


2010-02-04 16:41:38 | Telegraph (UK)

Outrage as bailed-out AIG pays out $100m in bonuses
By James Quinn in New York and Helia Ebrahimi
Telegraph:03 Feb 2010
Heavily-indebted American International Group is set to pay out $100m (£63m) in bonuses to 200 key staff in a move that has set it on yet another collision course with Tim Geithner, the US Treasury Secretary, and American taxpayers.


AIG – which US taxpayers bailed out by as much as $182bn – was set to allocate the bonuses to staff working at AIG Financial Products, the London-headquartered trading unit responsible for the complex derivative transactions that brought the insurer to its knees.


Mr Geithner called the news on bonuses "an outrageous failure of policy," saying the contracts which led to such payouts were "outrageous" and "should never have been permitted."


The $100m bonanza stems from existing contracts signed before the bail-out. It would have been $20m higher had it not been for an 11th-hour agreement by the employees to accept the lower figure. AIG said the payments were necessary to retain the AIGFP staff who have been working to unwind hundreds of millions of dollars worth of derivatives contracts.


Separately, Bank of America is set to pay $4.4bn to traders and bankers at its investment banking division – an average $400,000 each for its 10,000 or so employees. BoA, whose investment banking arm includes Merrill Lynch, will however pay as much as 95pc of the bonuses in shares that fall due over the next three years, with the remainder to be paid in cash.


Merrill is also understood to be working on an ambitious plan to hire 25 senior 'rainmakers' in Europe to help boost its deal-making income. The move follows a significant exodus, particularly in London, since BoA's takeover of Merrill in January 2009 and a fall in the investment bank's place in M&A rankings. This week it dropped outside the top five to sixth place.


欲張りで懲りないアメリカ人 (祥伝社新書166)
有元 美津世



2010-02-04 11:38:05 | Telegraph (UK)

Greece under EU protectorate as funds shift fire to Portugal
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph:03 Feb 2010
The European Commission has ordered Greece to slash public spending and spell out details of its austerity plan within "one month", invoking sweeping new EU Treaty powers to impose a radical shake-up of the Greek economy.


Greece's labour federation immediately called a general strike for February 24, dashing hopes that Europe's provisional backing for Greek crisis policies would restore investor confidence.


Joaquin Almunia, the EU economics commissioner, said tough measures were "extremely urgent" to prevent a further flight from Greek debt. "The huge imbalances from which the Greek economy is suffering are not sustainable in the long run. The fact of the matter is that markets are putting on pressure. This pressure cannot be ignored."


Mr Almunia said concerns have spread beyond Greece to other eurozone countries where public finances are spinning out of control, chiefly Spain and Portugal. "In these countries we have seen a constant loss of competitiveness ever since they joined the eurozone. The external financing needs are quite big," he said.


Yields on 10-year Portuguese bonds jumped 21 basis points yesterday as funds switched their fire to the next "domino", questioning whether the government of Jose Socrates can deliver spending cuts without a parliamentary majority. "The lightning rod has been passed to Portugal: who is next – Spain?" asked Marc Chandler, from Brown Brothers Harriman.


George Papandreou, the Greek premier, has agreed to a rise in fuel taxes and a partial freeze in public wages to stop the country "falling off a cliff". Even this will not be enough to satisfy Brussels – itself under pressure from Germany and the European Central Bank. The EU's hard-line faction is afraid that fiscal discipline will break down altogether across "Club Med" nations unless Greece first suffers public flagellation.


Brussels invoked new EU powers under Article 121 of the Lisbon Treaty, allowing it to reshape the structure of pensions, healthcare, labour markets and private commerce – a step-change in the level of EU intrusion.


The EU told Greece to "spell out the implementation calendar of (budget) measures within one month". Athens must be ready to "adopt additional measures if needed" and to submit quarterly updates.


To cap the humiliation, the EU is taking Greece to court over past falsification of budget figures. "This is the first time we have established such an intense and quasi-permanent system of monitoring," said Mr Almunia. The Greek Left said the measures reduce Greece to an economic protectorate


The gap between what EU demands and what ordinary Greeks seem willing to accept is so wide that it may prove extremely hard for Mr Papandreou carry the country. The top union bloc said the government had "succumbed to the will of the markets" but would now have to face the stronger will of the people.


Samir Patel, from the consultancy BH2, said austerity plans will "almost certainly send Greece into a deflationary spiral", and tip its banking system "into the Mediterranean Sea". Greece is being told to carry out IMF-style retrenchment without the IMF cure of devaluation.


One banker described events as eerily similar to market confusion before the failure of Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers in 2008, this time involving sovereign states rather than banks. It is assumed that Europe must in the end rescue Greece, but Germany is so far sticking to its "no bail-out" mantra and nobody knows for sure how the drama will end.


The legal and political structure is simply not ready to cope with an escalation of the crisis and the problems spreading to Spain, should that occur. Spain's budget deficit reached 11.4pc last year, and is on a worrying trajectory for a country that has lost so much intra-EMU competitiveness and cannot let the currency take the strain. Spanish bank BBVA shocked markets last week with a 94pc fall in profits, largely due to property losses. Spain's mortgage association said days later that the "real estate sector is bankrupt" and threatened the financial system.


Spain's total public and private debt is over 300pc of GDP, much higher than Greek debt. With unemployment already above 4m – or 4.5m including regional jobless schemes – Madrid will not react well to the sort of austerity imposed on Athens. Fears that the slow fuse on Spain's political crisis may soon detonate a timebomb is creeping into the markets.

渡邉 哲也



2010-02-04 10:05:41 | Telegraph (UK)
US commodities market under attack
By James Quinn
Telegraph:03 Feb 2010
The US commodities market should be freed from "reckless speculation" and abusive trading practices, a leading US senator has urged, as she attempts to stop the price of everyday items like petrol and food from being impacted by financial traders.


Senator Maria Cantwell, who is separately trying to revive the Glass-Steagall reforms of the 1930s which would prevent retail and investment banks from operating under the same roof, yesterday called for increased regulation of the commodities and derivatives market.


The Democrat politician is attempting to push regulation of the commodities markets – a hot topic in the summer of 2008 when oil prices topped $140 a barrel – back to the top of the political agenda.


She is calling for stronger powers for the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), including the potential to police the unregulated over-the-counter derivatives market, which has worth $25 trillion at the end of June 2009.


Backed by hedge fund manager Michael Masters, of Masters Capital Management, she called for the proposed reforms to take their place alongside wider financial regulatory reforms currently being discussed by the US Congress.


Mr Masters believes that there is a strong correlation between the credit crisis and volatile commodity costs, which have seen a rise not only in oil prices but in basic food staples in recent years.


She made her comments flanked by a number of business lobby groups, including Americans for Financial Reform and the American Trucking Association (ATA).

キャントウェル上院議員のコメントは、Americans for Financial Reformや米国トラック運送協会(ATA)を含む、多くのビジネス・ロビー団体に擁護された。

An ATA spokesman said that "speculative trading that helped create massive bubbles in a range of consumer goods, from gasoline, heating oil and natural gas to wheat, cotton and other commodities" currently "take place with no transparency and without any federal oversight."

図解入門ビジネス 最新商品先物の基本とカラクリがよーくわかる本 (How‐nual Business Guide Book)
津賀田 真紀子
