
Count down to the Golden age

SaiBaba will return !Part3 (English version)

2015-11-23 00:02:31 | 日記
Chapter 15 Future Map of the World

Many natural catastrophes are entirely due to man's behaviour.
Earthquake, volcanic eruptions, wars, floods and famines and other calamities are the result of grave disorders in Nature.
These disorders are traceable to man's conduct.
Man has not recognised the integral relationship between humanity and the world of Nature…

Sathya Sai Speaks Volume 25 Chapter 37

Guided by the holy man on the train to Sai Baba's presence Hoshi still had the desire to visit holy locations in India and bathe in the river Ganges. At midnight rain had been falling heavily but as the night progressed it began to intensify. Hoshi was awoken by a foul odour and the sensation of water to find his room had been flooded. The water had overflowed from the bathroom and was filled with sewerage. Hoshi managed to clean the room and himself before attending the morning darshan. Called into an interview Sai Baba had cheekily asked 'How was the dip into the Ganges?' Sai Baba then held out both palms materialising separate scrolls in each and said 'Which do you choose?' Hoshi not able to comprehend what was being asked attempted to read what had been written on the scrolls that appeared to have the dimpled skin of animal leathers. On one was a drawing of a familiar face that Hoshi realised was of Prema Sai without a beard. The other had a map of the world that appeared to be drawn in one continuous line. The map did not match any Hoshi knew of the current geographic land masses. Multiple countries were missing or grossly smaller in size. Hoshi told Sai Baba that he did not understand the world map made up of chaotic lines and would instead choose the handsome face of Prema Sai. The scrolls rolled back up and disappeared into Sai Baba's palms. 'You chose Prema Sai. You will need to be reborn once more in Mysore.' Sai Baba said. Over powered by Sai Baba's divine play Hoshi was not able to respond and sat in a daze.
Mr and Mrs Sakata had been present at the interview and met again with Hoshi in Japan at the Mt Daisen hotel in the Tottori prefecture. Mrs Sakata claimed to have seen a thinner Japan in the map that had been produced by Sai Baba. Hoshi disagreed having seen the map much closer that the sliver of land was in fact the Ural mountain ranges in Russia. Regardless it was agreed that there would be large changes to the earth prior to the coming of Prema Sai. Many countries appeared to be wiped off the map in what could be caused by large tsunamis enveloping the land. They discussed that staying on Mt.Daisen, a large mountain facing the Japan sea, would provide them the shelter from any tsunami Japan may face from the Pacific Ocean. One of them wanted to purchase a bus as a shuttle that could transport individuals to the safety of the mountain. The three had been talking late into the night and at two in the morning there was a sudden knock at their hotel room. Concerned by the late hour and the stranger who would be knocking at that hour they slowly opened the door to find Sai Baba standing there.

Sai Baba asked 'Am I disturbing you? Can I enter?' In shock they stuttered their reply and asked him to enter. Sai Baba materialised white coloured vibuthi for each of them telling them that the discussion they were having was pointless and heading in a different direction to Sai Baba's play. Graced with Sai Baba's presence shared between just the three of them became a moment of intense happiness. They requested to touch Sai Baba's feet and without waiting for a reply they all payed homage to his feet. Sai Baba offered to answer any questions and was asked ' Why would such a thing happen as represented by the world map you materialised? Is it caused by destruction of the environment by the current human population?'. Sai Baba said ' The number one cause is the actions taken by people against Dharma especially in the big cities around the grove. The actions of people versus the strength of Mother Earth is minuscule and of no real consequence. Mother Earth can easily return back to creation as it was in the beginning. However there is one thing Mother Earth cannot ignore and that is A-Dharmic actions. Especially the injustice, lies, immorality and violence that has become prevalent in society today. Hence the destruction of major cities is inevitable.' Hoshi then preceded to ask about the change in his path if he had chosen the map instead of being reborn under the guidance of Prema Sai. Sai Baba told Hoshi 'If you had chosen the map you would have to serve multiple acts of seva in this lifetime. In Australia there is much work waiting.' Suddenly all the lights in the room went dark following Sai Baba's announcement of 'That should be enough for today,' and when the lights returned there was no evidence of Sai Baba.

He has recently materialised a map of the world as it is to be.
He has said there will be adjustments to the surface of the planet and certain clear-out of the population.

