Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2011年03月02日 13時49分24秒 | Weblog

米軍、強襲揚陸艦など2隻を地中海に急派 海兵隊員400人も動員






US and allies consider military options on Libya

US wary of unilateral role

The US appears to be wary of going it alone in a messy, fluid situation such as that rapidly unfolding in Libya, especially after the traumatic experiences it suffered in Somalia in the 1990s. Any US involvement would more than likely come as part of a unified UN response, one which experts believe comes with its own set of problems.

With Libya located on Europe's doorstep, Washington could pressure NATO's European members to take the lead. However, the EU as a whole lacks a cohesive security force and individual member states have already rejected the military option.

France has warned against military action, stating that humanitarian aid must be the priority in Libya.

"There appears to be no appetite outside or inside Libya for large-scale overt military assistance to the anti-Gadhafi forces; however a no-fly zone would allow the West to claim that it is facilitating the potential removal of Gadhafi at the same time as protecting the majority of the Libyan population, even though such a move would be a violation of Libyan sovereignty," Hartwell said.

Military option to protect civilians

Analysts believe that any military action focussing on the removal of Gadhafi would be fraught with problems and that any deployment of a multilateral protection force should only be considered to prevent genocide.

David Hartwell said that there was a danger that any intervention would allow an increasingly delusional Gadhafi to claim that the revolt against him is a foreign-inspired plot. "While this would be unlikely to alter his current predicament, the onus would remain on opposition forces to take control of Tripoli, a task expected to be accompanied by fierce fighting."



Cameron's no-fly zone fervour not shared by US
Mark Mardell | 22:54 UK time, Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Where would Tony Blair have been without George W Bush?
When accused of slavishly following America's lead over the invasion of Iraq, Mr Blair used to joke: "It's worse than that, I believed in it!"

But what would he have done if Mr Bush hadn't been keen on invading Iraq? The UK could hardly have done it alone.

The reason I ask, of course, is because UK Prime Minister David Cameron seems considerably more enthusiastic about imposing a no-fly zone over Libya than the US government.


This lack of enthusiasm for a no-fly zone could change, of course. A concerted air campaign by Col Gaddafi, shown nightly on the news, could well alter administration minds.

But until that happens, Mr Obama doesn't seem to want more military action.・・・・・

So what is Mr Cameron doing? Sabre-rattling on behalf of the Americans, striking a pose he thinks will be popular, providing a lead to a reluctant president?


「ヒトラー大好き」反ユダヤ主義の暴言でガリアーノ氏解雇へ 「唾棄すべき言動」とディオール


Racist Galliano out the Dior after Sun's video

Dior designer sacked for racist rant
Emma Alberici reported this story on Wednesday, March 2, 2011

JOHN GALLIANO: No, I love Hitler...

EMMA ALBERICI: John Galliano, the man whose name has been synonymous with Dior for 14 years, is seen telling patrons at a bar in Paris that he loves Hitler.

It's particularly unfortunate for the fashion house given its history.

During World War II, Christian Dior dressed the wives of the Nazi officers and their French collaborators.

Twenty First Century Management issued a statement sacking its star designer and condemning his words.

Sasha Wilkins writes a popular London fashion blog and is the former style editor of the Wall Street Journal Magazine.

SASHA WILKINS: Galliano is quite clearly one of the most talented designers in his generation. It's incredibly sad that such a genius can be so terribly flawed.

(Music from Miss Dior advertisement)

EMMA ALBERICI: The new face of the Miss Dior fragrance, Oscar-winning actress Natalie Portman, issued a statement saying that as a proud Jew she was shocked and disgusted by the racist rant and that she wanted nothing at all to do with John Galliano.

NATALIE PORTMAN (from Miss Dior advertisement): Miss Dior Cherie by Christian Dior.

EMMA ALBERICI: Backstage on the first day of Paris Fashion Week, models were stunned by the news of the British designer's fall from grace on the day it had also emerged that he'd been asked to design a wedding dress for Kate Moss.

MODEL: Sad. That's the only thing that I can say. It's sad that he's an artist and it's sad for me.

