


2010-02-17 15:09:26 | Telegraph (UK)
Westinghouse warned over nuclear reactor design
By Rowena Mason, City Reporter (Energy)
Telegraph:16 Feb 2010
UK regulators have dealt a new blow to Westinghouse's nuclear reactor designs, raising concerns about the robustness of its concrete reinforcements.


Toshiba-owned Westinghouse and its French rival Areva are both trying to get approval for their separate reactor designs from the Health & Safety Executive by mid-2011.


However, the HSE said on Tuesday that it is not yet satisfied with Westinghouse's proposals and has demanded more information by the autumn.


The company insisted that the warning was "not a showstopper", saying it was still possible to achieve a licence for its design in just over a year. However, such concerns are likely to raise fresh speculation over whether Westinghouse and Areva will manage to avoid the lengthy regulatory delays that have held up nuclear construction in other countries.


French utility EDF wants to build the UK's first plant by 2017, but Areva's construction work has been delayed in Finland. It is believed by industry insiders that Areva is behind schedule in France.


Last week, Westinghouse was forced to put back the start of building work at two new reactors in Florida for up to three years due "licensing issues".


Kevin Allars, director of nuclear new-build at the HSE, said the UK authorities were "on the same page as the US", but believed Westinghouse could still manage to either convince them that the design is safe or complete modifications according to the timetable.


Westinghouse is planning to "sandwich" concrete between two plates of steel, rather than using conventional reinforcement techniques. It says the method is commonplace in Japan and other Asian countries. This will save time during the very lengthy construction process and the company claims it will result in a higher quality product.


"We are pleased that the regulators have confirmed they do not see this as a likely showstopper to the [reactor] being licensed in the UK, but we recognise that there is a significant amount of work which needs to be done," said Mike Tynan, chief executive of Westinghouse UK.

「規制当局が、これを英国における(原子炉の)ライセンス取得にとって致命的だと考えていないことは喜ばしいと思っているが、大量の作業が求められていることは認識している」とウェスティンハウスUKのCEO、Mike Tynanは言った。

The company is understood to be lagging behind Areva in making progress towards satisfying the HSE's safety demands.


Areva received a similar warning last year about possible problems with its reactor over concerns that its operational systems had not been adequately separated from its safety systems.


The company has since returned to the HSE with a modified design that appears likely to be accepted.


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2010-02-17 13:44:29 | Telegraph (UK)
今朝の新語は「Vote by Cost」でありましたね。


Greece loses EU voting power in blow to sovereignty
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, International Business Editor
Telegraph:16 Feb 2010
The European Union has shown its righteous wrath by stripping Greece of its vote at a crucial meeting next month, the worst humiliation ever suffered by an EU member state.


The council of EU finance ministers said Athens must comply with austerity demands by March 16 or lose control over its own tax and spend policies altogether. It if fails to do so, the EU will itself impose cuts under the draconian Article 126.9 of the Lisbon Treaty in what would amount to economic suzerainty.


While the symbolic move to suspend Greece of its voting rights at one meeting makes no practical difference, it marks a constitutional watershed and represents a crushing loss of sovereignty.


"We certainly won't let them off the hook," said Austria's finance minister, Josef Proll, echoing views shared by colleagues in Northern Europe. Some German officials have called for Greece to be denied a vote in all EU matter until it emerges from "receivership".


The EU has still refused to reveal details of how it might help Greece raise €30bn (£26bn) from global debt markets by the end of June. Investors are unsure whether this is part of Kabuki play of "constructive ambiguity" to pressure Greece and keep markets guessing, or reflects the deep reluctance by Germany to be drawn deeper in an EU fiscal union. Greek bonds sold off as ten-year yields jumped to 6.42pc, but the euro rallied to $1.3765 against the dollar as broader issues resurfaced in currency markets.


Jean-Claude Juncker, head of the Eurogroup, hinted that ministers have already agreed on a support mechanism, should it be necessary. It will most likely involve by bilateral aid by eurozone states. He said proposals for an IMF bailout - backed by Britain - were "absurd" and would shatter the credibility of monetary union.