The Embodiment of Love p 230

Chapter 16 Four bridal candidates

Very soon the glory of Sai will spread to every part of the world.
It will increase a thousandfold.

SS, Vol. 36, No. 12, Dec. 1993, 333.

Yoshio attended the first Sai Baba National conference held in Kobe, Japan .When Hoshi met Yoshio for the first time, he rushed towards Yoshio and embraced him, saying 'I've been waiting to see you. 'Yoshio replied 'Me too.' They became like real brothers. Yoshio was always in Hoshi's company and they talked about Swami all night until the early morning. Yoshio realized Hoshi always walked with a small side bag and when Yoshio enquired on its contents Hoshi opened the bag to reveal a small preciously framed photo of Sai Baba. The photo was half shrouded in the holy ash vibhuthi and only half of Sai Baba's face was visible. The frame was housed in a wooden box which was also filled with vibhuthi. Hoshi told Yoshio that if he was to leave it be the box would overflow and instead following bhajan the vibhuthi would be used by all present. During such a proceeding Hoshi had wiped the photo clean but by the end of the bhajan the photo was covered in vibhuthi. Usually the ash would sit on top of the glass but on this occasion ash poured out from the photo itself and with a sharp crack the glass shattered under the pressure. Hoshi would constantly be singing bhajan softly regardless of the place. Yoshio would notice at times Hoshi would stop singing and upon glancing at his face would realise Hoshi was crying tears of ecstasy thinking of Sai Baba.

Hoshi recounted a fascinating story from Kodaikanal. A volunteer had built a straw basket to help carry dirt needed for construction. Hoshi too joined the line of volunteers to help carry the dirt but feeling exhausted moved to a shaded area under a tree to rest. A figure came to stand beside Hoshi and he realised it was Sai Baba. Hoshi feeling guilty for taking a break immediately begged forgiveness and wished to return to the line of volunteers. Sai Baba gently told him it was fine and to continue rest. Instead Sai Baba asked for Hoshi's notepad that he wrote in everyday and after opening it to a certain page began to write in it. Sai Baba lightly threw it back at him saying 'I have written advice for you in how you can keep progressing in life from now on. Read it well. I have also written four candidates to be your future bride. They are all ladies of good standing. You should choose the one most appropriate for you.' Hoshi showed Yoshio the four names saying that he had yet to meet the last of the four. Yoshio asked whether the previous three were nice girls and Hoshi said 'Indeed. But I am waiting to meet the last of the four before making a decision. In all honesty I don't want to get married. I would prefer to contemplate on God.' After making that statement Hoshi followed through by never marrying the rest of his life.

Sai Baba was to move on to Mumbai and Hoshi decided to follow along with Mr and Mrs Sakata. Arriving at Mumbai they were in shock at the number of people present at darshan. A seva dal approached them asking the Mrs Sakata to quickly present herself as Sai Baba had personally requested her to sing a bhajan. She was quickly swept into the crowd and Hoshi in shock was amazed at the turn of events. Mr Sakata was almost in tears stating 'It is a life long dream of my wife to sing Manase Bhajare in front of Sai Baba.' Mrs Sakata was seated with the other Indian singers and was looked at with curiosity from bystanders. Slightly nervous the song began on a high pitched tone but on completion there was a feeling of great fulfilment. Coming an unbelievable distance to Mumbai and having Sai Baba listen to their song even though they were not expert singers they felt immense gratitude. Following the end of the bhajan she began to leave with the other singers when they were again approached by a seva dal to attend an interview with Sai Baba.

Sai Baba was just about to enter the toilet as Mrs Sakata and the other singers rushed to the interview room. Sai Baba cheekily said with a complicated face 'Oh dear you've caught me at a bad time.' There was only a small group of less than ten women Bhajan singers waiting in the room adjacent to the toilet and to cover the sounds Sai Baba began to sing a bhajan in a loud voice. The women began laughing at Sai Baba's playful nature and Sai Baba reentered the room grinning and seated himself on the floor with everybody else. In a relaxed mode Sai Baba began to make jokes and after making everyone laugh reclined on his side and closed his eyes. All the ladies present slowly moved to make a circle around Sai Baba's sleeping form and quietly began to sing bhajans as a group. So as not to wake Sai Baba they chose to sing soft melodies like a Krishna songs alternately taking turns to sing.
Sai Baba's orange robe slowly rose and fell with each deep breathe taken in his sleep. Mrs Sakata began to lose awareness of the difference between earth or heaven. The feeling of not wanting to return to her current worldly abode and to stop time in this moment forever with Sai Baba took over.

