


2013-07-14 10:57:31 | Telegraph (UK)
French business leaders lash out at Francois Hollande
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 7:34PM BST 08 Jul 2013
France's business leaders have launched a blistering attack on President Francois Hollande, demanding drastic measures to halt the country's industrial decline and shrink the ballooning public sector.


"The house is on fire. France is destroying 8,000 jobs a day," said Pierre Gattaz, the new leader of business federation MEDEF.


Mr Gattaz said the avalanche of "very dogmatic" measures imposed by Mr Hollande during his first months in power have put companies under enormous stress, and little has been done yet to reverse the damage despite a change in tone. "The government must step up to its responsibilities. Companies can't till a soil full of rocks and brambles. It is private enterprise that will save France. The public sphere can't create jobs, only companies can do that, and they're the heroes."


The chief executives of top firms including Peugeot Citroen, EADS, Sanofi and Publicis signed a joint letter to Les Echos, complaining that France is being suffocated by high taxes and an over-regulated system that is no longer fit for purpose.


"Unemployment has reached record levels. The trade deficit is getting worse. Profit margins are the weakest in the eurozone. This calls for urgent measures. It is a bitter reality, more so because other countries touched deeply by the crisis such as the US or Ireland are recovering," the letter read.


The group called for a radical shake-up of labour markets to let each firm set its own working hours, and a "coherent" energy policy to bring down costs from current ruinous levels. Gas prices are three times as high as in the US.


Christophe de Margerie, head of the energy giant Total, said France's outdated welfare model is draining the economy's life-blood. "The real problem we have in France is the state. Some 55pc of GDP in the hands of the state, and it is not being very well run. We live in a nanny culture where people expect the state to take care of everything."


France put off tough reforms during the boom years of EMU, coasting while Germany, Holland and Scandinavia became lean. It then delayed again after the 2008-2009 crisis and now risks being overtaken by Spain and even Italy, according to the International Monetary Fund.


The country is now having to grasp the nettle in a double-dip recession, with industrial output still 15pc below its 2008 peak. The Observatoire Economique in Paris says fiscal contraction will be 1.8pc of GDP this year, the biggest squeeze in half a century.

パリのシンクタンク、Observatoire Economiqueによれば、今年の財政引き締めはGDPの1.8%と、半世紀ぶり最大の引き締めになるそうです。

Unlike Britain, France has not been able to restore lost labour competitiveness quickly by letting its currency slide. It has to claw back ground slowly within EMU by deflating relative wages, a slower and more painful process that usually entails years of high unemployment.


French economists say France's slow decline has reached the point where it risks turning into a deeper crisis if the eurozone economy fails to rebound in the second half of this year, or if austerity fatigue in Portugal sets off a fresh eruption of EMU debt crisis.


Data on Monday showed that Germany's exports fell 2.6pc in May, the steepest one-month fall since December 2009. It is a clear sign that Germany is starting to suffer the effects of the downturn in China and stiff competition from Japanese companies enjoying a weak yen.


Germany's industrial output fell 1pc in May, and its manufucturing PMI gauge fell further below the "boom-bust line" in June to 48.6.


Patrick Legland from Societe Generale said Germany is facing chill winds from Asia and Southern Europe, and has itself become complacent about its lack of structural reform as the effects of the Hartz IV overhaul a decade ago start to fade. "The German success story could be at risk in the near future," he said.


In Portugal, President Anibal Cavaco Silva is expected to decide on Tuesday whether to call a snap election to clear the air after a week of political chaos, a move that would open the door to an anti-austerity government.


The European Commission denied reports that it is already working on a precautionary credit line or "bail-out lite" for the country from the EU rescue fund. Any such action would stir a hornet's nest, leading to a bitter fight with the IMF over the need for debt restructuring. It would also require a bail-out vote in the German Bundestag just before the German elections.


Furthermore, it would be an admission that the current €78bn 'Troika' rescue has failed to restore Portugal's economic viability within EMU despite the full compliance of the Portuguese government. Serious questions will be asked if it turns out that the harsh medicine imposed on the nation has repeated the grave mistakes made in Greece.



