dharma to its genuine and natural status, the Dharma laid down in the Vedas for the good of all the peoples of the world.

Divine Discourse, May 17, 1968

Following the return of the Italians Sai Baba came to Yoshio's dream. Yoshio and Sai Baba floated side by side looked down upon a farm. The land was in the shape of triangle bordered by bush land and a neighbouring property where horses grazed. On the farm a small dam was present. Sai Baba told Yoshio 'This is Narrogin. It will become a spiritual centre gracing people from all different nationalities.' Yoshio had spent more than a year searching for land and came to know many of the towns and roads like the back of his hand. Yoshio intuitively had thought that if the decision was based on altitude than Narrogin would be Yoshio's first choice. Yoshio knew from the map materialised by Sai Baba the extent of the tsunami's reach. The triangular plot of land had recently been placed on the market and Yoshio had been waiting for a sign from Sai Baba.
property was the highest altitude in Narrogin. The next day Yoshio purchased a shed and land for storage that would benefit people in the future.
Yoshio somewhat struggled to completely grasp the English language and during negotiation of properties and contracts more so. Yoshio asked Sai Baba to help him in his endeavours.
One day a young Indian man appeared before Yoshio. The man had acquired a degree in dentistry but was told in an interview by Sai Baba that work awaited for him in Australia not related to his qualification. The man told Yoshio that he had come to do Seva(selfless services) and not a cent was required in return. Not even accommodation, food or a holiday was desired and he insisted that the work would be done regardless of the time of day or the manual load. The man explained to Yoshio it was not a misunderstanding. The work was not for Yoshio but for the man to offer to God. Yoshio was understandably confused and asked the man how he had located him. The man explained that his parents had known a devotee who went to the ashram with 50 other people on the Christmas holidays. This devotee told the parents about Sai Baba looking for Yoshio's photos. So when Sai Baba mentioned the work in Australia, the only Australian they knew was Yoshio. Following those words the man stayed and worked beside Yoshio for the next three years.
Firstly more than half million blankets were ordered. This was followed by tarpaulins, tents, vegetable seeds, looms and spinning wheels, oil lamps, wind generators, solar panels, water tanks, bicycles, radios, rope, hand mills, dust masks and all number of survival gear. Yoshio and his brother in-lows spent ten of millions dollars for this project. Lastly a massive order of Sai Baba's books from India was made. The convenor of Sri Sathya Sai Publications went to confer with Sai Baba in regards to the alarmingly large order of books. Concern was voiced regarding the elderly staff manning the publications who would be unable to carry the load of books let alone the space required to box so many books. Sai Baba was questioned on the necessity of having to fulfil such a large consignment. Sai Baba responded with the knowledge of the exact number of books ordered from Australia. Sai Baba then stated that all the books must be sent with help from students of Sai Baba College and shed number nine could be utilised. Shed number nine was the very same building that Yoshio, Toyo and his son stayed in on their very first arrival in Puttaparthi. Sai Baba told the convenor to have a member of the Sai Organisation Central Trust who specialised in the area to organise the order and shipment of the books.

The Sai Organisation may be limited in size now, but as time goes on, it will attract so many people that the general public will not be able to be accommodated in the Sai gatherings.
All available spaces will be assigned to the people within the Sai Organisation.
Thus, the Sai Organisation membership affords a chance.

My Baba and I by Dr. J.S.Hislop, p209 This was from an interview in December 1982

Chapter 24 Anaasakthi Yoga

Many hesitate to believe that things will improve, that life will be happy for all and full of joy, and that the Golden Age will recur.
Let me assure you that this Dharmaswarupa, that this Divine body, has not come in vain.
It will succeed in averting the crisis that has come upon humanity.