Many Germans disagree, including Otmar Issing, once the backbone of the European Central Bank. He said an EU rescue for Greece would be fatal, arguing that unflinching rigour is the only way to hold monetary union together without political union.

ECBの中心的人物だったOtmar Issingを含む、多くのドイツ人は反対している。

Tuesday's EU verdict amounted to a thumbs down on Greece's earlier austerity efforts, viewed as too reliant on one-off measures and too light on spending cuts. Greece must reduce its deficit from 12.7pc of GDP to 3pc in three years. Greek customs officials expressed their anger by kicking off a three-day strike, the first of many stoppages set to culminate in a general strike next week.


However, premier George Papandreou has won support from key political parties and a majority of the people. Greece may yet surprise critics by mustering its Spartan Spirit.


佐藤製薬 ユンケルローヤル・C 30ml



2010-02-17 12:31:28 | Telegraph (UK)
Credit markets flash hottest warning signal since crisis
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, International Business Editor
Telegraph:16 Feb 2010
European credit markets are flashing the most serious warnings signs in a year as the yields on risker bonds rise sharply and a string of companies cancel share flotations, raising fears that the recovery may falter in coming months.


Jitters over Chinese credit tightening and default risks in Greece and Dubai are causing bond vigilantes to batten down the hatches across the world, bringing the most dramatic credit rally for a century to a shuddering halt.


The Markit iTraxx Crossover index measuring yields on lower-grade debt has jumped by almost 130 basis points since mid-January to 514, while the main index of investment grade bonds has jumped by a third to 93. "This is the biggest move since the financial crisis in early 2009, said Gavan Nolan, Markit's credit analyst.

低格付け債券の金利を測定するMarkit iTraxx Crossoverインデックスは、1月中旬以降130ベーシス・ポイント近く跳ね上がって514となった。

"The index is a leading indicator so it is a warning signal. This is being driven by volatility in sovereign debt, with Greece being the biggest issue at the moment but tightening in China could be a bigger negative catalyst in the long-term," he said.


The rating agency Moody's said market ructions have led to a "material" rise in borrowing costs over the last month, prompting the cancellation of debt issues by the Dutch energy group New World Resources, Italy's Snai betting group, and the UK's Travelport. Sixteen companies wordwide have pulled debt issues worth a $7.3bn (£4.66bn) since mid-January, including Canada's Bombardier.


Dr Suki Mann, a credit specialist at Societe Generale, said stronger companies should weather any squall but concerns are mounting. "The world has woken up to the real possibility of a double dip. These are nervous times," he said.

ソシエテ・ジェネラルのクレジット・スペシャリスト、Suki Mann博士は、より健全な会社は耐えられるだろうが、懸念は高まっていると述べた。

BusinessEurope, the EU-wide lobby, warned this week of a "very worrying situation" as it become harder to raise money at a viable cost, if at all. The group called on the European Central Bank to send a "clear signal" about its collateral policy. Fears of tougher ECB rules are a key factor causing market flight from Greek debt.


The sudden halt in bond issues is disturbing since companies have been relying on capital markets to raise money as an alternative to Europe's fragile banks. The ECB said on Tuesday that 42pc of small businesses in the eurozone had reported worsening credit conditions in the second half of last year, despite the emergency stimulus of the authorities.


Conditions appear to be deteriorating. Bank loans to companies contracted at an annual rate of 1.9pc in November and 2.3pc in December. Consumer credit also fell. The Bundesbank fears that disastrous earnings last year will cause scores of German companies to breach loan covenants, triggering a wave of downgrades that further damage German banks and potentially setting off a second wave of the credit crisis.


New Basel III rules intended to force banks to raise risk-adjust capital levels may be making matters worse. The rules are causing weaker banks to cut lending, throwing the 'credit multiplier' into reverse.


