


2015-04-25 16:27:24 | Telegraph (UK)
Greek crisis deepens as Lagarde shoots down hopes for payment relief
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, in Washington and Mehreen Khan
Telegraph: 8:30AM BST 17 Apr 2015
IMF chief says the Fund will not countenance a moratorium on debt repayments, as Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis heads to the White House


The International Monetary Fund has warned Greece in its toughest language to date that a delay in debt payments would be an unprecedented event with no moral justification.


"We have never had an advanced economy asking for payment delays," said Christine Lagarde, the Fund's managing-director.


"It is clearly not a course of action that would be fit or recommended. This would mean additional contributions by the international community and some of these countries are in a direr situation than those seeking the delays," she said, making it clear that the Fund would not bend its rules to avert a showdown.


The comments triggered a fresh flight from Greek debt on Thursday, driving up three-year yields by 280 basis points to almost 27pc.


It came a day after Standard & Poor's slashed Greece's credit rating to CCC+, warning that its debts had become "unsustainable" without further aid.


"There is a stretched liquidity situation right now," said Moritz Kraemer, the agency's sovereign ratings chief.

S&Pのソブリン・レーティング・チーフ、Moritz Kraemer氏はこう言ってます。

"How long it will be before the kitty runs dry, I don't know. I don't think the Greek government knows, but it is a matter of weeks," he told The Telegraph.


Greece is preparing drastic measures to pay a €1.7bn bill for wages and pensions, signalling that it will have to seize the cash balances of the state-owned enterprises held at the Bank of Greece.


Officials in Athens said the Syriza government may ultimately have to raid the country's pension funds in a last, desperate manoeuvre to avert bankruptcy, violating fiduciary obligations. One minister said privately that it may be better to accept default and clear the air rather than draw out the agony in such a destructive way.


Mrs Lagarde said the IMF is worried about the "liquidity situation" in Greece but refused to be drawn on the potential dangers for the global financial system if the country is blown out of the euro.


The Fund's chief economist, Olivier Blanchard, said that a Grexit would be "extremely painful" for Greece but would not be "plain sailing" for the eurozone either, despite the backstop defences introduced over the past two years. "It would surely unsettle financial markets," he said.


The clash with the IMF comes as Greece's finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, arrives in Washington to meet President Barack Obama, an encounter that has raised eyebrows in diplomatic circles.


The Obama administration has billed itself as an "honest broker", refusing to endorse the eurozone austerity agenda and privately blaming Europe's creditor powers just as much as Greece for perpetuating an interminable crisis.


Mr Obama said in February that it made no sense to keep squeezing countries in recession and warned that further cuts are "something neither the Greek society nor the political system can stand". His decision to break protocol and host a meeting with the finance minister in the Oval Office is a powerful gesture of solidarity for Greece, even if the White House is exasperated by Syriza's brinkmanship.


Mrs Lagarde said she will inform Mr Varoufakis about "precedents and history" of the IMF's arrears process, alluding to the semi-sacred status that the Fund expects to enjoy as the world's lender-of-last-resort.


Syriza had hoped to avert a conflict with the Fund - deeming the European Central Bank to be its real nemesis in this drama - but the schedule of debt repayments allows them no such luxury. They must pay the IMF almost €1bn in two tranches in early May.


Sources in Athens say that major voices in the party now view arrears to the IMF as a necessary evil, and perhaps the only way to send a clear message to the EU authorities and the creditor powers that they cannot keep insisting on the same demands as had nothing has changed.


"It is not such a big deal to go into arrears. Nothing actually happens for weeks and frankly at this point it is the only way for Syriza to show that they are serious," said a former ECB official, now supporting the Greeks.


The party's leaders have told The Telegraph that if forced to choose between a default to the Greek people and default to the IMF, they will opt for the latter.


They argue that the IMF has forfeited its right to special creditor treatment by going along with an EU-designed bail-out programme in 2010 that breached the IMF's internal rules, and was intended to save the euro and Europe's banks rather than to save Greece.


Wolfgang Schaeuble, Germany's finance minister, broke his long silence on the Greek crisis at a gathering in New York on Wednesday, accusing Syriza of "destroying" all the progress made in Greece over the past three years. "No one has a clue how we can reach agreement on an ambitious programme," he said.


Mr Schaeuble once again warned the Greeks not to push their luck, insisting that the eurozone can do nicely without them.


"If you look at Greece, it's not a major part of the economy of the eurozone as a whole. Most participants of financial markets are telling us that markets have already priced in whatever will happen. You can't see any contagion," he said.


The German press said these comments appear to flout an explicit order by Chancellor Angela Merkel to desist from further hostile remarks. It is understood that she is irked by Mr Schaeuble's barely-disguised efforts to force Greece out of monetary union, fearing that it could set off a political chain-reaction and lead to a foreign policy disaster for Germany.


Bernd Riexinger, the chairman of the German Linke party, accused the ruling Christian Democrats (CDU) of carrying out "neo-liberal carnage in Greece" and warned that they were digging the grave of European unity for party political gain at home.

ドイツ左翼党のBernt Riexinger党首は、「ギリシャでネオリベ大虐殺」をやらかしていると与党キリスト教民主同盟を批判して、お前らは党がドイツ国内で政治的利益をあげるためにヨーロッパの団結を絞め殺そうとしているとワーニングしました。

The CDU's finance committee has now openly called for a parallel currency in Greece or full-blown "Grexit". "The eurozone must urgently draw up a plan B for Greece," it said.


Adding to the confusion, Die Zeit reported that Berlin will offer Greece an orderly default and withdrawal from the euro, with support from the ECB and Brussels to stabilize the country under a new drachma regime.


The catch is that Syriza must knuckle under to the same set of reforms imposed by the EU-IMF Troika that it has already rejected. It seems that nothing can break the impasse.