Baba in 1968 - Sai Baba, The Holy Man and the Psychiatrist, p91

Thirty kilogram blanket bundles in the tens of thousands arrived and Yoshio with the help of the young Indian man began the back breaking work of unloading crates into the shed. Trucks carrying the containers of blankets began the four hundred kilometre return journey from Perth to Narrogin until a mountain of blankets began to form. Yoshio would pray to Hanuman to give himself and the dentist endurance every time they began to tire. In the belief that Sai Baba was by their side the final bundle was placed at the peak of the mountain. Without taking a break for three continuous years multiple items were purchased until the shed was completely full. Custom officials appeared at one stage suspicious by the sheer amount of blankets and the possibility of hidden drugs. Nothing came from a whole day of officials tearing open the blankets and having sniffer dogs present.
However the clean up of thousands of scattered blankets became Yoshio's
responsibility. Such tiring work had no financial reward, no praise from other individuals only ridicule for wasting money on unnecessary items. Yoshio was criticised by fellow devotees for not living in the moment and preparing for the future. Yoshio trusted in Sai Baba. Yoshio knew the Sai Baba within him was doing all the work. Yoshio wanted to offer everything to Sai Baba. Whether the blankets and other items would have any use in the future was not to be determined by Yoshio but by Sai Baba. Yoshio had no interest in the matter.
Yoshio wished to offer all the money earned working in Japan with Toyo and Sue to Sai Baba. The three of them working together in Japan accumulated tens of millions of dollars. To attend university Yoshio had to borrow money from his uncle.
Following Yoshio's rise in wealth Yoshio did not live a luxurious lifestyle and spent more on others.
At this moment God has descended to earth for us. God had produced a map warning of future calamity. Yoshio had always believed that such an incident would take place. On such an occasion people would be fleeing with just the clothes on their back. To help people in such strife with the money Yoshio had amassed was looked upon as strange. Yoshio wished to give everything to God and expected nothing in return but the wish of Sai Baba's happiness.
To spend the wealth on worldly desires would not attain long lasting happiness. Even if all the money disappeared and Yoshio became a beggar there would be no regret. Sue and Toyo respected all of Yoshio's choices. Yoshio's five children moved to the small country town of Narrogin and stopped education at their current Waldorf Steiner Schools.
God is first. Family and World second. Self is last. Even with the loss of the Steiner education for the children Yoshio would move to Narrogin to follow Sai Baba's teachings. Almighty God was here for the people, working for the people and to have the ability to take part in God's work was Yoshio's life. Sai Baba had sent books, the young dentist, and a mission to Yoshio. At the end of the day life is a victory and the criticisms become inconsequential. Yoshio practices Anaasakthi Yoga.

When we are completely free from all selfishness, totally indifferent to the results, acting effectively with full concentration, but without any attachment or desire, and offering all our actions to God, then we are practising Anaasakti Yoga.
This is far superior to Buddhi Yoga.
Anaasakti Yoga is not easily accessible to ordinary people.
But that does not mean that we should give up trying to attain it.
With whole-hearted effort and God's Grace, seemingly impossible things can be achieved.
If we persist in our efforts then with practice we will be able to reach this high level of Anaasakti Yoga in all our activities.


Chapter 25 EHV-conference in Narrogin.

You are going to witness the divine glory of Swami unfolding in the days to come.
He will attract the whole world.
There won’t be place for people to stand even.。

Divine Discourse, Brindavan, March 16, 2003

One day Yoshio received a letter from Sydney. The letter was from the chairman of the Sathya Sai organisation who had previously met with Yoshio in the presence of Arthur Hillcott.
'To Brother Yoshio', the letter read, 'I was told by Sai Baba to confirm in person the truth of your project and have shown Sai Baba the photographs in regards to your search and having since met with you as I felt that you were not following Sai Baba's teachings. To make a better effort and understanding of Sai Baba's teachings is what I pray for you.'
Yoshio had not once been asked or shown interest by the chairman the connection with the project and Sai Baba. Yoshio believed that the work was a pact between Yoshio and Sai Baba and had no need to be influenced by other parties nor was the foundation or finances from any source but Yoshio's own investments. Days after receiving the letter Indrah Shah the chairman of the World Sai Organisation was called to Sai Baba's side and told of Sai Baba's disappointment with chairman of Australia's Sai Organisation. Following this incident the chairman of the Australian Sai Organisation was replaced by a new leader.
The Western Australian chairman came to interview Yoshio and left a report with the new chairman of the Australian Sai Organisation claiming sexual proclivities Yoga was a constitution of Yoshio's work. The chairman found three single mothers with families moved to Narrogin, hearing rumours that they follow a Guru who teaches immoral Yoga. Of course this is not true. The new chairman of Australia simulataneously received an application requesting the approval for a Sai centre in Narrogin. The chairman decided to seek Sai Baba's guidance on the matter and flew to India. Sai Baba told the new leader to start a Sai Baba centre in Narrogin, to practice Education of Human Values (EHV) and to have an Australia wide conference on EHV in Narrogin. A conference was successfully held in the town hall of the small regional town of Narrogin with a few hundred people from all over Australia.

