Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

宣伝合戦 他

2011年03月03日 21時24分06秒 | Weblog
Hillary Clinton declares international information war
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Published: 03 March, 2011,

The US is losing the global information war, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton declared while appearing before a congressional committee to ask for extra funds to spread US propaganda through new media.
Clinton said existing private channels are not good enough to handle the job, naming as rivals Al Jazeera, China's CCTV and RT – which she watches, she added.
Clinton was defending her department’s budget in front of the House’s Committee on Foreign Affairs on Wednesday.
Clinton said the US should step up its propaganda effort and get back “in the game” of doing “what we do best.”
“During the Cold War we did a great job in getting America’s message out. After the Berlin Wall fell we said, ‘Okay, fine, enough of that, we are done,’ and unfortunately we are paying a big price for it,” she said. “Our private media cannot fill that gap.”
“We are in an information war and we are losing that war. Al Jazeera is winning, the Chinese have opened a global multi-language television network, the Russians have opened up an English-language network. I’ve seen it in a few countries, and it is quite instructive,” she stated.

Journalist and filmmaker Danny Schechter says the US can no longer maintain a monopoly on information.

“The United States feels defensive in part because it can no longer monopolize not only the terms of authority in these countries, but also the terms of the debate,” he said. “There is other information out there. There are other points of view and those points of view are profoundly damaging to a country that believes that its point of view is the only point of view.”



アルジャ リビア情勢
Libya rebels regain Brega town
At least 10 killed as rebels fought intense battles to repel Muammar Gaddafi's forces from key oil port town of Brega.
Last Modified: 02 Mar

Plea for UN-backed strikes

Meanwhile, the rebel National Libyan Council in east Libya called for UN-backed air strikes on foreign mercenaries used by Gaddafi against his own people.

Hafiz Ghoga, a spokesman for the council based in Benghazi, told a news conference that Gaddafi was using "African mercenaries in Libyan cities" which amounted to an invasion of the oil producing North African nation.

"We call for specific attacks on strongholds of these mercenaries," he said, but added: "The presence of any foreign forces on Libyan soil is strongly opposed. There is a big difference between this and strategic air strikes."



3 March 2011 Last updated at 11:21 GMT Share this pageFacebookTwitterShareEmailPrint
Libya revolt: Fresh air strikes in Brega

リビア 政権側がBregaを空襲

Debating the no-fly zone Could military intervention in Libya help pro-democracy protesters or would it lead to bigger problems? Jacqueline Head Last Modified: 02 Mar 2011">
Debating the no-fly zone
Could military intervention in Libya help pro-democracy protesters or would it lead to bigger problems?
Jacqueline Head Last Modified: 02 Mar 2011

The reports have raised concerns that any foreign force entering Libya would face the prospect of combat, another complicating factor for setting up a no-fly zone.

Some analysts also suggest that one could only be implemented effectively by first destroying Libya's air defences through a bombing campaign, which could mean civilian deaths

Stefan Talmon, a professor of public international law at Oxford University, recently wrote that any action without the backing of the United Nations Security Council could be questioned under international law.

"The two no-fly zones over Iraq ... were based on the doctrines of ‘implicit authorization’ (United States) and ‘humanitarian intervention’ (United Kingdom). Neither of those doctrines has gained general, or even widespread, acceptance in international law,"

"Any unilateral action by Nato or another ‘coalition of the willing’ would thus head for a 1999 Kosovo-style scenario which might at best be described as ‘illegal but legitimate’ – the ultimate admission of defeat for any international lawyer."

Divided opinion

Whetham adds there is a danger in setting some precedents - no one foresaw, when Nato went ahead with the Kosovo campaign, that Russia would use the same arguments 10 years later against Georgia.

"We've seen this debate seen throughout the 20th Century - on whether to intervene on a sovereign state.

"You can't give people freedom - they have to get freedom. We must surely have realised this by now.

"It's worth going back to [political philosopher] John Stuart Mill in 1859, who said that when we choose not to intervene, we are effectively choosing to side with the bigger power."


Guerilla warfare in Libya guaranteed in case of occupation – former Russian envoy
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Published: 03 March, 2011

RT: What’s going to happen if NATO intervenes in Libya?

AP: Well, it will certainly take them one, two or three days at most to destroy the Libyan army. Part of the army, some of its units, have switched over to the side of the protestors, others have scattered. There’s no doubt about that. But what’s next? And then do they want a repetition of Iraq, do they want a guerrilla war? Do you think that if NATO comes to save the Libyan people from Gaddafi, their reaction to it would be any different from the reaction of the Iraqi people when they were being saved from Saddam Hussein? It’s going to be the same. The Libyan people will consider them to be occupiers. Will Al-Qaeda, the National Front for the Salvation of Libya or the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group consider them to be their rescuers? It’s not going to be so. They will fall into the same trap once again, and that’s it.

