from an editorial of today' s Yomiuri

2006年10月08日 14時00分41秒 | 新聞記事から
()内はThe Daily Yomiuri による英訳(10.9掲載)
U.N. Security Council presidential statement: Warning is issued to stop the " North Nucler"
(N. Korea will not fear a U.N. paper tiger


What should be exercised has been exercised.However,people should not expect too much for its effectiveness.
The U.N. Security Council unanimously adopted issuing its presidential statement to North Koprea,which predicted to implement nuclear test,strongly warning the country must not do the test,after calling for the country's restraint.
(The U.N. Security Council unanimously adopted a presidential stetement ,warning North Korea that if it should refrain from carrying out a nuclear test,which Pyongyang said Tuesday it was planning.
The presidential stetement is the best measure for the international community to take at this stage of the game. However,we should not hold our breath that the statement will acomplish anything.)

from today's Nikkei

2006年10月08日 13時48分39秒 | 新聞記事から
銀行保有株の公的取得機関 株5兆円を市場売却
年内にも開始 10年程度かけ
Public financial organizations,including the Bank of Japan, likely will sell out their banks' shares worth about 5 trillion yen in the market,starting within the4 year, for the period of some ten years.

北朝鮮「核実験」安保理、議長声明を採択 「深刻な懸念」 自制を求める
concerning North Korea's announcement that it will exercise nuclear test in the near future, the U.N. Security Council unanimously adopted issuing the presidential statement, saying the country's intention has brought about a serious concern in the international community ,and calling for the country's restraint.

北朝鮮産無煙炭 新日鉄が輸入停止 対日輸出額の13% 制裁に同調
Nippon Steel has decided to suspend its imports from North Korea of hard coals,which currently account for about 13% of the country's exports to Japan,in accordance with economic sanctions exerted by the Japanese government.

日中首脳きょう会談 安倍首相中韓歴訪へ
Summit meeting between Japanese and Chinese leaders is held today, as the first meeting in Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's tours to China and South Korea in a row.