Sai Baba is in India
While I am in Narrogin Western Australia
However we are connected
In a deep deep place we are connected
Sai and I are connected in a place deeper than anyone else
The devotee and Gods deep connection is the strength of Anaasakthi Yoga
Any who try to disrupt the connection between the devotee and God even if they are in position of great power, God will easily replace the very head
Sai and I are connected in a very deep place
In a deep deep place
Sai's will is my will
From the beginning I have no will
Only God's will
Once recognised a true baktha will receive freedom
God will share his strength
Recognised by the power of Anaasakthi Yoga
Depending on the power of yoga the body will become one with God
Praise and extol the person practicing Anaasakthi Yoga
One does not need to wait till death to practice samadhi but can do so in the world of the living

What the Gita teaches is Anaasakti Yoga, the Yoga of disinterestedness or impersonal action, in which we remain totally indifferent to any personal interest in the work that we do and in the results that accrue from it.
It means working with full concentration to the limits of our capacity for excellence, but dedicating all our actions to the service of God and remaining established in God-consciousness.


Chapter 26 When are you flying out from the cage?

My name and form will soon be found getting established everywhere.
They will occupy every inch of the world.

God Descends on Earth, Page 37

The day the young dentist was leaving Australia approached. In the long three years the dentist had walked dirty roads, worked on forklift and all other manner of labour unrelated to his profession as a dentist. The dentist proclaimed 'I have never shopped this much in my lifetime and it will probably be the first and the last time. I did my best not to waste Swami's money. For now I intend to return to India and stay in the ashram until Sai Baba guides me to where I must go next.'
Hearing this Yoshio told the dentist 'You have a great love and deep devotion for God. You work hard yet why must you ask physically of God the next stage of life? You must listen to the whispering of God inside your soul and forge your way through life. I gave you the responsibility of buying many items but in so making a list did we call Sai Baba and get confirmation for every item? Sai Baba resides in the every heart and will teach you everything. Without your ego or sense of I in every decision Sai Baba will look after everything. No matter what you do it will become God's work. An offering to the Lord. That is spiritual confidence. In this world there are endless individuals who are only interested in themselves and cannot climb to the spiritual level you are standing at today. Those who believe some actions are theirs and some belong to God, some belongings are theirs and others to God can also not make it to this level. I feel that Swami sent you here to escape the cage of your own making and to gain spiritual freedom.'
The dentist responded 'In the interview room I was told three times by Sai Baba that I was lucky to go to Australia. Also in a recent dream Sai Baba also asked me when will you become like Yoshio and fly around the world freely? I am always ready to liberate you. Even knowing the exhausting moments of our work I feel extremely lucky to have come here and feel liberated.' Content the young dentist returned to India.

Not long after returning the dentist helped pack hundreds of boxes of Sathya Sai Baba books alongside Sai College students under the instruction of Sai Baba destined for Narrogin. In the town of Narrogin, using the strength of Hanuman on his tongue Yoshio carried a box of books from the big sea container one by one alongside Sai Baba.

One should not feel great or proud when he gives his all and boasts of his sense of renunciation.
The real renunciation is to give oneself away.
Then the Guru will grant him freedom to follow his own will, as Krishna did,
"Beloved to Arjuna ! As you will, so you act. Think well and do as you like."
Krishna told him all the advice he needed and He had also accepted the ego Arjuna has discarded.
And so Arjuna could now be granted freedom to act as he willed, for his will had become His.
The individual who has reached that level has to be given freedom.