RT: The events in the Middle East are nearing the borders of CIS. How could this affect Russia?

AP: Nothing tragic will come of it. Whoever comes to power in the Arab world, representatives of the old classes and social strata or some new people, the Arabs will always be interested in co-operation with Russia. Why? Because when Arab countries have relations with Russia, international relations become more balanced, without one-sided shifts in the direction of the United States and the West on the whole. Here is where their interest lies. Therefore, all these changes are unlikely to seriously damage our relations.

NATOがリビアに介入したら? ーーイラク同様ゲリラ戦


RT: Is it likely that a united Libya could end being broken up?

AP: In the territory of Libya? Yes, of course. Libya is facing two grave problems. As a country, Libya exists since the time of the Italian occupation. The name “Libya” itself was invented by the Italians. Before that there were three Turkish provinces: Tripolitania, Cyrenaica and Fezzan. And the regionalism plus the separatist moods in Cyrenaica have never ceased. There are many tribes and they are locked in rivalry with each other. Why has Gaddafi held power for so long? Because Gaddafi belongs to a small tribe, the Qaddadfa. This tribe took power into its hands, but it was unable to penetrate all the pores, or control the entire state. It secured the balance between the tribes. I mean the tip is the Qaddadfa, and the rest are all other tribes. So, Gaddafi kept hold for so long because the other tribes were afraid that intertribal infighting would ensue after Gaddafi and the Qaddadfa left. Again, I don’t want to say that everything will happen precisely in this way. But, of course, the chances that Libya will explode because of the rivalry between the regions, on the one hand, and because of the rivalry between the tribes, on the other, do exist.



Growing food crisis splits the US

Published: 03 March, 2011

America is the land of plenty, but these days that plenty is only reaching a few, with the country split into two different ‘Americas.’
“It’s a tale of two Americas right now,” said George Hemminger of Survive and Thrive TV.
New York City is at a place where the number of people on food stamps is soaring at a record 3 million. It is also a place where one hundred and seventy five dollars buys Wall Street fat-cats a burger with black truffles and mayonnaise with gold leaf, or a martini for ten thousand dollars at an exquisite New York hotel, or a dessert for a staggering one thousand bucks.

With a 48-hour advance order, a thousand-dollar sundae with edible 23-karat gold leaf is purchased by well-off New Yorkers up to five times a month.
“Gold doesn’t really have a flavor but it has a really cool texture,” explained the chef.



Rape: A weapon of war
Activist Eve Ensler explains her latest project to empower the numerous victims of sexual violence in the DR Congo.




3 March 2011
More Europe migrants to gain access to

full UK benefits

Migrants from the A8 countries will then be brought into line with migrants from all other EU countries.

They will be able to apply for national government benefits, which in the UK includes jobseeker's allowance, council tax benefit and housing benefit, but under what the Department for Work and Pensions describes as "strict rules".

A DWP spokesman said: "No-one can just come into the UK and start claiming our benefits.

"We have strict rules in place to protect the system from any abuse. For instance, to claim an income-related benefit, a person from the EU will have to pass the Habitual Residence Test alongside all of our other eligibility criteria.

"They will have to prove they have a right to reside here and will then be asked to prove their attachment to the UK; they will have to show an intention to settle here and their reasons for coming to the UK.


White Stuyvestant HS Teenagers Release Racist Rap Video

Written by NewsOne Staff on March 2, 2011

New York ― New York City education officials are investigating whether students at one of the top high schools in the country released a racist rap video.

A video titled “Stuyvesant High School Students Spewing Racist Hatred” hit the web yesterday and created a firestorm.

The five-minute, 41-second video shows a group of young white teenagers rapping: “You so wack, b―-, chilling in the projects. …,” the rap goes. “You black and you so f―– grimy. … What’cha gonna do? Call your black squad n――?”



Italian designer Francesco Barbaro used Nazi images. Photograph: Claudia Gazzini/AP

Galliano's views have nothing to do with Nazi chic

Charles Shaar Murray
guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 2 March 2011


・・・・・ nobody could seriously suggest that Lemmy, an obsessive collector of precisely the sort of bits and pieces with which Rhodes had confronted Jones and James, has any truck with rightwing politics. "I'd collect Belgian army stuff if the Belgians had had the best gear", he says.

For those who grew up in the shadow of the second world war, or with endless reruns of Dad's Army, there is an element of kitsch – demystifying and defanging the monster by subverting its symbolism – and a simple impulse towards transgression, shocking parents (or the parent culture) by pretending to cuddle up to the stuff of nightmare.

