
Count down to the Golden age

SaiBaba will return! Part 5(English version)

2015-11-23 00:05:26 | 日記
Chapter 30 Poem

《 He will return 》


Wake up, wake up, arise.
He will return; He will come.
And yet, how long will you keep living in this way?
Who is coming?
His name is Sathya. His teaching is truth. His words always come true.
He will stride across the sky and give us darshan.
And yet, how much do you respect His words?


Wake up, wake up, arise.
He will return; He will come.
And yet, how long will you keep living in this way?
Why is He coming?
To finish the work He has come to do.
Every one of us will witness humanity's greatest miracles
And yet, how much do you respect His words?


Warning, warning, caution.
He will return; He will come.
And yet, how long will you keep living in this way?
What should I do?
Soon He will lift an entire mountain range to save small villages and towns from being wiped out by a tsunami.
Many millions of people will flock to His side.
And yet, how much do you respect His words?


Prayer, prayer, praying.
He will return; He will come.
And yet, how long will you keep living in this way?
Is it true I can be redeemed?
Let us sing His name; let us repeat it.
According to an ancient prophecy
In the last ten years of His life He will be king of the world.
And yet, how much do you respect His words?

《 Oh what an Avatar Swami! 》

Oh what a trick Swami!
Everyone was cheated this time.
While everybody pays respect to your body, only you are prepared to return with your new physical form.

Oh what a joke Swami!
Everyone's faith was tested this time.
While everybody believed in the Luna calendar theory, only you are laughing at this funny joke.

Oh what grace Swami!
Everyone was shedding tears at your funeral this time.
While everybody treats you as an ordinary mortal, only you are prepared to reveal your true nature.

Oh what a miracle Swami!
Everyone thinks your mission is over this time.
While everybody is taking lightly your words, only you are going to perform the biggest miracles.

Oh what an avatar Swami!
Everyone has lost the meaning of truth this time.
While everybody is shedding tears, only you are smiling behind the scene.

《 Is it a joke ?》

Is it a joke that you will establish Dharma in the world?
Is it a joke that you will conduct a world tour ?
Is it a joke that you will walk across the sky ?
Is it a joke that you will lift a whole mountain range?
Is it a joke that you will make peace around the world?
Is it a joke that you will rescue the poorest of the poor around the world?
Is it a joke that you will spread one thousand times more glory around the world?
Is it a joke that you will bring the Golden Age in the world?

Oh Swami! Though you are moving in front of people and performing several gigantic tasks right
in front of their eyes, people are unable to recognise your true nature and get convinced by
your words.
How strange it is!
I know you never waste even a single word, Your words always come true. Whatever you speak it
is Truth! You are the Lord Himself.
Come back Swami! Come back!
And make a joke of those who insist Swami has died at an age of 96 years by the Luna calendar.

《 You will return to do it. 》

You have gone before you established Dharma in the world.
But I'm sure that you will return to do it. Because your name is Sathya.
You have gone before you conducted the world tour.
But I'm sure that you will return to do it. Because your name is Sathya.
You have gone before you gave Darshan from the sky.
But I'm sure that you will return to do it. Because your name is Sathya.
You have gone before you lifted the whole mountain range.
But I'm sure that you will return to do it. Because your name is Sathya.
You have gone before you made peace around the world.
But I'm sure that you will return to do it. Because your name is Sathya.
You have gone before you rescue the poorest of the poor around the world.
But I'm sure that you will return to do it. Because your name is Sathya.
You have gone before you have spread one thousand times more glory around
the world.
But I'm sure that you will return to do it. Because your name is Sathya.
You have gone before you created the Golden Age in the world.
But I'm sure that you will return to do it. Because your name is Sathya.
Oh Swami Swami Swami!You haven't filled up your love to my tiny heart yet.
But I'm sure that you will return to do it. Because you're the embodiment of Love

Back word

Thank you for reading till the end. This book was primarily based from the first five articles of my Japanese blog called 'Sai Baba ga Kaettekuruyo' (Sai Baba will return) which has more than 700 articles written over the last three years and partly taken from the book called 'TOYO' by Lily Chan, a memoir of my mother (published by Black Inc). I like to thank all my children with assisting translate this book from Japanese to English I would have never done it without you. In particular Anabel who sacrificed most of her free time after work to help me.

In this very moment although Sai Baba still hasn't returned yet I can foresee big events that will happen to this world in the near future due to the current human activity in the world. If these events do pass only God's name can protect you.
God's name is the only way you can be connected to God like a telephone hotline. As long as we identify with our bodes we will never be free from the hardships and grief of this world. This is actually God's gift to make us realise that God is present in all of humankind and this change in consciousness is good for all of us. This is why from the rare opportunity presented to us let us live by reciting God's name and bring God closer to our lives. If you do so you will succeed in your life.
In any case a dark cloud does not cover the sun forever. Pain is located between happiness. A bright and happy future is waiting for us. I wish that everyone will be blessed by God and enjoy the Golden Age which is just around the corner.

Jay Sairam

Yoshio Cho

People do not follow My words properly.
They take My words lightly, thinking them to be just a joke or fun.
Whatever I speak, even if it is a joke or for fun, it is Truth, Truth and Truth only!
Unfortunately, people do not recognise this truth, even those who move very closely with Swami.
They therefore take it lightly.
They just listen and forget about it.
But, surely the result of their apathy would be apparent sooner than later.
Only those who are unable to visualise the future will be taking my words lightly.
Though Swami is moving in front of them, giving them darshan, talking to them now and then, and performing several gigantic tasks right in front of their eyes, people are unable to recognise His true nature and get convinced by His words.
How strange it is!

Finally I want to say Thank you to Radio Sai and Brother S, Narayan, Author of 'Sai Thy Kingdom come' to allow me to use his beautiful images.

'Sai Thy Kingdom come' is a book which informs the public about Sai Baba's return. It is based upon the author's unshakeable faith and his study about Swami's teaching. It is inspiring and encourages lots of devotees to also believe in Swami's return .

You can read 'Sai Thy Kingdom come' from http://saikingdom.com
