


2014-02-08 15:41:06 | Telegraph (UK)
Split ECB paralysed as deflation draws closer, tightening job vice in southern Europe
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 8:30PM GMT 06 Feb 2014
Mario Draghi said the ECB's council had discussed a wide range of measures but needed more information


The European Central Bank has brushed aside calls for radical action to head off deflation and relieve pressure on emerging markets, denying that the eurozone is at risk of a Japanese-style trap.


Yields on German two-year notes almost doubled to 0.12pc as markets slashed expectations for future rate cuts, while the euro spiked 1.5 cents to more than $1.36 against the dollar, implying a further tightening of monetary conditions for Europe.


Mario Draghi, ECB president, said the bank is "alert to the risks, and stands willing and ready to act" if inflation falls even further below target or if the fragile recovery falters, but offered no clear guidance on future policy.


Deutsche Bank, BNP Paribas, Barclays and RBS had all expected a cut in the main interest rate, while there had been widespread reports that the ECB would open the door to quantitative easing - allegedly by halting "sterilisation" of its €175bn bond holdings.


"Monetary policy in the eurozone is incredibly tight and is doing real damage to the economy, yet they do absolutely nothing. It boggles the mind," said one former ECB governor.


"The idea that everything is alright because they are not in actual deflation is a false premise. They are already so far below their 2pc target that it is causing much higher unemployment and making it that much harder for the eurozone periphery to adjust. I am afraid to say that Mario Draghi has been captured by the German political class. He doesn't want to compromise the support of Angela Merkel's government," he said.


Bourses in Europe and the US rallied strongly despite the disappointment but tell-tale fractures in financial markets call for caution. Simon Derrick, from BNY Mellon, said the sharp rise in the Japanese yen - typically the early warning signal for trouble - has echoes of events in the build-up to the Lehman crisis. "Given the huge bubble we've seen in emerging markets, the combination of Fed tightening and a hawkish ECB that refuses to act makes this all too like 2007, even if the risks are in a different place. One misstep now could be the trigger," he said.


Mr Draghi said the ECB's council had discussed a wide range of measures but needed more information, adding that the "complexity of the situation prevented action at this time".


Any decision has been kicked into touch until March and possibly longer. Yet delay is risky. Core inflation has already fallen to 0.6pc once tax rises are stripped out. The M3 money supply has been contracting at a 1pc rate over the past three months, against a target of 4.5pc growth.


"They are not fulfilling their basic mandate. They are letting deflationary forces become embedded in the system just like Japan in the 1990s," said Lars Christensen, from Danske Bank.


"The rhetoric is even the same. The Bank of Japan kept denying that they were going into deflation, and kept insisting that monetary policy was accommodative when it was fact too tight," he added.


Mr Draghi said the bank is paying "close attention" to the deflation risk, which raises the bar even higher for states in southern Europe trying to push through austerity and structural reform.


However, he denied that the trap is already being set and said the eurozone is not suffering from the same sort of "imported" tightening from the US that hit June last year during the "taper tantrum". This time the ECB policy of forward guidance has served as a shield. "Is there a deflation? The answer is no. We don't see any similarity with Japan in the 1990s. It's completely different," he said.


Mr Draghi said 60pc of the items in inflation basket were falling in Japan at the time. The slide is much narrower in the eurozone, and has not acquired the same "self-feeding" character. "We have to dispense with this idea of deflation," he said.


Jefferies Fixed Income said a comparable basket for the eurozone was at 20pc in December, rising to 22pc for Italy and Spain, 30pc for France, 49pc for Portugal, 69pc for Cyprus and 85pc for Greece.


Mr Draghi said inflation expectations are "firmly anchored", although five-year inflation swap contracts have in fact become unhinged in recent months and plunged to a record low of 1.24pc this week.


Nick Kounis, from ABN Amro, said Mr Draghi's comments smack of complacency. "This seems to be making an assessment of the road ahead by looking through the rearview mirror. A fresh negative shock to the economy would leave the eurozone heading for deflation given that there is currently little [safety] buffer."


It was the East Asian financial crisis that pushed Japan into dire trouble in 1998. The dotcom bust in 2002 and the Lehman crisis in 2008 both led to a downward lurch in the inflation rate in most Western economies. A shock on such a scale today would tip Euroland into outright deflation within months.


Analysts say the ECB council is deeply divided, with Germany's two members resisting any move that brings the ECB closer to Anglo-Saxon QE, seen as a slippery slope towards mutualisation of Club Med debt. What is unclear is whether the governors of Holland, Finland and Estonia are still willing to go along with the German line now that their own countries are in or near recession.


The picture is further complicated by the German constitutional court's ruling on the legality of the ECB's earlier rescue policies, reportedly delayed until April. It would be courting fate for the ECB to launch radical policies with this Sword of Damocles dangling above, and in the face of stiff resistance from the Bundesbank.


Mr Draghi put to rest the question of whether the ECB can legally buy sovereign bonds given the prohibition on monetary financing of governments in Article 123 of the Lisbon Treaty. "Yes, it's possible. It's been done, and it was not against the treaty," he said, referring to prior purchases of Greek, Irish, Portuguese, Italian and Spanish bonds.


The comments leave the door ajar for full-blown QE in the future if needed as a tool of liquidity management. Mr Draghi said the preferred option is the purchase of asset-backed securities, packaged and traded in blocs. This would ignite the kindling wood in much the same way.