Vidya Vahini Ch 12

Chapter 27 The World will know Narrogin

You are surprised that I can be in two bodies at the same time, or in a thousand different places.

Sathyam Sivam Sundaram Part 4, Page 194

After the young Indian dentist had returned home Sai Baba came to Yoshio in a dream 'On the 11th of December 1997 the Narrogin Project will become known to the world.' Yoshio did not know what would occur on that very date but perhaps thought that an international disaster could occur and awoke early to find staff had flown in from a well known Australian TV show, 60 minutes, appear at his door. Local members of the town of Narrogin had informed the news group of an apparent cult that had been growing under Yoshio's work. On the very same day various news channels, magazine and newspaper groups came to interview Yoshio about his project. Yoshio immediately felt sceptical of the medias motives and asked them all to leave. However, as Yoshio had been specifically notified of the date and event by Sai Baba Yoshio felt he had a responsibility to inform the media of the true nature of the Narrogin project.
Yoshio called the media by phone to tell them that he was not hiding or running away and if there was anything they would like to see Yoshio would show them and if there were any questions Yoshio would answer all of them. However Yoshio laid out the one condition that the media represent Yoshio and the project honestly. One of the directors of a TV show had earlier threatened to broadcast a fictitious story of the project without Yoshio's permission after being asked to leave but later apologised after gaining full access to Yoshio's story. For the ten days following Yoshio held interviews with various media outlets. This was only the beginning.

The next three years over three thousand visitors came to speak to Yoshio about the project. Sai Baba once again told Yoshio in a dream 'Tomorrow a group of Singaporeans will be coming. Prepare food and accommodation and look after them like your own family. There will be another family from Melbourne but they are only coming for sightseeing so you can talk and send them on their way.' In this manner Sai Baba would instruct and help Yoshio.

A family from South Africa intending to migrate to New Zealand but at each attempt were rejected residency. The family went to see a famous medium called Rose Marry who is visiting from UK ,regarding the multiple migration failure attempts and were told that an Afro haired man was destroying their applications. However on the next appeal the Afro haired man would grant them the visa but on the condition that they would reside in Western Australia. The medium furthermore told the family that in Western Australia a man named Yoshio would be waiting with his door wide open. The following year the family was granted permanent residency to New Zealand. The family also went to visit Sai Baba in India and were granted an interview. In the interview room Sai Baba reinforced the same conditions told to them by the medium.
As the number of visitors decreased over the years it had become year 2001. Yoshio noticed a change in Toyo's behaviour. Later the doctors diagnosed Toyo's with Alzheimer's.

India will be the leader of the world in all respects - spiritually, culturally, socially, politically and economically.
All her past glory, culture and traditions will be revived and she will shine forth as the leading nation of the world.
This is how it was yugas (ages) ago and this is how it will be once more.

Sathya Sai Amrita Varshini, Page 34

Chapter 28 Reasons for return

"I will be in this mortal human form for 59 years more and I shall certainly achieve the purpose of this Avatar; do not doubt it.
I will take My own time to carry out My Plan so far as you are concerned.
I cannot hurry because you are hurrying.
I may sometimes wait until I can achieve ten things at one stroke; just as an engine is not used to haul one coach, but awaits until sufficient haulage in proportion to its capacity is ready.
But My Word will never fail; it must happen as I will."