Hoshi realised after Mrs Sakata came back and she had stopped talking. Hoshi understood her feeling of only wanting God. Hoshi explained to her husband 'Property, marriage, wealth, power, family, job, politics and all things to do with the world begin to feel meaningless. Only God is important. Only God is what you want. Eventually overtime there will be a moment when even the desire for God fades as your true self as God becomes liberated. Until that moment you need to cry and hunger for God.'

As one moves away the image grows smaller and smaller, although actually, the image has not changed at all.
The same happens with the world.
As one turns to God with stronger love, the world recedes, appearing smaller until it can hardly be noticed at all.
Really, there is only the heart.

Conversations with Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba p73

Chapter 17 The Japanese Devotee with the Devotion of Gold

Today we find acts of violence everywhere.
But whatever is happening, in a way, is for your own good.
Everyone will develop sacred feelings.
All will enjoy the divine bliss.
The entire nation will enjoy peace and happiness soon.
There will not be any difficulties or suffering.

Divine Discourse, Brindavan, March 16, 2003

Hoshi passed away saying that he would return in another life to service Prema Sai as promised by Sai Baba. Hoshi was tender and sensitive and easily hurt by the complications of dealing with other people's egos. Hoshi had asked how people could deliberately hurt each other when God was giving so much love. These people were not human. The outward appearance was human but their souls were the level of an animal and Hoshi could not stand to be in the same plane. Hoshi just wanted to live in the glory of God day by day and anguished over having to deal with people instead.
Hoshi was a regular patron of an Indian restaurant and would sing bhajans loudly with Yoshio before being admonished by the staff and would then softly sing under his breath.
At the ashram in India Hoshi became distressed after Sai Baba appeared to be ignoring him and no longer able to bear the indifference Hoshi had latched onto Sai Baba's feet during darshan. Begging for relief Hoshi cried 'I don't remember what travesty I may have caused but I will be mindful from this day forward in all my actions so please look at me again. Please smile at me again. Please. Otherwise until you forgive me I will not remove myself from your feet.'Because Hoshi hold SaiBaba's feet so strong ,Although Seva dal try to separate them but they could'nt. Mean while Saibaba was looking at Hoshi with smiling and great compassion.
Hoshi and Yoshio sang a Japanese bhajan that had been written by Yoshio with tears streaming down his face and Yoshio was grateful to witness the intensity of Hoshi's devotion.
Hoshi had many rings materialised by Sai Baba so many in fact that there were almost not enough fingers to wear them all. From the photo of Sai Baba that Hoshi faithfully carried everywhere not only would the holy ash vibhuthi arise but fine gold powder. Sai Baba once told Hoshi that to have a devotion of gold would be rewarded with real gold. Only a small number of people knew about the numerous intimate conversations that occurred between Hoshi and God. For the devotees that follow Hoshi left behind a legacy of pure devotion and love. To be loved by God one cannot be complacent one needs to desire God until they are crying. And for the first time God will turn to look and hold you for the ego has gone and like a child that only has eyes for God you are finally qualified to receive all the attention.
Yoshio received from Hoshi the signed photo of Sai Baba to be forever treasured. Yoshio realised that Hoshi had known his time was short and had then given away his dearest treasure to Yoshio. Yoshio knew that Hoshi's legacy would live in Yoshio's children and grand children with that photo. Although Yoshio had never confirmed his standing with Hoshi he believed even to this day that Hoshi had been his most closest and dearest friend. From all the people Yoshio had met to him Hoshi had been a stand out Japanese devotee.
In the Golden Age to come there is no doubt that Hoshi's story will become a great myth. Yoshio had never met a devotee so blessed by Sai Baba as Hoshi had been. Yoshio thought Hoshi does not suit this current barren world but rather the glorious period of Prema Sai. Until that moment Hoshi could gain strength and stay by Sai Baba's side. Yoshio thought how lucky Hoshi was to be showered with so much grace and would eat even the dirt on Hoshi's foot to receive even a shadow of that love. Yoshio hoped that if their destinies demanded it that they meet again in another lifetime. "Let's meet again Hoshi-yan," Yoshio said.

