


2009-02-04 17:42:26 | Telegraph (UK)

Spain's downward spiral spooks bond investors
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph:03 Feb 2009
Spain lost almost 200,000 jobs in January in the worst one-month rise since records began, lifting the unemployment rate to 14.4pc and inflicting further damage on the credibility of the Spanish government.


The ferocity of the downturn has led to a sharp jump in borrowing costs for the Spanish state, which lost its AAA credit rating from Standard & Poor's last month.


A €7bn treasury auction of 10-year Spanish bond on Tuesday saw yields jump to 137 basis points above German Bunds, a post-EMU high. Foreign investors were conspicuously absent, leaving Spanish banks to soak up the debt.


"This is a national emergency. The government is being overwhelmed by events," said Mariano Rajoy, the opposition leader. The mood has changed dramatically in recent weeks as debtors launch hunger strikes and one builder threatened to set himself on fire to protest the credit crunch.


Maravillas Rojo, the labour secretary, said four million people may be out of work by end of the year – up from 3.3m now. "We're suffering from a grave international financial crisis, lack of liquidity, and falling consumption," she said.


Spain is losing jobs at three times the rate of the US, in proportionate terms. Over one million Spanish men under thirty are unemployed, leading to a surge in applications to join the armed forces. Three quarters of the army candidates are being turned away.


Industry minister Miguel Sebastian has launched a "Made in Spain" drive, exhorting the nation to buy Spanish clothes and to take ski holidays in the Sierra Nevada instead of the Alps. He claimed that 120,000 jobs can be saved if every citizen spends €150 less this year on imports.


The campaign amounts to a partial boycott of foreign products and may breach EU law. It is the sort of protectionist reflex becoming visible daily in much of the world.


Mr Sebastian blamed the banks for causing the crisis by tightening credit. "We're losing our patience," he said.


But the banks themselves are coming under strain – even though they have held up better than Anglo-Saxon and German banks so far. Bad loans have reached 3.5pc and are expected to surpass the 8pc peak seen in the crunch of the early 1990s.


"Banks have closed the tap," said Jesus Barcenas, Spain's small business leader.

「銀行は栓を締めてしまった」とスペインの中小企業リーダー、Jesus Barcenas。

Finance minister Pedro Solbes says there is almost nothing Madrid can do to halt the downward spiral. "We have exhausted our margin for manoeuvre," he said.


While he has avoided blaming Spain's euro membership for the country's plight, there is no question that Spain's failure to adapt to the rigours of EMU is at the root of its structural crisis.


S&P said euro membership had become part of the problem since it prevented the country resorting to aggressive monetary stimulus to counter the housing crash, or from devaluing to restore competitiveness.


Spain has become trapped after letting wage costs rise faster than German and French costs for year after year, leading to a current account deficit of 10pc of GDP. The socialist government of Jose-Luis Zapatero has so far recoiled from imposing the necessary remedy of wage deflation. It may be forced to do so by the bond markets.



2009-02-04 17:41:53 | Telegraph (UK)
Europe and Canada warn US over 'Buy America' clause
By James Quinn, Wall Street Correspondent
Telegraph:03 Feb 2009
The European Union and Canada have warned that the "Buy America" clause in President Barack Obama's $900bn (£626bn) fiscal stimulus package is in danger of fostering unwanted and damaging US protectionism.


In letters to the Obama administration, the block of European nations and Canada said that the measure could damage the global economy's recovery and potentially prolong the current recession.


Their warnings came as a leading US senator urged Microsoft to save the jobs of US staff over those of foreign workers as it prepares to make 5,000 people redundant over the next 18 months.


The events highlight growing hostility between the major economic powers as they each attempt to provide the best platform for its own recovery.


The EU's leading diplomat in Washington, John Bruton, complained about the "Buy America" clause in letters to US officials, including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner. The provisions would require major public works projects being funded by the stimulus package to use only US iron, steel and manufactured products over imported goods.


Mr Bruton, the European Union's ambassador to the US, said that the measures in the yet to be approved stimulus bill were in direct contravention of the agreement by the G20 nations in November not to resort to protectionism. Mr Bruton's letter states that if the US fails to stand by its G20 obligations, it risked "entering into a spiral of protectionist measures around the globe that can only hurt our economies further".


He later said: "Measures of this nature, if they breach WTO rules, are likely to be the subject of legal action. There is always the possibility of retaliatory measures."


The letter from Canadian ambassador Michael Wilson to leaders of the US Senate is similar, although harsher in its direct language. It reminds the US government that Canada remains America's largest single trading partner, saying that such measures would "decrease North American competitiveness, thereby killing jobs, rather than creating them".


The letters came as Senator Charles Grassley further raised the issue of protectionism, writing to Microsoft chief executive Steve Ballmer intimating that the company prioritises US citizens over foreigners when it comes to job allocation.


"Our immigration policy is not intended to harm the American workforce ... Microsoft has a moral obligation to protect these American workers by putting them first during these difficult economic times," his letter reads.


The Seattle-based software giant last month announced it was to undertake its first company-wide redundancy programme, cutting its workforce by 5,000 jobs, equivalent to 5.5pc of its total headcount.


Senator Grassley is thought to have targeted Microsoft because founder Bill Gates has been particularly outspoken about the need for the US government to issue more H1-B visas, which allow foreign nationals with special skills to work in America.



2009-02-04 17:39:53 | Telegraph (UK)



Australia steps up recession fight with new stimulus plan and interest rate cut
By Bonnie Malkin in Sydney
Telegraph:03 Feb 2009
The Australian government has unveiled a second multi-billion dollar stimulus package that it hopes will lift the country out of a deepening slowdown and protect-against a full-blown recession.
