from Saturday's Nikkei

2006年10月29日 22時24分36秒 | 新聞記事から
海賊版・模造品 中国をWTO提訴 日米欧 来週にも 罰則拡大求める
Japan, the U.S. and European countries will file a suit against China with the WTO( World Trade Organization),complaining that it has not been taking necessary measures against illegally making and selling pirate and fraud products violating the intellectual property right legislation within the next week. They will demand that China enhance and extend penalties for violating the legislation.

米、1.6%成長に減速 3年半ぶりの低水準 7-9月速報値
Acording to the preliminary announcement released by U.S. Department of Commerce,the growth rate of U.S. GDP(Gross Domestic Product) has declined to 1.6% from a year earlier in the period from July through September. This is the lowest level for the past three and a half years.
参考:7月ー9月:from July to September も可能。through の場合は9月の最後まで、の、最後まで、が、はっきり明示される。

松下、営業利益21%増 9月中間 薄型TVが好調
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co.,Ltd. has continued to expand its business, marking a 21% increase from a year earlier in its operating profit for the first half of this business term, due to brisk sales of its flat-panel TVs.
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from today's Nikkei

2006年10月29日 19時20分04秒 | 新聞記事から
鉄鋼大手6年ぶり賃上げ JEF、2年で1500円 新日鉄、中高年に厚く 来春
Domestic major steel makers will likely raise their employees' wages next spring in 2007 after a 6-year interval.Specifically,JFE will enhance its empoyees' wages on average by about 1,500 yen per a person for the two years starting from 2007.Nippon Steel is going to deliberate on the details, but is said to offer more comfortable treatment to the empolyees of middle aged and older.
参考:6年ぶりは、この他には、for the first time in 6 yearsもありえる。

高速ネット、混雑に応分の負担 映像配信業者から徴収 総務省検討
The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications will likely to start to discuss how to burden the cost necessary to strengthen and maintain the high-speed Internet networks among the companies concerned, including the image-distributing companies.At present,there are at times some congestions in the networks. Given this situation,it is said that some measures for it should be taken.The necessary fund will come to be collected from the video-distributing companies.

地対空ミサイル 米軍、首都圏配備へ 横田など候補地 自衛隊と二重で
It is learned that the U.S. Army dispatched in Japan will start to deliberate on deploying the earth-to-air misiles in Japan's metropolitan area, taking the North Korea's issues into consideration.Among the candidate sites is the U.S. Yokoto Base.Japan's Self-Defense Forces also are preparing for the missile defense system.

米企業、17%増益 主要500社 7-9月期
U.S. major 500 companies on avearge have increasaed their profits by about 17% for the period from July through September.

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