

FTSE 100、1月は1989年来最も堅調なパフォーマンス

2013-02-01 10:06:38 | Telegraph (UK)
FTSE 100 returns to 1989 with strong January performance
(FTSE 100、1月は1989年来最も堅調なパフォーマンス)
By Ben Martin
Telegraph: 10:22PM GMT 31 Jan 2013
The blue-chip index saw its strongest start to a year since 1989.

FTSE 100優良銘柄指数は、1989年以来最も堅調な出だしとなりました。

Marc Almond and Gene Pitney had just reached No 1 in the pop charts with their re-released Something's Gotten Hold Of My Heart, while Salman Rushdie's novel The Satanic Verses was sparking protests on the streets of Bradford. On the forecourt, the price of a gallon of petrol had risen to £1.85, while the average house price was pushing £60,000.

マーク・アーモンドとジーン・ピットニーが再リリースした『Something's Gotton Hold Of My Heart』がチャートで1位に達したところでした。

The month was January 1989 and marked the strongest start to a year by the FTSE 100 since its inception five years earlier.

それが1989年1月であり、FTSE 100が5年前の発足以来最も堅調な出だしを見せた一ヶ月でした。

In the Square Mile, investors, who had remained cautious throughout the previous year in the wake of 1987's Black Monday stock market crash, were sending London's blue-chips ever higher. Optimism that inflation would decline and economic growth would fall back to more sensible levels saw the benchmark index climb 14.4pc over the course of the month.


This month completed the healthiest January performance for the FTSE since that distant month almost a quarter of a century ago.


A renewed sense of stock market optimism has seen the FTSE 100 book a gain over the month of 6.4pc. The blue-chip index breached the key 6,000 level on the very first trading day of 2013, and went on to climb above 6,300, taking it to heights last seen in May 2008, before the collapse of Lehman Brothers.

復活した株式市場の楽観のおかげで、FTSE 100は6.4%上昇しました。

The move of the market upwards has formed part of a global rally ― in the US, the Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 6pc over the month, while in Asia Japan's Nikkei index put on 7.2pc.


In the UK, the FTSE 100 has climbed despite the looming threat of a triple-dip recession: last Friday, figures showed the British economy shrank 0.3pc in the final quarter of 2012, leading to criticism of the Government's austerity plans.

英国では、FTSE 100が迫り来る三重苦不況の脅威にも拘わらず上昇しました。

However, Britain's benchmark index now has little in common with the domestic economy. Many of its largest constituents, such as the heavyweight miners BHP Billiton, have most of their operations overseas.


"If you want a sense of where the UK economy is going, unfortunately the FTSE 100 is not very helpful anymore," said stock market historian David Schwartz. By contrast, in 1989, there were many more companies in the index making a meaningful contribution to the British economy.

「英国経済の方向性を知るには、FTSE 100は残念ながらもはや余り助けにならない」と株式市場の歴史を研究するデイヴィッド・シュワルツ氏は言います。

Because the FTSE 100 is more reflective of investor sentiment towards the international economy, some City experts believe it is developments abroad that have helped spur this year's stock market rally. The New Year's Day compromise deal on the US "fiscal cliff"― tax rises and spending cuts that threatened to plunge the world's biggest economy back into recession ― enabled investors to start the year in high spirits. Encouraging economic data from China and the abeyance in Europe's debt crisis have also partially eased some of the market's concerns.

FTSE 100は国際経済に対する投資家のセンチメントをより反映するので、一部のシティの専門家は、今年の上層相場を刺激しているのは海外での展開だと考えています。

Following the tumultuous days of 2011 and the first half of 2012, many traders have been simply relieved that they have made it through intact, according to Steven Fine, managing partner at stockbroker Peel Hunt.


"There has been pent-up relief that, actually, you've got to the end of the year and the world hasn't ended, there is still a financial services industry," he said.


Tim Steer, a fund manager at Artemis is in agreement, arguing that investors want to feel more bullish after experiencing a tough time in the markets. The FTSE 100 did climb 5.8pc over the course of 2012, managing to rally from the low of 5,260.19 it reached at the start of June, although actual volumes were thin, with many investors staying on the sidelines.

FTSE 100は2012年も確かに5.8%上昇し、6月初めに5,260.19という底から上昇することに成功しましたが、実際の商いは薄く、多くの投資家は参戦しませんでした。

But what brokers are now hoping is that this year's strong early performance signals the start of a broader move out of bonds into riskier yet better returning equities – the so-called "Great Rotation". Since the financial crisis, money has flowed into the bond market, which is considered a safe-haven because bonds provide a steady income and are less volatile than shares. Investors now see value in the equity markets and are looking to take on more risk, according to Paul Kavanagh, a partner at Killik & Co. While he does not think the Great Rotation has started, more money is flowing into shares.


"The rationale to have equities in your portfolio is stronger than it was six months ago," said Mr Fine at Peel Hunt. "Volumes have picked up in January. They're not necessarily healthy and buoyant but they're increasing."


The FTSE 100 has risen over 18 Januaries since it was launched in 1984 and this year's strong first-month performance augers well for the rest of 2013 if 1989 is anything to go by. That year, the FTSE 100 went on to finish 35pc higher than where it started, while in 1998, when the blue-chips gained 6.3pc, it went on to record an annual gain of 14.5pc.

FTSE 100は1984年に発足して以来、1月は18回上昇しましたし、今年1月の堅調なパフォーマンスは1989年から判断すれば2013年末まで期待出来ることを示しています。
1989年、FTSE 100は年末までに年初比+35%となり、1998年の1月は6.3%上昇して年末までに14.5%上昇しました。

The index will experience a correction, according to analysts, who expect the market to pull back sharply at some stage. The reaction to that, it is believed, will be vital for understanding the true nature of this year's rally. Investors will either "run for cover" or view the correction as a buying opportunity, said Mr Kavanagh.

FTSE 100は調整するだろうとアナリストは言います。