Yoshio's life became completely devoted to caring for Toyo. Ten years had elapsed. The news of Sai Baba being admitted into hospital had also reached Yoshio. Sai Baba had previously stated that the physical body would be work until 96 years of age and Yoshio had believed that Sai Baba would be discharged from the hospital. In the news it was announced that Sai Baba's physical body had passed on. Yoshio understood immediately that this was Sai Baba's Leela(playful). For Sai Baba's body to pass and then be resurrected there would be no doubt in the world that Sai Baba was God. Sai Baba had made many promises in discourses which had yet to be fulfilled. The dilemma was knowing when Sai Baba would return. The formally accepted view by the Sathya Sai community was that Sai Baba's body had reached 96 years according to the moon calendar. Yoshio found this view to be both disconcerting and amusing. It was only another one of Sai Baba's tests to each individual devotee.
There were those who would take advantage of innocent people proclaiming to communicate with Sai Baba's spirit and leave messages in return for money. Yoshio had been expecting many such occurrences from so called mediums and psychics after Sai Baba's death, like mushroom sprouting after a heavy rain.
Yoshio had a couple of encounters with so called psychics who claimed they were in contact with Sai Baba's spirit. one psychic instructed Yoshio to spend money on one specific family while the other psychic advised to start a non for profit organisation for street kids under the directive of Sai Baba's message through them. Yoshio saw through their disceet and knew if Sai Baba truly wanted something he would have contacted Yoshio directly and not through other people. He mentioned this to the two psychics and he never saw them again.
The next story reinforces this view.
SaiBaba told one of the long time devotee Mr.Narasimha Moorthy who believed SaiBaba took over a devotee's body to give a message to the other devotees:
『Do you have any common sense or not?
How can you who has been so close to me who has been here always .
Inspite of so many years that you had spent in front of me.
How can you bring this kind of matter in front of me?
Why should I enter someone's dirty body to communicate?
If I want to speak to somebody else, I would speak directly.』

Yoshio's belief in Sai Baba's return was not based on a yearning for God's physical body. Yoshio already knew that Sai Baba resided in his heart.
There was an important reason for Sai Baba leaving the physical body. Of all the events in mankind's history the greatest miracle was yet to be performed and it begins with Sai Baba leaving the physical body. At the age of 25 a very strange phenomenon occurred where Sai Baba had taken ill for a year and was resting at an elderly devotees house called Sakamma. A mandir had just been completed that year and thousands of devotees were due to arrive. Sai Baba's physical body was struggling to accept the overwhelming spiritual energy amassed from the thousands of devotees. Krishna lifted the Govardhan hill with small finger and prior to this event isolated himself in a hut to amass the spiritual power required to execute such a feat. The mere presence of the young Krishna was so powerful that to touch his physical body would turn one into a pile of ash. There is a purpose to Sai Baba leaving the physical body, remove the limitations of the body and prepare for the upcoming events.
Sathya Sai Baba is not the only Avatar but one of three. The current Avatar is the embodiment of both Shiva and Parvathi who is responsible for both cleansing the world and peace. The third Avatar is Prema Sai Baba a manifestation of Parvati and world peace. In 1978, Sai Baba stated that “This manifestation is some forty years away. The world will become peaceful. That is his name: Prema Sai. All will be love – love, love, love everywhere.” So in the age of Prema Sai Baba, the world will be in a Golden Age, an era of peace. Without a doubt Sathya Sai Baba will return to bring about the destruction and cleansing and in the aftermath the peace and unity of the world.

One of the key reasons why God's incarnation came to us in this era is to reduce the killing of animals by humans. This indiscriminate killing of animals before the completion of their natural lifespans interrupts the full course of their dharma. This creates problems karmically. The animals that have been killed become reborn as humans in the next life, but with a much greater likelihood to have base, animalistic tendencies. They are unable to properly control their emotions or desires and cannot follow their conscience. This is a significant negative development for society. These people, we will refer to as animal minded humans, run rampant, especially in the big cities to fulfill their base desires. That is why Swami has said big cities have to be destroyed because they have become dens of adharmic people.
Is there anyone at this moment who is crying in their yearning to reach and find god? People will never wake up and turn towards god unless something hits them with the truth on the head. Sai Baba has said that 'He will succeed in averting the crisis that has come upon humanity.' He also said 'God is allowing mankind to destroy the world. Only when mankind is brought to his knees will then cause the return of mankind towards God' which means there will be a 'storm' before the Golden Age.
In anticipation of these events, Yoshio has thrown away his fortune, so as to reduce the future suffering of the people. As with the labor pains of birth, the people will have to share the suffering before the advent of a new age.

Today, the reason why the human population is increasing is because of the attitude of the people.
For man to eke out living, to fill the small tummy of his God has created plenty in the world.
God has created a large amount of rice, a large amount of fruit, a large amount of wheat.
While such good food has been created by God yet we go and eat meat and fish.
And all the fish which we kill and eat are reborn as human beings.

