


2010-02-24 17:58:13 | Telegraph (UK)
Europe at risk of double-dip recession
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, International Business Editor
Telegraph:24 Feb 2010
A blizzard of bad data from France, Germany, and Italy have raised concerns that Europe's fragile recovery is stalling already, with mounting risks of a double-dip recession this year.


French household spending dropped 2.7pc in January, led by a 19pc collapse in car sales following the end of France's scrappage scheme. Germany's IFO business confidence index dropped for the first time since the depths of the crisis in December 2008, partly due to bad weather. Confidence relapsed in Italy.


Mervyn King, the Bank of England's Governor, said Europe's rebound "appears to have stalled" , posing fresh risks for Britain as well. "My particular concerns at present derive from the state of the world economy and our largest trading partner, the euro area," he said.


Mr King said surplus countries around the world are not stimulating enough to offset belt-tightening by deficit states such as the UK, US and Spain, citing the eurozone as a "microcosm" of the problem. "I was struck by the mood at the G7 meeting in Canada, where several of the major economies around the world said quite openly that they were relying on external demand growth to generate growth in their economy. That can't be true of everybody," he said.



The eurozone grew by just 0.1pc in the last quarter of 2009 as government stimulus wound down. Germany was flat; Italy contracted again; Spain and Greece were still in recession. Outside EMU, the Czech, Hungarian and Romanian economies all shrank.


"We're treading a precarious path: things will have to go well in the rest of the world for Europe to avoid a double-dip recession," said Julian Callow from Barclays Capital.


"Banks are facing bad loans and tougher Basel III rules. We've seen the deindustrialisation of Europe's core caused by the strong euro, which has helped Chinese exports penetrate the market. Unless the risks of debt deflation are mitigated, the European Central Bank may have to start buying assets."


Gabriel Stein from Lombard Street Research said Euroland is reaping the bitter fruit of tight fiscal and monetary policy, and the over-strong euro. "It is extraordinary for the ECB to stand back and do nothing as the (M3) money supply contracts. They have done almost no quantitative easing and seem paralysed by splits. This is as bad as any policy error since World War Two," he said.


Falling prices in France and even Italy last month suggest that deflation may yet prove a threat. "Germany is exporting deflation to the rest of the eurozone," he said.


渡邉 哲也



2010-02-24 15:34:02 | Telegraph (UK)
(; `ハ´)<き、切れてないアル!

Concerns grow over China's sale of US bonds
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, International Business Editor
Telegraph:23 Feb 2010
Evidence is mounting that Chinese sales of US Treasury bonds over recent months are intended as a warning shot to Washington over escalating political disputes rather than being part of a routine portfolio shift as thought at first.


A front-page story in the state’s China Information News said the record $34bn sale of US bonds in December was a "commendable" move. The article was republished by the National Bureau of Statistics, giving it a stronger imprimatur.


It follows a piece last week in China Daily, the Politburo’s voice, citing an official from the Chinese Academy of Sciences praising the move to "slash" holdings of US debt. This was published on the same day that US President Barack Obama received the Dalai Lama at the White House, defying protests from Beijing.


"There are ongoing spats between the US and China on so many fronts so you have to assume that this is some sort of implicit threat," said Neil Mellor, a currency expert at the Bank of New York Mellon, who cautioned that it can be hard to read the complex signals from China.


"We still think China will have to continue buying US Treasuries by the bucket load. Where else can they invest in a liquid market. The euro has become a tarnished currency," he said.


China’s power is growing so fast that it now feels confident enough to raise the stakes on a string of festering conflicts with the US. It has threatened to impose sanctions on any US firm that takes part in a $6.4bn arms deal for Taiwan agreed by the White House. This is a tougher response that on any previous occasion and raises the spectre of a trade war over Boeing, the key supplier.


"Chinese leaders are deploying their reserves to try and pressure the US to stop haranguing China about its currency and trade policies, and to back off from interference in its domestic issues," said professor Eswar Prasad, ex-head of the IMF’s China division.


Stephen Jen from BlueGold Capital said Chine is probably moving out of bonds from many countries as it prepares for a likely 5pc revaluation of its currency in coming weeks. Other assets might prove better protection against an immediate loss on holdings


Use of China’s $2.4 trillion reserves to challenge US foreign policy is fraught with problems, not least because any damage to America will recoils immediately against China – which depends on the US market for its mercantilist growth strategy. Beijing cannot stop accumulating dollars unless it is willing to let the yuan ride, eroding the margins of its export industry. Some reserves can be parked in gold or even copper, but liquid commodity markets are not big enough to absorb the scale of Chinese surpluses.


China and America are locked together by fate. Any petulant action by either side involves a degree of `mutual assured destruction’. But sometimes in politics – as in life – emotion flies out of control.


異形の大国 中国―彼らに心を許してはならない
櫻井 よしこ



2010-02-24 14:43:07 | Telegraph (UK)
World economy to be hit by several sovereign defaults, Ken Rogoff warns
Telegraph:23 Feb 2010
The world economy will be hit by several sovereign debt defaults in coming years, according to Ken Rogoff, a former chief economist at the International Monetary Fund who predicted the global banking crisis.


After banking crises, “we usually see a bunch of sovereign defaults, say in a few years. I predict we will again,” Mr Rogoff, now a professor at Harvard University, said in Tokyo on Tuesday.


“It’s very, very hard to call the timing, but it will happen,” Rogoff told an audience in the Japanese capital. Many countries across the world will be forced to cut their spending once investors demand higher interest rates to lend money, he said.


The prospect of a country defaulting on its debts has long been seen as one of the greatest risks to the global economy this year, with fears currently centered on Greece. As interest rates rise, Greece and Portugal will "have a lot of troubles,” according to Rogoff.


