


2014-09-11 21:59:58 | Telegraph (UK)
Nicolas Sarkozy comeback faces challenge from elder statesman Alain Juppé
David Chazan, Paris
Telegraph: 4:40PM BST 10 Sep 2014
The former conservative prime minister, Alain Juppé, says he would make a better presidential candidate than Nicolas Sarkozy because he can rally right-wing and centrist voters


Nicolas Sarkozy's impending political comeback faces a major challenge after France's former conservative prime minister, Alain Juppé, claimed he can rally broader support than the controversial ex-president.


In an interview with the magazine Valeurs Actuelles published on Thursday, Mr Juppé portrays himself as a better bet for the UMP candidacy in 2017's presidential race than Mr Sarkozy, a polarising figure who is under investigation over alleged corruption.

ジュペ氏は木曜日の仏週刊紙Valeurs Actuelles紙とのインタビューの中で、自分の方が2017年大統領選挙において、不正容疑で捜査を受けている対極的なサルコジ氏よりも好ましいUMP大統領候補と説明しました。

"To reform France, we must avoid unnecessary divisions," Mr Juppé said. "I believe in bringing people together calmly rather than making brutal breaks [with the past]."


Mr Sarkozy, 59, retains the backing of a majority of UMP activists but the two are neck and neck in terms of support among right-wing voters in general. One recent poll ranked Mr Juppé as France's most popular politician.


Mr Juppé, 69, cast himself as an elder statesman able to convince right-wing and centrist French voters to back reforms needed to revive the stagnating economy.


He is the only conservative politician with a chance of defeating Mr Sarkozy if the UMP holds a primary to choose its presidential candidate, analysts said.


Mr Sarkozy is expected to win the leadership of the party in a differnet vote this autumn which his supporters say will make a primary unnecessary.


However, Mr Juppé, who is not challenging the former president for the party leadership, said a separate primary was "absolutely essential" and should be "open to all supporters of the Right and the Centre".


Without a primary, he argued, there was a risk that the UMP candidate might not win enough votes to go through to the second and decisive round of the next presidential election.


"Voters do not want to have a candidate imposed by the decision of a political party," he said. "They want to take part in the choice themselves."


The UMP has been divided by leadership squabbles, policy disputes over the economy and Europe, and financial scandals that led to the resignation of its former chairman, Jean-François Copé, one of Mr Sarkozy's closest allies.


Mr Juppé said Mr Sarkozy was his "main rival" but expressed the hope that they could "conduct a combat free from animosity".


"I have never attacked Nicolas Sarkozy," said Mr Juppé, who served as defence and foreign minister under the former president. "I defend his record, I have a long history with him and I have a lot of esteem for him."


Mr Sarkozy, who said he was quitting politics after being defeated by François Hollande two years ago, has been tantalising the media for months by repeatedly hinting at a comeback. His allies say he will make a formal announcement next week.


The UMP's internal wrangles have lessened its appeal despite the Socialist government's failure to fulfil election promises to revive economic growth and lower unemployment.


The Socialists are also beset by divisions, with the mutinous left wing of the party complaining that the government is pursuing centre-right economic policies.


The far-right leader, Marine Le Pen, has made little effort to hide her glee at the feuding within the two mainstream parties. A recent poll showed her leading both Mr Sarkozy and Mr Hollande in the 2017 presidential race.