Essentially, we're dealing with two very different phenomena. On the one hand, a fascination with the camp aesthetics of the Nazi era and a fondness for Weimar Cabaret stylings and its associated iconography (let me make a clean Brecht of it: I'm a sucker for a nice long black leather trenchcoat) can be intensely misleading. Kurt Weill was by no means vile: he and Brecht were committed leftists.

On the other hand, there are actual pro-fascist sympathies. No modern fascist wants anything to do with the imagery of the Third Reich – a recent news story reported a poll revealing that a worrying number of people in the UK, by no means all of whom are white, would support an anti-immigration party provided it carried no overt associations with the downmarket bootboy neo-Nazism of the BNP.

The latter is genuinely worrying, while the former is perhaps merely foolish. As for John Galliano: his employers' decision to immediately dropkick him into the middle distance shows just how much they wanted to avoid inadvertently founding "Rock Against Dior".


氣志團 問題と関連する。


For Italian Designer, Use of Swastika Backfires
July 20, 2001 | Associated Press

Fashion turned political once again this week when Italian designer Francesco Barbaro faced harsh criticism from Jewish groups for using the swastika as the theme for his fashion collection presented last week in Rome. "The use of the swastika is not only tasteless and offensive but it may also encourage racist and anti-Semitic behavior by neo-Nazi groups," said Fiona Macaulay, a spokeswoman for the Board of Deputies of British Jews.

Solving parental child abduction problem no piece of cake
Carving out Hague caveats could halt the return of any kids snatched to Japan


国際的子供の連れ去り 日本のハーグ関連条約締結について。

It has always seemed highly likely (to me, at least) that Japan will eventually submit to foreign pressure and join a treaty regime that effectively represents the international community's consensus on how cross-border child custody disputes should be decided: in the child's country of habitual residence. At the same time, it has also always seemed unlikely that signing the treaty will result in children who have been abducted to Japan by Japanese parents actually being returned to their foreign homes. The Japanese civil justice system lacks the tools to enforce a return and, probably more to the point, it is unlikely to ever be in the interests of any Japanese judge, cop or other bureaucrat to be responsible for a crying child being taken away from a weeping Japanese mother in any particular case.
the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (JFBA) also recently issued a formal opinion that included similar recommendations, as well as suggesting that children should not be returned if it would result in the abducting parent being subject to prosecution in their home country (the U.S., Canada and other countries have criminal penalties for parental child abduction).

the domestic violence exception alone will probably be enough to ensure that Japan fulfills its duties under the convention in terms of appearances and process, without actually accomplishing any of the goals the treaty is supposed to achieve in terms of substance.

To be fair, domestic violence is an issue that some commentators assert is not dealt with adequately under the Hague Convention in its current form


Unless Japanese courts are willing to start with a presumption that parents claiming abuse are lying (a cruel result for those actually fearing for their lives or those of their children), the safest thing for judges to do in any particular case will be to simply accept the claims at face value and grant the exception.








Are we Identity Policing an ethnic American?
Posted by Ken Y-N (aka Tepido Naruhodo) on March 2, 2011

Do Charisma Men need defending?
March 3rd, 2011

 なんていうか、Japan Timesはほんまくだらない記事を掲載するものだ。カリスママンを人権活動家につり上げたのはJapanTimesである。たんなるカリスママンにもどしてあげたらいいのに、と思う。





Saturday, Feb. 26, 2011
Committed to 'making it work' as foreign wife
Poet Winnie Inui reflects on three decades of foreign wives' association in Kansai


露外務省、国旗侮辱問題で日本の公使を呼び抗議 再捜査を要求


ロシア:国旗は模造品、侮辱の事実なし 日本が伝達


毎日新聞 2011年3月2日




アラブフェミ 他

2011年03月03日 00時33分38秒 | Weblog
Are sanctions enough?
We ask what the international community can do to protect the Libyan people.
Inside Story Last Modified: 01 Mar 2011

On Saturday, the UN Security Council voted unanimously to impose financial sanctions on the regime of Muammar Gaddafi and to refer Libya to the International Criminal Court. And in an attempt to strengthen this decision, foreign ministers met in Geneva on Monday at a UN Human Rights Council to discuss the future of Libya.

But also on the agenda - what action should be taken against Gaddafi and his regime for human rights violations against the Libyan people.

But with Gaddafi threatening to cleanse the country house by house, are words enough to protect unarmed Libyan civilians?



外国の軍隊が援助あるいは、侵攻して救われる市民、殺される市民 と 



Arab feminism
In light of the revolutions across the Arab world, what challenges are women facing in this new political era?
Riz Khan Last Modified: 01 Mar 2011

What role have Arab women played in the popular uprisings around the Middle East and what stake do they really have in their countries' political future?

