


2010-02-26 10:30:12 | Telegraph (UK)

Germany debt chief hints at Greek rescue
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, International Business Editor
Telegraph:25 Feb 2010
The head of Germany's debt agency has warned that Greek withdrawal from the euro would have calamitous effects and destroy Europe's monetary union, a prospect that leaves Berlin with little choice other backing an EU rescue plan.


"If one member of the eurozone were to step out for any reason, this would be a collapse of the entire system," said Carl Heinz Daube, director of the Finanzagentur. "It would mean that after ten years, the euro experiment has ended."

「ユーロ加盟国が一つでも何らかの理由で脱退すれば、全システムが崩壊するだろう」とFinanzagentur(債務運用機関)のCarl Heinz Daube長官は発言した。

Mr Daube said a range of options are "under discussion" for a possible assistance for Greece but confessed that the issue is a very hot potato in Germany. "It is very hard to clarify to a man on the street why one country should step in to help another country," he told the Euromoney bond congress in London.


The comments reinforce the widespread view that Germany must ultimately agree to loan guarantees, if only on a temporary basis and under such stringent terms that no other country will want to endure the ordeal. Germany's regulator BaFin fears that the Greek crisis risks setting off "downward spiral" across Southern Europe, posing a system risk to the financial system. It said German banks hold €522bn of state bonds from the region.


Moritz Kaemer, head of Europe ratings at Standard & Poor's, told the forum that "a sovereign default is not going to happen in the euro zone. Greece is still comfortably an investment grade."

S&Pのヨーロッパ格付部門長、Moritz Kaemerは同フォーラムで、「ユーロ圏でソブリン債デフォルトは起こらない。ギリシャは今も十分に投資適格だ」とした。

However, he also warned that Greece not be able to tame its long-term debt, given its aging crisis and the gloomy outlook for Western economies. S&P expects public debt to reach 138pc of GDP by 2012, arguably near the point no return for debt dynamics. The agency warned this week that it may downgrade Greece two notches within a month.


Mr Kraemer said it would take Greece 33 years to reduce debt to the already high level of 100pc of GDP even if it manages to consolidate at the rate of the last growth cycle – in boom times that may not be repeated.


Greece wasted a "golden opportunity" to repair finances when it joined the euro and pocketed a windfall gain of 3pc of GDP in lower interest costs. Instead of paying down debt and enjoying a virtuous circle as in Belgium, it spent the lot, and more, increasing public spending by 7pc of GDP.


Leaders that undertake the kind of fiscal squeeze needed in Greece or Ireland know that they are "marching into the sunset", doing the right thing even if it means political self-immolation. Ireland's Taoiseach has accepted his fate stoically. Will Greece's leaders also follow Zeno, or Epicurus?


ヘタリア 2―Axis Powers (2) (BIRZ EXTRA)
日丸屋 秀和



2010-02-26 10:07:20 | Telegraph (UK)

Stheeman sees no risk of UK debt crisis as sterling slides
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, International Business Editor
Telegraph:25 Feb 2010
Global investors still have sufficient faith in UK leadership to keep buying gilts even if there is a hung Parliament or when the Bank of England starts to unload its £200bn holdings of bonds, according the curator of Britain's public debt.


Robert Stheeman, head of the UK Debt Management Office, said the political elites are rising to the challenge, greatly reducing the chances of a gilts strike.

英国債務管理局のRobert Stheeman長官は、政界幹部は問題に取り組んでおり、国債ストライキの可能性は大いに減っていると語った。

"Politicians of all colours are taking the situation very seriously indeed. Investors derive a lot of comfort that there is agreement across the spectrum that the deficit needs to be brought under control," he told the Euromoney bond congress in London. While a hung Parliament would create uncertainties, it might prove a "less disruptive" than assumed.


The comments came as sterling tumbled two cents against the dollar to a nine-month low of $1.5253 on news that business investment fell 5.8pc in the final quarter of last year, heightening the risk of a double-dip recession. Howard Archer, UK economist at IHS Global Insight, said the data was a "horrible surprise".


Jim Rogers, the millionaire financier, went further warning that the pound could "collapse" within weeks, heralding a downturn worse than 2008/09 and in turn leading to a "global economic winter".


Mr Stheeman said the weak pound has acted as a shock absorber for UK glts and made his job easier, an implicit suggestion that those countries such Greece, Italy, Spain, and Portugal without their own national currency face a harder task as the struggle with incipient debt deflation.


"Whenever sterling does appear to weaken from recent strengths, actually that tends to act as a catalyst for overseas interest. That's quite a significant factor," he said.


A floating currency is a double-edged sword. Devaluation can cushion downturns, but can also set off a self-feeding spiral if gentle falls turn into a disorderly rout. Bill Gross from the US bond fund Pimco said last month that gilts were sitting on a "bed of nitroglycerine", warning that UK debt levels posed a serious devaluation risk.


