Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

鉄のトライアングル 他

2011年03月06日 12時50分21秒 | Weblog

4 March 2011 Last updated at 11:51 GMT Share this pageFacebookTwitterShareEmailPrint
China's fear of Middle East-style unrest

By Damian Grammaticas
BBC News, Beijing

There are tensions and conflicts like this every day all over China. Despite the booming economic growth there are millions who feel shut out, angry at official corruption, at inequalities that are rising, at land grabs. That's why the government is so concerned about the possibilities for unrest.



Saudi Arabia bans protest rallies
Interior ministry vows to use all steps "to prevent attempts to disrupt public order" following recent Shia protests.
Last Modified: 05 Mar 2011 1

Saudi Arabia has banned all protests and marches following recent anti-government protests in the kingdom’s east, reports say.

State television on Saturday quoted the interior ministry as saying that security forces would use all measures to prevent any attempt to disrupt public order.

The ban on public demonstrations comes amid media reports of a huge mobilisation of Saudi troops in Shia-dominated provinces in order to quell any possible uprising.



6 March 2011 Last updated at 03:08 GMT Share this pageFacebookTwitterShareEmailPrint
Wisconsin: Thousands protest in budget dispute

Thousands of people have joined protests in the US state of Wisconsin against proposals that will limit the power of trade unions.





(2011年3月6日03時05分 読売新聞)


“What you must understand is we Chinese all hate Japanese.”
Japan Probe

 Japan Timesの中国における反日ナショナリズムの記事を紹介している。







Gaddafi: Fighting for survival?
Will ICC involvement make the Libyan leader respect human rights or will he just fight harder to avoid prosecution?
Inside Story Last Modified: 05 Mar 2011

The investigation is seen as a way to pressure Gaddafi loyalists to defect, thus weakening the war against the rebels. But is ICC involvement an incentive for the Libyan leader to respect human rights or will he simply fight harder for his political survival so as to avoid prosecution?

 リビアでのガダフィに対する国際刑事裁判所の捜査が開始されたが、それでよかったどうか? 訴追されるとわかっていれば、国内でより強硬に反政府組織を叩く方に傾くのではないか?かといって、いまさら、国外に出国させてお咎めなし、というわけにもいかない。


 States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
From Wikipedia,


Joseph Stalin dead, denounced and debated
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Published: 05 March, 2011

The so-called "People's Father", Joseph Stalin, ruled the USSR with an iron fist, and despite the terrors, persecutions and executions, he was almost worshipped. This love is still something not easy to account for.
Psychoanalyst Gio Di Feo says it reminds him of the Stockholm syndrome, “where after you have been kidnapped by some bad person, you start loving him. The love is not true love, it is a way to save yourself, to keep your balance ok.”



Baltimore a sign of crisis in America
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Published: 04 March, 2011,

Leonard Gray used to leave his house in Baltimore every day to come to the Inner Harbor. It was a job, a living and a piece of Baltimore’s million-dollar revival. Until one day, Gray and the other 160 employees of Disney’s ESPN Zone were laid off.
"I worked here at ESPN Zone for six years and without notice they gave us the ax, they threw us out like we was just some paper cups," Gray said.
That’s how Leonard joined the ranks of Baltimore’s unemployed – it’s a crowded place with 11.4 percent of the city’s residents.
"Right now, I'm struggling to survive, struggling to pay my bills, sometimes I can't go to the market to eat," Gray said.
But business is booming in the Inner Harbor, a luxury retail and dining district that the city has sunk millions into and made its model of economic development.
"People think that the Inner Harbor is a happy-go-lucky place, but they don't know what's going on behind the scenes. People are being disrespected, people are getting unfair wages," said Gray.
Like much of America--where the richest 20 percent own 84 percent of the wealth--Baltimore’s harbor is split along class lines, said Luis Larrin, a labor organizer with the grassroots United Workers organization.
"The workers who work in these restaurants can’t even eat what they’re cooking because they’re charged the same price," Larrin said. "$7.00 for a hamburger, an hour’s wage. They could never even think of bringing their families to spend the day here."
It's also split along racial lines, said sociologist and Professor Kris Marsh.
"You can say it's a class thing, but ironically enough most of the people who are pushed out by this new development happen to be blacks, or happen to be Latinos," said Marsh.
Just a few blocks East or West of the Harbor, the reality is much different--a city crumbling under the weight of foreclosures and crushing economic crisis.
It was against this backdrop that President Obama announced 1.1 trillion dollars in cuts to the budget last month. On the domestic spending chopping block were 13.9 billion dollars in cuts to food stamp programs, which about 530,000 Maryland depend on. Maryland has seen a 32 percent increase since in food stamp recipients since 2008.
Currently, 20 percent of Baltimore residents live below the poverty line--six percent more than when Obama stopped here days before his inauguration in 2009.




March 2011 Last updated at 21:49 GMT Share this pageFacebookTwitterShareEmailPrint
US unemployment rate falls to 8.9%



Race, Racism and Online Housing: What the Research Tells Us
By Jessie


Craigslist sued over discriminatory ads
Fair housing case could revive question of who's liable for online postings
updated 2/9/2006 9:55:25 PM ET

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CHICAGO ― A federal lawsuit accuses the online site Craigslist of violating fair housing laws by publishing discriminatory classified ads, reviving the question of what legal boundaries, if any, should exist for postings on the Internet.
But legal experts say the lawsuit against Craigslist, a fast-growing online network of classified ads and forums, faces an uphill battle because of laws in place to protect online service providers.
The lawsuit, filed by a Chicago fair housing group in U.S. District Court last Friday, contends that Craigslist's Chicago site distributed more than 100 ads that violated the federal Fair Housing Act by excluding prospective buyers or tenants on the basis of race, gender or religion.
Among the housing ads cited as objectionable by the Chicago Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law Inc. were ones that read "NO MINORITIES," "Requirements: Clean Godly Christian Male," and "Only Muslims apply."

March 18, 2008
Chicago Lawyers’ Committee v Craigslist: Yet Another Reason Newspapers are Dying

Friday’s decision in the Craigslist case in the Seventh Circuit offers yet another reason why newspapers are losing ground―and quickly―to their online competitors: newspapers face tougher laws than the online firms. As (our) Judge Easterbrook’s opinion makes clear, publish a “No Minorities Welcome” ad in the Chicago Tribune and the Trib violates the Fair Housing Act. But put the same ad on Craigslist and, after Friday at least in the Seventh Circuit, Craigslist faces no liability under the FHA given the protection given to it under the Communications Decency Act of 1996. We often talk about media neutrality―the idea that a particular set of rules should apply independent of the medium via which the content is delivered. This is just the opposite―media bias―but not the usual version; this is bias against one medium―classified ads in newspapers―in favor of another―the Internet.


・・・・えっ!!??? そもそも、ネットでそんな広告あるのけ?


Sex trafficking targets children in Washington
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Published: 05 March, 2011

America is quick to condemn other nations for the sexual exploitation of girls, when in fact it occurs daily in the United States – many times right under the noses of powerful politicians.
Contrary to popular sentiment across the United States, the sexual exploitation of children does not only take place in developing nations.
The trafficking of minors is a big moneymaker – even in the United States. It is the third highest profit driver among organized crime in the US. Often, American teens and children are recruited in public areas, such as malls, entertainment centers, theaters, and even in their schools.