Can you hear the whisper of the voice of your conscience
Can you understand the pain in Buddha's heart
There are many flowers growing from the material world
There are many evils from the Kali Yuga
But wanting to gain the wisdom and truth of Buddha
Mantra Namu ami dabutsu I will chant

Avatars do not succeed or fail;
what they will must occur;
what they plan must take place...
I have come to inscribe a golden chapter in the history of humanity, wherein falsehood will fail, truth will triumph, and virtue will reign.
Character will confer power then, not knowledge, or inventive skill, or wealth. Wisdom will be enthroned in the councils of nations.

Sathya Sai Baba, Embodiment of Love, p174

Chapter 18 A Worldwide Clean up

Man is deriving innumerable debt from Nature, and enjoying the amenities provided by Nature in various ways.
But what is the gratitude he is showing to Nature?
What gratitude is he offering to the Divine?
He is forgetting the Divine who is the provider of everything.
That is the reason for his becoming a prey to various difficulties and calamities.

Sathya Sai Speaks Volume 21 Chapter 19

Yoshio returned to Australia and whenever he had the time would visit the surrounding countryside. Three days went by quickly and on a single day Yoshio easily covered 600 km. At each location Yoshio would document and photograph the landscape and present them to Sai Baba's altar in Perth. Yoshio asked 'Where should I progress to next?' Yoshio was also fed stories from numerous individuals advising him on devotees who had purchased land in high altitude locations to protect themselves from any incoming tsunami. To them this was proof that they had no faith in Sai Baba for the teachings claimed that the physical body is not your true self so why go running away inland trying to protect oneself. If such a disaster was to really befall the world Sai Baba would protect and save all his devotees. For this reason people should pray and become followers of Sai Baba. Those of more logical thinking would ask why one would not ask Sai Baba directly where the safest locations are in an interview. If Sai Baba did not give an answer then why spend ones time and money on a pointless endeavour. Dr Hislop happened to be visiting Perth and Yoshio had the opportunity to meet and enquire on Sai Baba's comment on the need for a change at a global level.
Dr Hislop told Yoshio that if he happened to be making preparations for global changes to continue doing so. Yoshio believed that everything he was doing from that point onwards was entirely God's will. The items purchased and money spent was not for individual use nor was there any thought for preserving his own life. Yoshio realised from early on that the world was nothing but an illusion. Yoshio knew that his duty was not to ask Sai Baba for everything but become an active instrument of God. Before partaking a meal one does not ask God if it is right to bring the food to the mouth rather one should listen to their conscience to make their decisions.
If Sai Baba was to leave the physical form how would one be able to make a Dharmic choice if they needed to be told every step of the way. Sai Baba is present in every moment in each individual's life and when the time is right will give a sign if required. Along the way others may ridicule or accuse of wrong doing but is of no consequence as long as one follows Sai Baba and their conscience.
The Italian devotee who had seen the world map materialised by Sai Baba contacted Yoshio with interest of moving to Western Australia with fifteen other individuals. The man had a copy of the rumoured world map and was able to present it to Yoshio's family. Yoshio examined the map very carefully and found out that it was the exact same map as what Hoshi saw in the interview room.
Yoshio described the events leading to the changes in the map to Sue and Toyo. Holding an old mandarin the skin became the crust of the world and underneath the flesh represented the magma that would separate and move the crust. The axis would remain steady and only the earth's crust would shift. The reasoning was the numerous mines around the equator changing the balance between the polar and equatorial regions and the centrifugal forces causing a shift in the crust. The cavities left behind the mined areas would remain balanced if water was placed back into the recesses. Humans are destroying the balance of nature and hence such consequences will occur. The shift will occur within a moment and everywhere. Entire cities will be swept under water. From the viewer it will appear that a tsunami is approaching the land but in fact the land will be entering the waters. Signs from a large solar storm disrupting the magnetic field between the earth's crust and mantle, aura's seen in lower latitudes than the norm, increase in volcanic or earthquake activities all need to be taken as a warning. All must take heed when evil has overtaken all corners of the world as global elites are doing purposefully working towards currently.
In this world there are a multitude of evil souls who are scheming behind the curtain wanting to destroy humanity, crash the world economy, create viruses, raise false flags and chaos in religion and sensationalise politics to create global panic. In such moments the beginning of a clean up of the world would be instigated.
People will beg and pray to God and at such a time God will prevail. Sai Baba has said 'I will appear in the sky. I will have many bodies and visit the whole world. I will lift an entire mountain range .' Thousands of people will be saved by lifting the mountain ranges around the globe. However people should not be worried for one is not the physical body. Even if the physical body was to pass the soul lives forever. In the circumstance that the physical body still thrives then action should be taken to help and serve others. Following the changes a Golden Age will dawn. More than a thousand years of happiness will follow. The individuals who may pass will be reborn into a new era of a life of happiness and peace. Yoshio had been given a glimpse of the prosperity ahead and also knew the duty awaiting him.
Yoshio asked his family if together they would do God's work for the good of the people. Toyo recalled Yoshio's father stating a similar story. Toyo was tired and nauseous after birth and had no interest in listening to her husband's story who persisted in recounting a dream. Yoshio had always believed his name meant 'Yo 世 for world, Shio 潮 as the water current, giving meaning as 'Current news of the World.' Yoshio always thought it was like an analysis of the world's situation written in newspaper articles. However Yoshio's father dreamt, on the day Yoshio was born, of a world covered in water, followed soon after by a resplendent sunrise reflected on the peaceful horizon of the earth. The Shio 潮 in Yoshio in fact represents water 氵and the morning 朝. Yoshio means 'A world covered in water and in the morning there is sunrise.'

