from today's Nikkei

2006年10月30日 14時13分45秒 | 新聞記事から
安倍内閣支持68% 3ポイント低下もなお高水準 北朝鮮制裁、8割評価 本社世論調査
According to a poll conducted by The Nihon Keizai Shimbun, The approval rating for the Abe administration stands at 68%, keeping the high rating in spite of a three-point decline compared with that at the beginning of the administration. About 80% of respondents said that they evaluate the government's action against North KJoprea.

契約番号継続契約 ソフトバンク再停止 システムダウン ドコモ・au が抗議
The so-called mobile number portability(MNP) began from October 24. But a system of Softbank Mobile necessary for it got down.Then, Softbank Mobile suspended again the procedures for the MNP on october 29 ,following the previous day's suspension. Both DOCOM and KDDI lodged a protest against Softbank Mobile.
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