Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

A fatal blow to “Made in Japan” label 他

2011年03月21日 22時40分11秒 | Weblog

IAEA: Some improvements in Japan nuclear situation
VIENNA | Sun Mar 20, 2011

(Reuters) - The U.N. atomic watchdog said on Sunday there had been some positive developments at Japan's disaster-hit nuclear power plant in the last 24 hours but that the overall situation remained very serious.

Graham Andrew, a senior official of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), also said radiation levels in major Japanese cities had not changed and remained below dangerous levels.

He said the IAEA could confirm that in some areas near the plant radioactive iodine had been detected in some freshly grown vegetables.

"There have been some positive developments in the last 24 hours but overall the situation remains very serious," he told a news conference.

IAEA 多少、明るい進展がみられるものの全体としては状況はいまだに非常に深刻。



(2011年3月21日19時58分 読売新聞)




Options are few to prevent Japan nuclear catastrophe
By Ralph Vartabedian, W.J. Hennigan and Thomas H. Maugh II, Los Angeles Times

March 18, 2011

Edward Morse, a professor of nuclear engineering at UC Berkeley, added that it would take huge amounts of water to compensate for the cracks in a containment pool that were uncovered by U.S. surveillance aircraft on Friday.

"The best thing to do is use as much of the Pacific Ocean as possible," he said.



Fukushima impact to be less global than Chernobyl - nuclear engineer
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Published: 21 March, 2011

RT: In the worst case scenario, how bad could the situation in Japan be?

EA: The only thing I can say is that no active zones or active fuel discharges into the atmosphere have taken place. Thank God! That’s why the scale of disaster in Japan is different. Yes, it is true that the radiological situation around the station is periodically getting worse and radiation levels are increasing dependent on events there. I mean minor explosions that discharge radioactive gases. But the most important thing is that there are no discharges of nuclear fuel, which contains the entire periodic table of chemical elements.

That is why the events that are still unfolding in Japan will be less global than the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident. It exceeded 90 times the yield of the bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima.

First, I don’t think the discharges are going to be as massive as at Chernobyl. Second, the atomic energy industry will suffer certain losses because the reactors hit by explosions are going to be lost. Five, six or even seven nuclear reactors, out of 55 operating in Japan, form a significant share, but they are unlikely to cause fundamental change. But the most important thing that we have to bear in mind is that the current negative events in Japan are taking place at first generation nuclear power stations. They were built in 1971. They are 40 years old. By the way, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was also built in the 1970s.

RT: There are reports that the radiation level is 20 or 30 the normal amount in Japan right now. People are scared even in Russia’s Far East. What is the critical figure?

EA: The figure that you need not fear is 20 milli-roentgens an hour. It is absolutely safe, being the natural background. Mountain climbers gain more exposure, for example. People flying onboard aircraft get between 20 and 100 times more exposure. But you are airborne for just three or four hours, and that’s all.

A lack of information breeds panic. This mustn’t be allowed: everyone should have truthful and accurate information. We mustn’t be afraid of information.



21 March 2011 Last updated at 09:55 GMT Share this pageFacebookTwitterShareEmailPrint
Japan nuclear threat: The tsunami is the bigger tragedy

It is an invisible hazard, mysterious and not understood, associated with dire consequences such as cancer and birth defects. It feels unnatural.
In contrast, few in the west of England seem concerned at the natural radiation they are exposed to from the earth in the form of the gas radon, even though it is estimated to lead to more than 1,000 cancer deaths a year in this country

Many of the thousands of servicemen exposed to A-bomb tests suffered lifelong disability similar to post-traumatic stress disorder, and any effects of Three Mile Island were psychological, rather than caused by the minimal radiation exposure.

It has been estimated that 17 million were exposed to significant radiation after Chernobyl and nearly 2,000 people have since developed thyroid cancer having consumed contaminated food and milk as children.

This is very serious, but nothing like the impact that had been expected, and a UN report identified psychological problems as the major consequence for health.

Radiation does, however, feel acceptable when used in benign circumstances such as medical imaging. You can pay £800 ($1000) and get a whole-body CT scan as part of a medical check-up, but it can deliver you a dose equivalent to being 1.5 miles from the centre of the Hiroshima explosion.

Because more than 70 million CT scans are carried out each year, the US National Cancer Institute has estimated that 29,000 Americans will get cancer as a result of the CT scans they received in 2007 alone.

UPDATE: A new UN report on the effects of Chernobyl has been released, which concludes that contaminated milk "led to a substantial fraction of the more than 6,000 thyroid cancers observed to date among people who were children or adolescents at the time of the accident (by 2005, 15 cases had proved fatal)". It adds: "To date, there has been no persuasive evidence of any other health effect in the general population that can be attributed to radiation exposure."

Barrage of opinions
Given extreme public concerns, risk communication in a crisis is vital.

The accepted wisdom is for governments to be open and honest, without denial or premature reassurance, to own up to risks and uncertainties, and to keep up a constant flow of consistent information while giving people clear instructions and something to do.