They have often been stereotyped as passive, voiceless, politically apathetic and religiously repressed.

But scenes around the Middle East have complicated preconceptions, with women seen as active political players in trade unions, grass roots activism and other political organisations












War, debt and democracy
US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are being financed through foreign debt, rather than tax increases.
Frances Rosenbluth & John Ferejohn Last Modified: 02 Mar 201

History is replete with examples of war expanding the voice of those who provided the resources to fight. Ancient Athens became a "democracy" – literally, government by the people – when Kleisthenes organized ordinary fisher folk and farmers into a mass rabble capable of defeating Sparta-backed oligarchs. Their political freedom was secured by Athens' reliance on labor-intensive naval warfare against the Persians and other enemies.

Modern democracy, with its mix of universal suffrage and property rights, looks remarkably like a compromise born of centuries of military competition among constitutionally evolving states, according to which the general public supplies the manpower to fight and moneyed interests supply the capital to train and equip the troops.

As a result, democracies are likelier than non-democracies to win wars, because they mobilise their societies more fully, and because citizens, who bear the costs, have the electoral power to stop politicians from fighting wars that are reckless and unnecessary.
Public support lacking

America's extended conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, however, are different. Together, they have already cost more than America's long war in Vietnam, but they have not increased public vigilance or political accountability at home. Indeed, the younger generation of Americans has greeted military action abroad with a yawn.

What accounts for the stark contrast between the mass protests against the Vietnam War and the muted public reaction to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq?

To some degree, fear of terrorism might shield US leaders from the need for accountability. But eight in ten Americans think that terrorist attacks are unlikely, and many voters believe that involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq will increase rather than limit America’s vulnerability to terrorism.

More likely, Americans take these wars lying down because the costs are not experienced by the average citizen. For one thing, technology-intensive warfare substitutes machines for soldiers, reducing the number of American casualties. Volunteer soldiers – including many non-citizens – and mercenary units for manpower reduce even further the reasons for voters to care.・・・・・

Moreover, the US is paying for these wars with debt. The government funded World War II partly with war bonds, but it also instituted the first general income tax in American history, increasing tax revenue from $8.7bn in 1941 to $45bn in 1945. This would have been impossible for an unpopular war. To finance today’s wars, by contrast, the US government has not only avoided raising taxes, but has actually cut them on an enormous scale, with the Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 now extended at least through 2012.



Arms or Allies?
Imants Liegis

mozuさんのtwitter でリンクされていた先が引用している記事。

RIGA – It should surprise no one that many in Latvia view the sale by France of fully-equipped assault warships to Russia with grave concern. Other European Union member states seem to be looking increasingly towards Russia as a potential purchaser of military equipment. But is it wise for EU and NATO members to enhance the capacity of non-allies to project their military power? After all, only two and a half years ago, Russia invaded Georgia, a country that NATO had named as a potential future member, and has occupied part of it ever since.

欧州によるロシアへの武器売却 [2011年02月15日(火)] 岡崎研究所










Animal Rights Activists Target Yahoo! Japan Over Sale of Whale Meat Japan Probe

魚介類・鯨類の水銀についてのQ&A 厚生労働省


Nationalism and its discontents

Special to The Japan Times

・・・・・"What you must understand is we Chinese all hate Japanese."

When I pointed out that young Japanese have not wronged China, I was told "Yes, but we hate them anyway."

・・・・・It is not surprising that many Chinese are anti-Japanese because they are exposed to so much damning information on a daily basis. The sentiments expressed by university students are a testimony to the government's powerful influence over how people view and act in the world through its control of education and the media.

Channel-surfing in the evening, virtually every night I found a drama or movie depicting scenes of Japanese wartime brutality. Students told me that from middle school on they learn a great deal about the atrocities committed by Japanese in China. This focus on Japanese aggression overshadows all other narratives and there seems little appreciation of Japan's contributions to China's economic development since the 1980s

・・・・・A Western political analyst based in Chengdu argues that, "Communism is a dysfunctional relic in China so nationalism has become the unifying ideology."

He added, "Visceral anti-Japanese sentiments exist . . . they are an expression of the effectiveness of prolonged indoctrination. It is misleading to suggest that issues like inflation and growing disparities were the main factors in the protests, although they do generate some of the anger that animated protesters.

A Chinese intellectual suggested, "The anti-Japanese demonstrations were a way to change the channel, a way to shift attention away from the Nobel prize, inflation, disparities and other domestic grievances and unite people against a familiar enemy. Tapping into the reservoir of anti-Japanese antipathy continues to be a convenient pressure valve."・・・・・



自民が「国旗損壊罪」提出へ 君が代替え歌に刑事罰検討