MODEL II: I think it would be hard to find somebody to replace him, so I think it's just a pity.

EMMA ALBERICI: In the online clip posted by Britain's Sun newspaper, John Galliano is heard telling a couple at the La Perla Bar that under Hitler they would be dead - your mothers, your forefathers would all be gassed and dead.

He's also said to have told them that he had a problem with them because they were ugly.

JOHN GALLIANO: People like you will be dead.

(Sound of woman retorting incredulously)

JOHN GALLIANO: Your mothers, your forefathers would be (beep) gassed

EMMA ALBERICI: In France making anti-Semitic comments is a crime punishable by six months in jail.

This is Emma Alberici in London for AM.


| 01.03.2011
Refugee families in Germany face isolation and hopelessness

Refugees arriving in Germany face an uncomfortable time. Housing policy often concentrates them in isolated neighborhoods like Billstieg in Hamburg, which are plagued by high crime, unemployment and despair.


DEFENSE | 01.03.2011
Austrian soldier convicted for passing Eurocopter secrets to Russia

The Eurocopter Tiger was high among Russia's interests
An Austrian soldier has been convicted of spying for the Russian secret service, handing over secret information on military and civilian helicopters. The court has sentenced him to a one-year suspended prison term.



Racism in home lending
From PRI and WNYC's The Takeaway23 February, 2011 05

Minorities in the United States have long been discriminated against in home lending. New studies have found it's still going on.

his story was originally covered by PRI's The Takeaway. For more, listen to the audio above.

There are laws in the United States protecting minorities from discrimination in the housing market. New studies, however, have found that blacks and Latinos have a harder time than whites in nearly every aspect of the home buying process.

"There still is definite racism, but the racism we're seeing today is different," Beth Kobliner told PRI's The Takeaway. "This is statistically significant, randomly sampled, control-group studied racism."

Mortgage lending to blacks and Latinos has plunged by more than 60 percent from five years ago, according to a new study by ComplienceTech using Federal Reserve Data. Some have questioned whether this is caused by economic inequalities, but other studies have pointed to racism.

Kobliner cites one study by the Department of Housing and Urban Development of 4,600 pairs of people that included a white person and a minority person. In "one in five rental situations, the white person received some kind of preferential treatment over the black tester," Kobliner says, "and in one in four situations the white person received preferential treatment over the Hispanic person."

"These are very controlled tests," Kobliner stresses. White couples got better treatment "in terms of being able to view the housing unit, to inspect the unit, to get a better deal on a rental unit." Kobliner says she realizes that racism is a serious charge to throw at banks, but she told The Takeaway: "It's all about the data."




WA Police reject racism tag over pub closures
From: AAP March 02, 2011 1

WEST Australian police have rejected an accusation by federal Liberal MP Barry Haase that they are racist for closing pubs in some bush communities during funerals.

Mr Haase told Federal Parliament on Monday that WA police were shutting down pubs during funerals because they were concerned about Indigenous Australians drinking too much.

The member for Durack, which encompasses a vast area of regional WA, said the action was racist towards Aborigines and unfair to pub owners.

"When there is an Indigenous funeral to be held in my regional centres in Western Australia ... they impose their draconian attitudes," he said.

"It is not acceptable. We must not kowtow to the tiniest group of the community simply because of the tree huggers' attitude when it comes to the consumption of alcohol.''

Mr Haase said businesses had the right to keep their doors open and make a profit, and innocent drinkers had the right to buy a legal substance.



1 March 2011 Last updated at 12:19 GMT Share this pageFacebookTwitterShareEmailPrint
Journalists 'must co-operate with China'
By Martin Patience
BBC News, Beijing

China's Foreign Ministry has called on journalists to "co-operate" with police after several reporters were roughed up during a crack-down on calls for anti-government protests.

Staff from major international news organisations including the BBC were detained in Beijing after gathering at the site of a proposed protest.



Ugly rumor results in racist confrontation
Published: March. 1, 2011

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, March 1 (UPI) -- Swedish police said they are investigating an incident in which right-wing extremists threw eggs and yelled racial slurs at a refugee housing facility.