Sri Baba surprised everyone in the recent past by materialising a map, which showed the shape things to come during the next over four decades.
Yes! over four decades!...because Baba says he will live up to ninety six years in the present body....

The Glory of Puttaparthi p25

When onece the (earth's) balance is lost on one side, it (earth axis will be)tilts

Chapter 19 Looking for a photograph of Australia

You can witness very soon the restoration of the Ancient and Eternal Religion (Sanathana Dharma) to its genuine and natural status, the righteousness (dharma) laid down in the Vedas for the good of all the peoples of the world.
The revival of vedic dharma is the Sai Sankalpa (the resolve that Sai has) not only drawing people toward me, attracting them by the manifestation of my shakti (power) and samarthya (capacity).

Divine Discourse, May 17, 1968

One day guests from Brisbane and Sydney, one being the chair person of the Australian Sathya Sai Organisation and another gentleman called Arthur Hilcott, chair person of the Australia and Pacific Ocean Region, visited. Arthur Hilcott had been nicknamed the white lion by Sai Baba and accordingly had a white beard like mane that reached his stomach. Both had recently attended Christmas celebrations at the ashram in India with a delegation of over 50 Australians and New Zealanders. Sai Baba had expressed to see a photograph of Australia. Both chairmans were individually asking each member of the large delegation and not one was able to produce a photograph of Australia. A devotee who knew of Yoshio had spoken to Arthur Hilcott in regards to Yoshio and his work. The following morning Arthur Hilcott approached Sai Baba on the balcony and queried whether the photographs Sai Baba had wished to see were the very same as that of a devotee he had heard was taking photographs of locations in Western Australia. Sai Baba replied positively and claimed that the Japanese man was indeed the holder of the photographs alongside an Italian national. Chairman curiously asked the purpose of the photographs and whether they were an act of selfless service. Sai Baba told him to go and ask and judge for himself.
At that very moment Yoshio along with the Italian gentleman and the world map in hand were documenting and travelling to multiple sites. The Italian claimed that Sai Baba had materialised the very same world map to a group of German devotees in the 1980's and Russian devotee in the 1970's.

Arthur Hilcott and chairman recommended that the photographs taken by Yoshio should be presented to Sai Baba and introduced Yoshio to the ashram caretaker, Srinivasam, by letter. Yoshio felt Sai Baba's presence constantly and did not feel the need to attend the ashram physically however he ended up going as the Italian gentleman requested him to go together. The Italian gentleman felt the need to go because he needed advice from Sai Baba for his own project called 'Prema Sai City project'. At the ashram, Sai Baba blessed the photographs with His right hand and said 'I am very very happy.' The Italian was disappointed that not a single photo had been chosen. Yoshio returned to Australia knowing that with time an answer would be given. The Italian and members of the group returned to Italy apart from one individual saying that they did not have time to wait. The remaining individual was called into an interview with Sai Baba and he expressed interest in the 'Prema Sai City project. ' The individual was told that to search for Prema Sai outside was fruitless as Prema Sai was inside the individual. Yoshio felt that the 'Prema Sai City project' begun by the Italian group was only for preserving the welfare of the individuals and families of the select group. However Yoshio was grateful to be able to see Sai Baba's present of the future world map which the Italian had given to Yoshio.

