


2010-12-28 17:08:43 | Telegraph (UK)
sSouth Korean president ramps up aggressive stance towards North
By Peter Foster, Beijing
Telegraph:27 Dec 2010
South Korea's armed forces will "respond relentlessly" if they are attacked again by North Korea, the country's president warned on Monday, providing further evidence that Seoul is determined to maintain a newly aggressive posture against Pyongyang.


"We have now been awakened to the realisation that war can be prevented and peace assured only when such provocations are met with a strong response," said President Lee Myung-bak in a national radio address, "Fear of war is never helpful in preventing war."


Mr Lee's hard-line government has been under pressure in recent weeks after critics said it had failed to respond fiercely enough to the North Korean bombardment of an island off the South's west coast in November that left four dead.


The government has responded by firing its defence minister, installing more hawkish commanders and staging a series of US-backed live-fire exercises along the land and sea borders with the North in a bid to deter any further attacks.


The South said it was planning more drills this week, despite objections from Russia and China who have urged calm on both sides and increasingly bellicose rhetoric from Pyongyang which promised a "sacred" nuclear war if the South impinged on its territory.


But while the world has grown inured to such language from the North in recent years, the hardening tone in the South has raised concerns among many analysts that a future provocation by North Korea could now spark a war between the two sides.


The main newspaper of the Kim Jong-il regime warned again yesterday that South Korea's recent exercises were a "reckless military provocation" that could lead the South down a path to self-destruction.


"Our patience is limited," said an official commentary in the Rodong Sinmun newspaper, denouncing Seoul as a "coward" for relying on Washington – which stations some 28,500 troops south of the border – for its military protection.


The recent raising of tensions on the Korean peninsula has divided the international community, splitting the UN Security Council which failed to reach any agreement to condemn the North's action following objections from China.


However South Korea is also itself deeply divided over how best to contain the North, with many liberals in South Korea blaming Mr Lee's policy of ending a decade of free-flowing economic aid to the North after taking office in 2008 for provoking the current stand-off.


Mr Lee called for national unity in facing down Pyongyang's aggression. "The North Koreans must have thought that their attacks could cause divisiveness in the South and that they might be able to get away with another provocation," he said.


"They are focusing on trying to pull us apart ... If we show the North Koreans how steadfastly united we are, they will not dare challenge us."


An opinion poll conducted by pollster Realmeter after last week's land exercises showed the tougher strategy might be bearing fruit, with Mr Lee's popularity rating edging higher to 45 per cent.


Government researchers in Seoul say the North, which is currently in the grip of its own destabilising leadership succession process that will see Kim Jong-un take over from his ailing father, is likely to attack again at some point next year.


"Competition in the military to express loyalty for successor Kim Jong-un will intensify, increasing instability and the possibility of sudden provocation against the South," the Institute for National Security Strategy said.