“In rich countries - Germany, the United States and maybe Japan - we are going to see slow growth. They will tighten their belts when the problem hits with interest rates. They will deal with it.”


Mr Rogoff is the co-author with Carmen M. Reinhart of "This Time Is Different,” which charts the history of financial crises in 66 countries.

ロゴフ教授は、66カ国の金融危機の歴史を示した『This Time Is Different(今回は違う)』をCarmen M Reinhartと共著した。

さらば、デフレ不況 -日本を救う最良の景気回復論―
廣宮 孝信



2010-02-24 11:56:33 | Telegraph (UK)
Wall Street bonuses rise to $20.3bn
By James Quinn, US Business Editor In New York
Telegraph:23 Feb 2010
Wall Street banks doled out $20.3bn (£13.2bn) in bonuses for 2009, a 17pc increase on 2008 in spite of continued public outrage over the size of compensation packages in the financial services sector.


Average compensation at three of the "Street's" biggest banks – Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase – rose by 31pc, according to a survey by Thomas DiNapoli, the state of New York's comptroller.


The average taxable bonus rose to $123,850 in a year when the Street is expected to generate more than $55bn in profits – against $112,000 in 2008 when it lost more than $35bn.


However in spite of the increase in 2009, the overall figure remains significantly down on 2007 highs, when the total bonus pot was estimated at $32.9bn.


Mr DiNapoli's closely watched annual survey is seen as a key measure of the health of New York's financial district, although he admitted: "For most Americans, these huge bonuses are a bitter pill and hard to comprehend."






2010-02-24 11:52:38 | Telegraph (UK)
US consumer confidence drops sharply, raises jobs fears
Telegraph:23 Feb 2010
US consumers' confidence took a surprisingly sharp fall in February amid rising job worries.


The decline ended three straight months of improvement and raises concerns about the US economic recovery.


The Conference Board said on Tuesday said its Consumer Confidence Index fell almost 11 points to 46 in February, down from a revised 56.5 in January. Analysts were expecting only a slight decrease to 55.


The increasing pessimism is a big blow to hopes that consumer spending will power an economic recovery. Economists watch the confidence numbers closely because consumer spending accounts for about 70pc of U.S. economic activity.


The February reading is a long way from what's considered healthy: a reading above 90 means the economy is on solid footing. Above 100 signals strong growth.


The news sent stocks lower, overshadowing retailer reports that showed stronger holiday profits. The Dow Jones industrial average falling 74.29 points to 10,309.09 by midmorning.


One gauge, measuring consumers' assessment of current conditions, dropped to 19.4 from 25.2, the lowest level since 1983. The other barometer, which measures their outlook over the next six months and had been rising since October 2009, fell to 63.8 from 77.3.


The overall Consumer Confidence Index hit a historic low of 25.3 in February 2009 but then enjoyed a three-month climb to 54.8 in May, fueled by signs the economy might be stabilizing.


Since then, it has been mired in a narrow range, dropping as low as 47, as rising unemployment took a toll, before climbing again for a three-month stretch.


February's reading is well below the 61.4 figure in September 2008, when the financial crisis intensified with the collapse of Lehman Brothers. The index has had an average reading of 95.6 since the Conference Board starting tracking the figures in 1967.


"The combination of earnings and job anxieties is likely to continue to curb spending," Lynn Franco, director of The Conference Board Consumer Research Center, said in a statement.


The downbeat report on confidence was released amid encouraging news about the housing market. According to a key housing index, also released Tuesday, home prices rose for the seventh straight month in December, a sign of price stability as the U.S. housing market continues its bumpy road to recovery.


The Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller 20-city home price index rose 0.3pc from November to December, to a seasonally adjusted reading of 145.87. The index was off 3.1pc from December last year, nearly matching analysts' estimates that it would fall by 3.2pc.


But a solid job market is critical to consumers' boosting their spending and the overall of health of the economy.


The overall economy expanded at an annual rate of 5.7pc in the fourth quarter, but only about one-fourth of that growth came from consumers. That marked the second quarterly increase in a row after four quarter of decreases. But continued high unemployment could lead consumers to further cut their spending, and that could dampen economic growth.


Many economists expect new jobs to be created in coming months. Unemployment fell to 9.7pc in January from 10pc in December, and employers shed 20,000 jobs. But they still worry that joblessness will climb back up by next summer as unemployed people who abandoned job searches start trying again.


The results, based on a sample of 5,000 US households with cutoff date was Feb. 17, showed consumers' assessment of current job opportunities and job prospects over the next six months eroded.


Those saying that jobs are "hard to get" rose to 47.7pc from 46.5pc, while those saying jobs are "plentiful" decreased to 3.6pc from 4.4pc.


As for the outlook for the job market, the share of consumers expecting fewer jobs increased to 24.6pc from 18.9pc. Those anticipating more jobs will become available in the months ahead declined to 13.4pc from 15.8pc. The proportion of consumers expecting an increase in their incomes dropped to 9.5pc from 11pc.


Traditionally, jobs don't improve a recovery in consumer spending and confidence. But Gary Thayer, chief economist at Wells Fargo Advisors, believes that this time around, big improvements in jobs, confidence and spending will be "marching together."

しかしウェルズ・ファーゴ・アドバイザーズのチーフ・エコノミスト、Gary Thayerは、今回は雇用、信頼感、支出の大きな改善は「一緒くたにやって来る」だろうと考えている。

"I think shoppers are going to wait until things get better," he said.


世界を救うショッピングガイド―Causebrand Handbook
野村 尚克