Mr Stheeman joked that he was "very comfortable" sitting on nitroglycerine. The markets have coped well so far with the Bank of England's pause in bond purchases, or quantitative easing, and were anticipating the return to normality in a "smooth way". The agency is counting on British banks to step in as major buyers under new regulations.


パックス・ブリタニカーー大英帝国最盛期の群像 (上)
J. モリス



2010-02-26 09:17:52 | Telegraph (UK)
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Greek rescue in danger as deputy prime minister attacks 'Nazi' Germany
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, International Business Editor
Telegraph:24 Feb 2010
Greece has greatly damaged its chances of an EU bail-out by lashing out at Germany over war-time atrocities and accusing Italy of cooking its books to hide public debt.


The escalating dispute came as a general strike in Greece spilled over into violent clashes between hooded youths and riot police in Athens. Chants of "burn the banks" are a foretaste of tensions once austerity measures bite in earnest later this year.


Public and private sector unions joined forces to bring the country to a standstill for 24 hours, halting flights, trains, and shipping, and shutting schools and hospitals.


Theodoros Pangalos, deputy prime minister, said Germany had no right to reproach Greece for anything after it devastated the country under the Nazi occupation, which left 300,000 dead. "They took away the gold that was in the Bank of Greece, and they never gave it back. They shouldn't complain so much about stealing and not being very specific about economic dealings," he told the BBC.


Twisting the knife further, he said the current crop of EU leaders were of "very poor quality" and had botched this month's crisis summit in Brussels. "The people who are managing the fortunes of Europe were not up to the task," he said.


One banker said the situation was surreal. "How can they call the Germans incompetent Nazis and still expect a bail-out?"


Mr Panagalos has gone even further than premier George Papandreou, who said Greece had become a "guinea pig" for squabbling eurocracts playing power games.


Athenian rhetoric has confirmed fears in North Europe that the ruling PASOK party is still in denial about the crisis and will not deliver on promises. The insults have caused bitterness in Germany, increasing the possibility that Europe's paymaster will lose patience and leave Greece to its fate after all.


Hans-Werner Sinn, head of Germany's IFO economic institute, said Athens was holding Euroland to ransom, threatening to set off mayhem if there is no bail-out. "Greece should never have entered the euro zone because they did not qualify and they are now blackmailing other European countries via the euro. It's not for the EU to help Greece. We have an institution that is very experienced in bailing-out activities: the IMF," he said.

ドイツIFOの代表、Hans-Werner Sinnは、ギリシャ政府はユーロランドを人質にして、救済しなければ大騒動を起こしてやるぞと脅しているのだ、と語った。

Dr Sinn said Europe should call Greece's bluff. If the euro falls, so much the better. "The euro is overvalued anyway. It is way out of line, and a weaker euro would be quite useful for Europe to stimulate exports."


Otmar Issing, former doyen of the European Central Bank, echoed the view in Germany's Bundestag on Wednesday, warning that a Greek rescue would "open the floodgates" for serial bail-outs and destroy EMU discipline. "The crisis is made in Greece. It is the result of bad policy, not outside forces like an earthquake."

ECBの元長老、Otmar Issingも水曜日、ドイツ議会で同じ見解を披露し、ギリシャ救済は救済に次ぐ救済を招く「パンドラの箱を開ける」ことになり、EMUの規律を破壊するだろうと警告した。

Edgy investors have begun to question whether the EU really does have a support package up its sleeve. Spreads on 10-year Greek bonds over German Bunds rose to 332 basis points.


Greece's problems are mounting by the day. Fitch Ratings downgraded four of the largest Greek banks on Tuesday, fearing a double hit from the EU-imposed fiscal tightening – 10pc of GDP over three years – and withdrawal of ECB stimulus. Wealthy Greeks have reportedly shifted large sums to Cyprus, eroding the Greek deposit base.


Investors fear austerity protests could spread in Europe. Portuguese unions have called a general strike for early March. Spanish unions held marches in Madrid and Barcelona on Tuesday over pensions, but turnout was low.


The EU has always found ways to master crises over the last 60 years, and will most likely do so again, but this one feels different to EU veterans. Germany's top court has left doubts about the legality of any bail-out. There is deep resistance in both Germany and Holland to calls for an EU fiscal authority or debt union – a quantum leap in EU integration.


Such a move would imply an open-ended guarantee for over €3trillion in Club Med debt, and a violation of the political contract behind EMU. Bavarian leader Edmund Stoiber once famously derided warnings that the euro would leave German taxpayers on the hook for foreigners as no more likely than "a famine in Bavaria". Pledges come back to haunt.

ババリアの指導者、Edmund Stoiberがかつて警告を笑い飛ばしたのは有名だ。