Summer Showers in Brindavan1977, p 182

Chaper 29 I never go back on My promise (Kotodama)

After the harvest when the sheaves of grains are winnowed, the wind blows away all the chaff, leaving only the grains behind.
Through this process, the true devotees will remain steadfast.
The wavering puppets will drift away.
This is the process of winnowing.

SS, Vol. 36, No. 12, Dec. 1993, 333.

Once Sai Baba appears in the sky, the whole world will become one with Sai. The world will be filled with the voices of people yearning for Sai. Tears of joy and relief will stream down everyone's faces. The Vedas will be chanted throughout every corner of the world. Dharma, Justice, Peace and Love will be reestablished everywhere. The people will come together in a spirit of brotherhood and the Golden Age will arrive.

When Sai Baba was a young boy, there was a faithful brahmin lady called Subbamma who was given many opportunities to help with Swami's work. Subbamma's residence was used as the meeting place from which Sai Baba conducted his numerous interviews. Subbamma was a selfless devotee but she had just one desire, which she asked of Swami. She wanted to drink a glass of water from Swami's hand when she would one day lie dying on her deathbed. Years passed by, but on the fateful day that Subbamma was to pass away, Sai Baba was not able to come to her and fulfill that wish.

In fact, a full day passed before Swami arrived before the body of the deceased Subbamma. Upon the funeral pyre, ants were crawling all over her body. The family of Subbamma had gathered and they were very much angered by the presence of Sai Baba. They knew of the devoted Subbamma's singular wish and felt betrayed that Sai Baba had broken his promise to her, who had been the most ardent of devotees.
In hindsight though, we find out that God's words always come true. His words are words of power (in japanese it is known as kotodama).
Swami has said that he will appear in the skies around the whole world! He will simultaneously appear in a myriad locations. He has promised to rescue and end the suffering of the countless animals that are killed for food. He has said that he will finish the conflicts and endless wars. He will bring about a golden age that will bring peace to the world for thousands of years. He has even said that he will lift a whole mountain range to save people from certain death from a tidal wave. This is the mission for which Sai Baba came to earth. This has been promised to us. As Subbamma was promised by SaiBaba.

『People came running to Me and said, "Swami, Your Subbamma passed away last night."
Immediately, I turned the car and went to Bukkapatnam straightaway.
Her body was kept in the verandah, covered with a cloth. The entire household was grief stricken.

Once Swami makes a promise, He will certainly fulfil it under any circumstances. I removed the cloth covering the body. As she had passed away the previous night, ants were crawling all over her body.
I called out, "Subbamma," and she opened her eyes.

This news spread like wildfire within no time. The people of Bukkapatnam started crowding the place telling each other that Subbamma was brought back to life. Subbamma's mother was a hundred years old at that time.
I told her to bring a glass of water with a Tulasi leaf (holy basil) soaked in it. I put the Tulasi leaf in Subbamma's mouth and made her drink some water.

I said, "Subbamma, I have kept up My promise. Now, you may close your eyes peacefully."
She said, “Swami, what more do I need? I am leaving blissfully." Shedding tears of joy, she held My hands and breathed her last.

This is how I keep My promise under any circumstances. In this manner, I never go back on My promise.』

- Divine Discourse, October 20, 2002

Very soon, Parthi will undergo a massive transformation.
Still, I am supporting my will.
As this is not adequate.
I am having another built.
But even that will not at all be enough.
A shed as big as sky is needed.
All these days I traveled by the car and air.
Hereafter, it won't be like that.
I shall myself fly in the sky. (A storm of applause arouse)
All the people will witness it at the same time.
Noting follows me,nobody does,or can. No one can deceive Swami.
If they do, they will die with their heads smashed to pieces.
All are mine.
If you pray, "The servant's fault is excused with a salutation, "I would say, "Dear one! Here is protection!" I am warning you again and again this day itself.
Do not have regrets afterwards that I have not warned you.

Other than you refuge there is none.p276
