from today's Nikkei

2006年10月15日 21時06分53秒 | 新聞記事から
安保理 対北朝鮮 制裁決議へ 核拡散防止包囲網
The U.N. Security Council is to adopt sanctions against North Korea in the mafternoon of October 14,forming the international coalition for preventing the nuclear proliferation.

政府、金融制裁拡大へ 高級品禁輸も
The Japanese government has decided to implement another financial sanction against North Korea after the U.N. Security Council adopts sanctions on the country.That will includes ban on exports of luxuries to the contry.

放射性物質微量を検出 米政府 日韓に伝達
It is leaned that the U.N. detected a trace of radioactive subsatnce,and soon informed Japan and South Korea of the fact.

大卒内定13.3%増 3年連続伸び2ケタ 金融・鉄鋼 計画上回る 来春本社調査
According to a survey conducted by the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, the number of those who will garduate from universities next spring and also unofficially allowed to enter companies at this time of the year are up 13.3%.comapred with that of a year ealier. The growth ratio marked the two-digit figure for the third consecutive year. By industry, in both financila and steel industries, the numbers are more than their initial targets.
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