I do not read books.
But I know the entire history of the universe.
I can see the past, the present and the future.
I am beyond time and space.
You were surprised to see Me in two different places simultaneously.
In future, why two, I will take thousands of forms and appear simultaneously at different places.

Anandadayi p66

Chapter 20 Candy Candy - Is it sweet or painful?

Today is Krishna Janmashtami, the birthday of Lord Krishna.
I am making a promise today that the people of all the countries, viz. Pakistan, China, Germany, Russia will be united[...]
The goodness of Bharat will lead to this unity.

Sanathana Sarathi, September 2002

Yoshio took his entire family to see Sai Baba. Sai Baba would often throw handfuls of candy into the crowds that would gather for Darshan. Adults would become like children competing for the candy given from God's incarnate form. Yoshio's three year old son was nicknamed 'candy boy' by those around him as it became known that candy would be thrown in his direction during Sai Baba's rounds.
On one such afternoon Sai Baba once again had strewn candy in Yoshio and his son's direction but because they were sitting further back the crowd had taken all the candy before any could reach them. Yoshio saw the look of sadness on a child who was used to enjoying the gift of candy from Sai Baba and Yoshio quickly make a Japanese ' Haiku ' saying in his mind.

' God created the universe but lacks the power to throw candy to a child. What an intriguing mystery.'

Sai Baba had been walking along and abruptly stopped. Yoshio knew that Sai Baba was intimately connected to all his thoughts, words and deeds and so watched them carefully. At that moment Yoshio knew he had failed his thoughts but there was nothing that could be done. Sai Baba turned his head to look directly at Yoshio. Yoshio felt like he had been doused in cold water. After a moments pause Sai Baba continued to walk along the Darshan path.
Yoshio was fearful of attending the following Darshan. All the experiences Yoshio had been graced with up to this point were pleasant and was now unsure of what Sai Baba would give him at their next meet. Yoshio deliberately arrived late for Darshan and with his son sat on a set of stairs far back from the area where most often graced by Sai Baba's Darshan. Yoshio was relieved in the belief that Sai Baba would never walk so far. Sai Baba upon entering grabbed a handful of candy from a proffered plate and with a clenched fist began to walk purposefully towards Yoshio and his son. Yoshio felt an immediate need to flee but at the same time was unable to move and within a moment Sai Baba was standing before him. Yoshio remained with head lowered unable to look at Sai Baba's face and knowing what would occur in that moment. Sai Baba had never walked so far in darshan and thousands of devotees were riveted to the drama playing out before their very eyes.
Sai Baba drew his arm up in a wide swing and fiercely threw the handful of candy at a cowering devotee and his son. Yoshio's hair, clothes and body became covered by so many candies. The numerous devotees looking on began laughing at God's play. Yoshio wished to say 'Hello Hello Sai Baba that was a tad painful. Let's stick to the teaching of non-violence. Let us follow your own teachings and not take revenge. Can you hear me Sai Baba?'. However Yoshio immediately refrained from thinking those thoughts knowing that Sai Baba would get the last say.

Those who search for God from the outside will never reach God
Regardless of how many pilgrimages one may travel it will always reach a dead end
The true path to God is to realise that you are God
A true devotee will not search for God on the outside
A true devotee will search for God in the inner sanctum of their heart
God and the devotee have always been one
You are God
And God is you
Two are one
One only appears as two
There is someone behind the scenes enjoying the trivialities of one who has fallen for such a delusion

Take it from Me: in about 25 to 30 years’ time, the entire world will become one.
There will be only one caste, one religion, and one God.
What is needed is such unity.
Today, there are several differences between indi- viduals on the basis of caste, creed, religion, language, nation, etc.
Such differences should disappear and unity should prevail.


Chapter 21 Materialised Shirdhi Baba statue from an open palm

The calamity which has come upon mankind will be averted ,a new Golden Age will recur....
The time will come when I will have to move across the sky and use the sky as an auditorium.
Yes, that too will happen, believe Me.