The Daily Mail science editor, Michael Hanlon, has already boldly claimed that "what has happened in Japan should in fact be seen as a massive endorsement of nuclear power", given the success of most Japanese plants at withstanding a disaster they were never designed for, but others will use exactly the same information to reach the directly opposite conclusion.






The nuclear power debate
As fear of lethal radiation from Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant is increasing, we look at the future of atomic energy.
Riz Khan Last Modified: 16 Mar 2011




March 20, 2011
Japan's catastrophe and the disaster that awaits
"60 Minutes" correspondent Scott Pelley reports from the disaster zone

An American team of top experts arrived shortly after the disaster but they were largely stuck at the U.S. Embassy. The Japanese didn't think they needed the help. But by last Tuesday the emergency was out of control and the U.S. gave the Japanese an ominous private warning.



Chinese seek refunds on salt, but many are denied
Misguided shoppers cleared stores of the seasoning in the midst of a panic about radiation from Japan.
By David Pierson, Los Angeles Times
March 21, 2011, 4:24 a.m.

Reporting from Beijing― The panic buying of salt that swept China last week amid fears of radiation from Japan has been replaced with a new frenzy: how to get a refund.

Many shoppers reportedly feel buyer's remorse after realizing that there was no shortage of salt in China and that radiation from the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in northeastern Japan posed little threat to coastal sea salt deposits.

Former hoarders are now lining up at some grocery stores to ask for their money back, especially from shopkeepers who were charging as much as 10 times normal prices for the seasoning, according to Chinese news reports.



21 March 2011 Last updated at 05:49 GMT Share this pageFacebookTwitterShareEmailPrint
Japan disaster: Recovery 'could take five years

World Bank estimates up to $235 billion in damages; smoke rises from reactor No. 3
World Bank estimates Japan damage up to $235 billion; smoke rises from nuclear plant

Matt Dunham / Associated Press - A residential area in the city of Rikuzentakata in Iwate Prefecture was destroyed by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami.

By David Nakamura, Monday, March 21, 7


〈世界から被災地へ〉「エジプトは支援する」 カイロのモスク、日の丸配布






(2011年3月21日18時04分 読売新聞)


(2011年3月21日18時12分 読売新聞




A fatal blow to “Made in Japan” label
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Published: 21 March, 2011,

As Japan works overtime to avert a nuclear meltdown, another crisis could be in the making. There are second thoughts, mainly borne of paranoia, that radioactive particles may reach far beyond Japan's border.
The fear rises from the seafood, with people wondering whether radiation has got into the water. It is the fear of Japanese imports, going all the way to the top.
US regulators have said they will increase screening of food coming in from the embattled Asian nation. The European Union has warned members to do the same. And Italy was the first EU nation to ban food imports from japan altogether in the wake of the nuclear scare.

Japanese brands play a major role in the US. But with the nuclear disaster there is no telling what the toll will be on manufacturing for companies like Sony, Toshiba, TDK, and also their brand presence in countries like the US and the status of the “Made in Japan” label, if it comes to mean “made in a nuclear wasteland.”








避難所の優しい子供たち 360°写真




Posted by ampontan on Monday, March 21, 2011


復興できる 94.6%
復興できない 2.6%
(その他・わからない) 2.8%


春一番 キャンディーズ Candies

国会議員とその家族に牛乳とほうれん草を 他

2011年03月21日 12時09分46秒 | Weblog
 via JP



放射能漏出 監視を強化し「食」の不安防げ(3月21日付・読売社説)




社説:原発と放射能 リスク伝達に専門官を




農産物と風評被害 健康に不安抱く必要なし







官房副長官 冷静な対応呼びかけ
3月20日 11時19分




Japan Makes Progress at Nuclear Reactors, but Contamination Spreads
Published: March 20, 2011

Mr. Fukuyama, the deputy chief cabinet secretary, stressed that although the readings were above levels deemed normal, they posed no immediate health risks.

“At current levels, I would let my children eat the spinach and drink the water” from Fukushima, he said. His children did not drink much milk, he added.








平和安全保障研究所理事長・西原正 「フクシマ」で的確な対外発信を





福島第一原発、基準6倍のヨウ素検出 核燃料の損傷確実









Japan restricts milk, vegetables produced near damaged nuclear plant
By the CNN Wire Staff
March 21, 2011 -- Updated 0134

However, Dr. James Cox, professor of radiation oncology at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, said the reported levels posed little or no health concerns.
"The immediate risk in terms of health effects are probably nonexistent, and the long-term risk is very low," said Cox, a CNN consultant.


"The government is going to have to grapple with what to do about that," said Jim Walsh, an international security expert at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a CNN consultant. "If they outlaw all the produce from that region, that pretty much is putting the stamp of death on those farmers. They're never going to be able to sell any produce."


Hygiene expert Satoshi Takaya, who helped Japanese scientists prevent contaminated food from entering the country at that time, said the current situation is no Chernobyl -- but he said the current crisis is sure to affect Japanese farmers.
"Japanese, or anyone for that matter, won't eat anything they consider could possibly be contaminated," he said.


