from an editorial of Yomiuri

2006年10月13日 09時47分26秒 | 新聞記事から
( )内はThe Daily Yomiuriによる英訳。
Sanctions against North Korea:Proper legislation is needed in preparing for imminent risks
(New Laws needed to enforce sanctions)

It is Japan that will most seriously be threatened by the North Korea's nucler test. Therefore it is very natural that Japan has soon taken sanction action.
(North Korea's claimed testing of a nuclear device puts Japan at great risk,and the government had every right to decide Wednesday to impose additional sanctions on the reclusive state.)

This Japanese action was made before the U.N. Security Council's adopting its resolution. This includes total ban of North Korea's vessels coming to Japanese ports, total ban of imports from North Korea, and basic ban of the people whose nationality are North Korean.
(The action preceded the adoption of a resolution by the U.N. Security Council to impose sanctions of its own on North Korea.
The main pillars of Japan's sanctions are a complete ban on port calls by North Korean ships,a total prohibition on imports from that couintry and a blanket ban on entry into Japan by North Korean nationals.)
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from today's Nikkei

2006年10月13日 08時19分10秒 | 新聞記事から
福岡銀 九州親和を実質傘下に 総資産11.5兆円 地銀トップ
It is learned that Fukuoka Bank,which is one of major local banks, will virtually become a parent companny of Kyushu-Shinwa Bank,which is a midsized local bank. This deal makes the Fukuoka Bank group a top-ranking one in the local bank groups,with its total assets becoming 11.5 trillion yen.

イオン ダイエー株15%取得へ 丸紅と交渉 きょう発表 マルエツ株は20%
Aeon has been negotiating with Marubeni on rebuilding the Daiei's business. As results of its negotiation, Aeon will acquire Daiei's shares of 15 %,which is held now by Marubeni,and also get Maruets's shares of 20%,which is now held by Daiei.This is to be announced today.

北朝鮮制裁決議案 きょうにも採決 米中、核不拡散へ連携確認
Revised sanction plan against North Korea presented by the U.S. is to be
adopted in the U.N. Security Council today.The U.S. and China has agreed to cooperate with each other in stopping the nuclear proliferation through North Korea.

市場化テスト20業務に拡大 内閣府、来夏メド 雇用保険料の徴収、ハローワーク主業務、市町村の窓口
The Cabinet Office likely will extend the targeted areas for so-called "market testing" from 9,which are currently decided, to 20 by next summer.The targeted areas include such fields as collecting of employment insurance premiums, primary works in the employment bureau,and municipal offices' window duties.
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