The incident, which occurred Saturday in Stockholm, stemmed from a rumor that grew following accusations the facility's residents had sexually molested girls at a public pool, the Swedish news agency TT reported Tuesday.


氣志團 謝罪

2011年03月02日 06時32分09秒 | Weblog

ナチ制服姿で批判の「氣志團」 事務所が全面謝罪「衣装は直ちに破棄」
2011.3.2 00:47









 代表取締役 原田公一

 代表取締役 高橋章


Message of Apology

In regards to the costume worn by Kishidan on MTV Japan's program, "Megavector", although it was not meant to carry any ideological meaning whatsoever, we deeply regret and apologize for the distress it has caused Simon Wiesenthal Center and all concerned.
Members of Kishidan also deeply regret and apologize in this matter.

We have taken the words of advice from Simon Wiesenthal Center very seriously. Kishidan will never again use this costume and it will be disposed of immediately.

We sincerely apologize for the insensitive action


氣志團の所属事務所が謝罪 ナチ風衣装の着用問題で





氣志團が謝罪「深く反省、直ちに廃棄」 記事を印刷する日記を書く
 氣志團5 件がナチスの制服に似た衣装でテレビ出演し、ユダヤ人人権団体に批判を浴びた問題で、氣志團の所属事務所は1日深夜、「関係者に対し、非常にショックを与えたことを深く謝罪するとともに、深く反省いたします。氣志團のメンバーも同様に深い謝罪と深い反省を示しています。今後は指摘のあった氣志團の衣装は一切使用せず、直ちに廃棄いたします。今回の件で皆様方にご迷惑をおかけしたことを深くおわび申し上げます」とのおわびを発表した。





(2011年3月2日01時28分 読売新聞)











  ▼ソニー・ミュージック・アーティスツ 思想的な背景を有するものではありませんが、センターおよび関係者に非常にショックを与えたことを深く謝罪するとともに深く反省いたします。メンバーも同様に深い謝罪と深い反省を示しています。今回の忠告を真摯(しんし)に受け止め、指摘のあった衣装は直ちに廃棄いたします。

 ◇氣志團 千葉県木更津市の仲間を中心に1997年に結成されたヤンキー系ロックバンド。主なヒット曲は02年5月発売の「One Night Carnival」。ボーカルの綾小路翔そっくりの「DJ OZMA」は06年のNHK紅白歌合戦で、女性の乳首がリアルに描かれたボディースーツ姿のパフォーマンスを披露したが視聴者からNHKに苦情が殺到した。

[ 2011年3月2日







Japan Probeもとりあげたようだ。

Kishidan Apologizes for Wearing SS Uniforms


飛行禁止区域 他

2011年03月02日 00時35分50秒 | Weblog

Libyan cash finds use in Belarusian arms
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Published: 01 March, 2011

”欧州最後の独裁国家”“Europe’s last dictator”, ベラルーシが武器取引したのではないか、と。

Battles rage in Libya
Forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi struggle to regain control of strategic cities amid growing humanitarian concerns.
Last Modified: 01 Mar 2011

With government forces and rebels clashing in different parts of Libya, the security situation in and around Tripoli has made it too dangerous for international aid agencies to assess the need for medicine, food and other supplies there, according to the UN.



Libya: David Cameron vows not to abandon Libyan people
By Robert Winnett, James Kirkup, Nick Meo and Bruno Waterfield 2:45PM GMT 01 Mar 2011

Speaking at a press conference in 10 Downing Street following talks with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, Mr Cameron said: "It is not acceptable to have a situation where Colonel Gaddafi can be murdering his own people using aeroplanes and helicopter gunships and the like and we have to plan now to make sure if that happens we can do something to stop it.
"That is why I have said it is right for us to look at plans for a no-fly zone and why I have asked the Chief of Defence Staff to do that."

Mustapha Gheriani, a spokesman for an organising committee of lawyers, judges and professionals in Benghazi, the leading city of the revolution, said: “We can’t protect ourselves at the moment from tanks and aircraft, let alone organise a march on Tripoli to topple Gaddafi.
“If there are just a few air strikes, his loyalists will leave him and his time will be numbered in hours. Otherwise he could survive for a long time and there could be terrible bloodshed.”