The Embodiment of Love p362

Yoshio's little sister along with her family decided to visit Sai Baba. Being their first visit to India Yoshio wished to accompany them but was faced with his Sue's final month of pregnancy. Sue wished Yoshio farewell and placated his concerns stating the presence of Toyo would be more than adequate. The flight from Perth to Singapore was easily booked but the continuing flight to Chennai was full and Yoshio was placed on a cancellation wait list. In front of Yoshio was a line of ten people hoping to receive a cancelled ticket to Chennai. Two minutes before the flight closed for departure one seat became available. The group of people waiting in line had come as a family or couple and were not willing to be separated. Yoshio was immediately rushed to the plane by an airport assistant and was shown his seat. To his surprise - as he had booked flights separately- in the seat adjacent to Yoshio sat Yoshio's sister.

Sai Baba was at this time in Whitefield, Bangalore. Yoshio and his sister's family stayed in cheap accommodation near the ashram in Whitefield. Yoshio's room was small and narrow and lit by a long fluorescent light. Yoshio would turn the light off intending to go to sleep but after a moment the light would turn back on. Automatically the light would flicker off and on in intervals. Yoshio was unable to sleep properly. Sleep disturbed Yoshio began to hear a voice. It was the voice of Sai Baba. 'Tomorrow you will be called for an interview so be ready.' Yoshio thanked Sai Baba and asked ' This trip has been for my sister so can you please call her for an interview from the Darshan line?'. Sai Baba affirmed to the positive but wished to know how Yoshio would respond to Sai Baba's previously asked question 'Where are you from?'. Yoshio responded 'If I believed that I am just my physical body I would say I am from the place my physical body resides. However if I thought I am of my spiritual being I would say I reside in the heart of Sai Baba. If I am the Atma, a fully realized being, I would say I am from nowhere and everywhere in complete anandha (happiness).' Sai Baba was satisfied with the answer saying the answer was a first from Yoshio. Sai Baba continued to converse with Yoshio on non-dualism. Finally Sai Baba said ' I will be blessing three delegates from Singapore would you too like to be blessed?' Yoshio wished for such a blessing if that was what Sai Baba willed and with that parting thought Yoshio drifted off.

The next morning Yoshio went through the morning ritual of making himself presentable. Yoshio's nephew enquired into his well dressed appearance and Yoshio replied that he would understand soon enough. During Darshan Yoshio's sister was called into an interview by Sai Baba. Yoshio as usual sat beside Sai Baba's chair. Yoshio had received a telegraph earlier of the healthy arrival of his new born son. Yoshio asked 'Swami is there anything you can tell me of my new maya?' Yoshio remembered the story of Sai Baba leaving his village and claiming to his parents the mission of his maya that was to begin. Sai Baba asked 'What did you say?' And Yoshio again asked after his new maya. After momentarily gazing into the air Sai Baba said 'I bless him.' At an earlier interview Sai Baba had lightly slapped Yoshio's cheek at the first interview few years back and in the current interview softly patted the exact same spot. Yoshio asked ' You are using this body to do work in Western Australia aren't you?'. Sai Baba glanced down at Yoshio as if to say what a stupid question to ask and quietly said 'Yes. '
Beside Yoshio were three gentleman from the Singapore Sai Organisation. Sai Baba blessed each member by lightly patting the top of each head and finally gave one final tap of blessing to Yoshio's. It was the exact vision Yoshio had seen the night before. Yoshio knew that there was a reason in each of Sai Baba's actions and believed that his path with the three Singaporean men would cross again.

Seven years later the same three gentlemen sat in Yoshio's living room in Narrogin as guests. Having heard of Yoshio's story they had travelled from Singapore to Narrogin. Upon meeting Yoshio the three Singaporeans were shocked to discover that Yoshio was the same individual who they had shared an interview with many years previously.
There were Japanese people present at the interview and Yoshio acted as a translator. Sai Baba sat silently with palms raised. From the centre of Sai Baba's palm a glint appeared and grew into the silver head of Shirdhi Baba. Within seconds a twenty centimetre statue sat in Sai Baba's hand. Yoshio's sister wept 'I have seen a miracle.' The statue was still as warm as Sai Baba's body.

As days pass, even those who are not now able to recognise the truth of Swami will have to approach with tears of repentance and experience Me.
Very soon, this will be worldwide.
Swami is now restraining this development.
When once it is allowed to manifest, the whole world will be transformed into Prasanthi Nilayam.

Sathya Sai Speaks Volume 15 Chapter 55