Andrew Sheets, a credit expert at Morgan Stanley, said corporate bond spreads have not spiked as far as Greek or southern European sovereign yields, so they may rise higher as the price of risk comes back into alignment. "What's changed over the last two weeks is that valuations have become too rich compared to broader sovereigns," he said.


Credit rallied far ahead of stocks last year, creating the chance of a "equity carry trade". Dividend yields on Telefonica are 8.2pc while yields on the company's five-year debt are 3.8pc, comparable to Spanish state debt. Likewise for France Telecom at 8.5pc against 3.3pc.


This is an extreme aberration by historical standards. Either equity prices must rise a long way, or credit spreads must widen.


「多様な意見」はなぜ正しいのか 衆愚が集合知に変わるとき



2010-02-17 12:30:55 | Telegraph (UK)
Eurozone finance ministers give Greece a month to make drastic budget cuts
Telegraph:16 Feb 2010
European finance ministers told Greece on Tuesday it may need to take further steps to bring a swollen debt under control and calm "irrational" financial markets, as wage cuts already announced by Athens sparked another strike.


At a European Union meeting, finance ministers from Germany, Austria and Sweden led the charge, with Germany's deputy finance minister saying Greece should mimic Ireland and Latvia, both of which are slashing spending and wages savagely.


"We made it clear the ball is in Greece's court," said Joerg Asmussen. "Additional measures by Greece are needed."

「今度はギリシャが動く番だとはっきり言っている。追加措置が必要だ」とJoerg Asmussenは述べた。

That, and a statement issued by the ministers after the meeting, suggested clearly that the 30 days they have given Greece to prove itself before reporting back will in any case end with demands for more budget cuts or tax hikes, or both.


Greece is the first country in 11 years of European monetary union to require a political pledge of support as fears over its debt sparked a market attack that has dented the euro and lifted bond yields, making debt servicing even more challenging.


The ministers said nothing about specific support measures or aid, opting instead to heap pressure on Greece in return for the promise to support it if things get out of hand, a pledge made by European leaders last Thursday.


"The pressure on Greece to consider further measures by March 16 has clearly increased," Austrian Finance Minister Josef Proell said, adding no support measures had been agreed so far.


Asked what would happen if Greece faced difficulty raising money in the weeks ahead, Mr Proell said the matter was an affair for Athens to handle first but Europe stood behind it.


"Germany, France and others -- there (would) be a group of countries who can give this money to Greece to stabilise the country and also the euro zone," he said in an interview with Reuters television. "But this debate is not yet on."


March 16 is a deadline the finance ministers set both for Greece to show its plan is being rolled out effectively and for them to decide what should happen next as they seek to sort out Athens' woes and prevent any broader shutout in debt markets.


Greece will then have to report back again by May 15 and every three months thereafter.


European Monetary Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn said that experts from the European Commission, IMF and European Central Bank "will be on the ground in Athens in the coming days" to check up on implementation of steps announced so far.

欧州金融問題担当委員Olli Rehnは、これまでに発表された対策の実施状況を確認するために、欧州理事会、IMF、ECBの専門家が「数日以内にアテネ入りする」と述べた。

With two lots of sovereign debt of more than €8bn each to refinance on the markets in April and May, Athens is on the frontline, and markets also have other euro zone countries such as Spain and Portugal in their sights.


Luxembourg's Jean-Claude Juncker also vented frustration at markets, where governments turn to raise or refinance debt via bond issues on a regular basis, so far with success.


"We shouldn't accept to be the target of financial markets," said Juncker. "I am concerned by this irrational way of behaving of financial markets."


But he too said the ball was in Athens' court, as did the official end-of-meeting statement from Brussels.


In Athens, Greek customs officials kicked off a three-day strike to protest against cuts in their income, in a further sign of discontent over cutbacks.


Athens has announced fuel tax increases, cuts in public pay and pension reforms as it strives to deliver on a commitment to reduce its public deficit from 12.7pc of GDP to less than 3pc in 2012, starting with a four-point cut this year.


「多様な意見」はなぜ正しいのか 衆愚が集合知に変わるとき