英「軍事力行使排除せず」 NATOと飛行禁止区域協議




* Russia, China and France say they will oppose any military action



米英、飛行禁止区域設定を検討 中露独は反対




US invasion of Libya?
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Published: 01 March, 2011

It must be noted that NATO’s Secretary General has repeatedly stressed that NATO would not interfere in the situation in Libya unless the UN adopts a resolution to do so. Getting such a document, however, looks like an impossible task because Russia and China have already vehemently opposed any kind of outside interference in Libya and say the resolution will definitely be vetoed.



`No-Fly Zone' Questions
Posted by Mark Thompson Tuesday, March 1, 2011


No-fly zones have a checked history. The U.N. -- but actually, largely the U.S. -- maintained no-fly zones over northern and southern Iraq for about a decade following the first Gulf War in 1991. The northern third of Saddam Hussein's country was deemed a no-fly zone and that was pretty successful, in part because of anti-Saddam Kurdish forces occupying most of that terrain. The southern zone didn't work out so well, especially after Saddam was able brutally suppress a Shiite uprising immediately after the war, slaughtering tens of thousands with armed helicopters and other weapons, before the southern zone was put into place.



But Abdel Fattah Younes, Libya's former interior minister who has defected to the opposition, told Al Jazeera that welcoming "foreign troops" was "out of the question"



U.S. Readies Military Options on Libya
Published: February 28,

Privately, American officials said any United States military presence could undermine the legitimacy of the Libyan revolt as an internal, grass-roots movement. Qaddafi supporters ― and even those across the Arab world who do not like the dictator ― could denounce American action as being only about oil.





Pulling strings of “democracy” in the East
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Published: 01 March, 2011

“The general understanding here is that the West in general, they support democracy as long as it is good for them. And if it is not good for them or it may threaten their interests – they will not support it,” says Ziad Abu Zayyad, a political writer and analyst.
And the West most certainly did not support the new Hamas government.
Despite being voted in by more than 60 per cent of Gazans, Western powers labeled Hamas a terrorist organization.
“I believe the West is in constant need for regimes that go along with its policies. Such regimes should serve the West, be its protégés or elected by their own people,” Mustafa al-Sawaf continued.
“I believe that the Americans don’t really know how to handle the situation. Their relationship with Gaddafi was equivocal. There were times when they opposed him and bombarded him and there were times when they supported him when he gave them oil,” says Uri Avnery, a journalist, peace activist and former member of Israeli Knesset.




Chavez proposes talks for Libya
Venezuelan president calls for mediation to end crisis while the US and other powers weigh military options.


'US after Libyan oil'

Chavez repeated his warning that the US wanted to invade Libya to get oil, a view that has been voiced by both Cuba and Nicaragua.

"He is worried that the United States is after the Libyan oil, just like they were after the Iraqi oil. He says that they have gone mad because of the Libyan oil; it's driving them crazy," our correspondent said.



With Its Eye on China, Japan Builds Up Military
Published: February 28, 2011

via mozu
Political analysts say Japan is slowly raising the capabilities of its forces to respond to a more assertive China and a nuclear-armed North Korea ― and to take a first, halting step out of the shadow of the United States, its postwar protector, which many Japanese fear may one day no longer have the will or ability to defend Japan.


“This is all part of an agonizing soul-searching by Japan,” said Yuichi Hosoya, a professor of international politics at Keio University in Tokyo. “Japan feels itself caught between the reality of Chinese power and questions about U.S. commitments in East Asia.


The increases are also limited by Japan’s own economic weakening: its military spending has been shrinking for the past decade along with the size of its overall economy, with little prospect of future increases.


“Japan is strengthening itself as an alliance partner,” said Richard J. Samuels, an expert on Japanese security at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “while also hedging against the day when U.S. capabilities might slip below U.S. commitments.”

Indeed, Japan seems to have reached a new consensus about the need to remain close to the United States, even while strengthening itself.

