from an editorial from Yomiuri

2006年10月04日 11時05分38秒 | 新聞記事から
( )内はThe Daily Yomiuri による英訳〔10月5日掲載)

Declaration of nuclear experiment by Pyongyan:We are entering into the new phase of the "nuclear" threat
(Pyongyang's N-threat has entered new satege)


Confronted(Surrounded) by the international community's pressure, Pyongyang seems to try to accelerate its desperate strategy. The foreign affairs ministry of the country issued the statement that it will exercise nuclear experiment.

(North Korean's announcement TYuesday that it will conduct a nuclear test at an undisclosed future date suggests that Pyongyan is further escalating its desperate brinkmanship as the net put up by the international community around it tightens.)

The date is not made clear. But, with redard to it, Taro Aso,Minister of Foreign Affairs, showed(expressed) his serious concern about it, saying that there were such actual examples in the past in the country that it did as it had said , after not so much interval following this kind of statement.
(North Korea has yet to say when and where it will conduct the test.But Foreign Minister Taro Aso expressed a strong sense of caution,saying North Korea's actions in the past suggested that it could be expected to make good on its threat fairly soon.)

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from today's Nikkei

2006年10月04日 09時44分32秒 | 新聞記事から
新株や転換社債 資金調達 9割増す 4-9月、1兆9000億円 成長分野に投資
Companies have been raising money from the market by issuing new shares and convertible corporate bonds,with the sume reaching 1.9 trillion yen for the period of April to Sepetember,up 90 % from the corresponding period of a year earlier. The mony is invested in the fields expected to grow.

取材源秘匿 最高裁、認める初判断 NHK記者証言拒否 「職業の秘密に該当」
Supreme Court for the first time admitted the right of news-resource secrecy.A NHK reporter refused to testify in a court, and the refusal has been contested in the judicial fields.The justice of the supreme court said that the reperters refusal should be permitted in light of the right of professional secrecy to be protected.

北朝鮮「核実験実施する」 声明発表 時期は言及せず 米「孤立深めるだけ」
North Korea declared that it will exercise the nuclear explosion experiment on September 3. But the date and timing was not referred to in the statement.The U.S. responded to this movement,saying it only makes the country more reclusive in the international community.

安保理で非公式協議 議長声明など検討
UN Security Council started discussion over the North Korea's statement of exercising nuclear explosion experiment on an unofficila basis, but, with the Security Council President's statement to be issued in mind.

国連総長に韓国・バン氏 予備選 当確
Kimn Bahn, South Korea's international trade and foreign affairs minister, is certain to succeed Kofi Annan,who is expected to step down from UN secretary gereral post at the end of this year. Ban garnered a favorable votes in the poll the other day carried out in The UN Security Coiuncil.
(注:Kimn Bahnの表記は怪しい。適当に表記したもの。)
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