from an editorial of Yomiuri

2006年10月02日 13時26分41秒 | 新聞記事から
( )内はThe Daily Yomiuriによる英訳(10.3日に掲載)
Foreign nurse: With a firm system set up,we would like to welcome foreign nurses
(EPA with Manila will aid nursing shortfall)

It is significant to set off (onがここに入るべきだろう,あるいはfor,towardが入ってもいいのではないか。もっと言えば、この括弧のなかの前置詞がなくてもいいかも知れない。set offはいずれにしろ自動詞である。前置詞がなければthe path は副詞目的格として機能すると考えればいいのでしょう。もっと言えば、ここは、start とかbeginの動詞をつかったっていいわけです。正解は1つだけではない。多様な解があると考えるべきでしょう。) the path expanding the exchange of human resouces with a foreign country, under the conditions of EPA(Economic Partnership Agreement).
(Any government decision to start personnel exchange with another nation under an economic partnership agreement(EPA) is of immense significance.)

The government has decided that it will receive human resources of Philippine nurses and care workers,until the number has come to be up to 1,000 for the first two years,based on the conditions of the EPA agreed between Japan and the Philippines.
(This holds true for the government's decision to accept up to 1,000 nurses and welfare care workers from the Philippines for two years underb the EPA Tokyo and Mnila signed last month.)

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from today's Nikkei

2006年10月02日 09時49分02秒 | 新聞記事から
景気、巡航速度で持続力 米経済・ITに懸念 民需は堅調、戦後最長へ
Japan's economy is expanding at a moderate pace and speed. It has also a sustainability.Nevertheless,there are some concerns about the U.S. economy ,and IT busineses,where they have a lot of stocks. But, as demand from the private sector has been brisk,the boom will likely continue the longest in the post-war period.

首相、8日に中国訪問 韓国歴訪も最終調整 対外外交で談話検討
The government is now making its final adjustment with Beijin and Pusan so that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will be able to visit China on October 8, and to vist South Korea after that.According to sources, Abe will likely issue a comment ,in Beijin,about his administration's diplomacy with China.

カード決済 来年にも 地方税、水道料金、年金保険料 大手12社年内に協議会
Major 12 credits-card-issuance companies will likely set up a council within the year to work out how to settle public utility charges.
According to sources, they intend to start next year the system where the payments of local taxes,tap water charges and pension premiums could be settled by credit cards.

10-12月産業天気図 住宅・通信など5業種が改善
According to the data from the industrial weather map from October through December compiled by The Nihon Keizai Shimbun,in the five indusries,such as the housing and the communications, business perception has been improved.
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