from an editorial of Yomiuri

2006年10月11日 09時36分07秒 | 新聞記事から
North Korea's nuclear test

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said we are entering a new, risky ,nuclear era.North Korea announced conducting the underground nucler test.This is a serious threat to the international community's peace,provoked by the "rogue nation". Especially, to Japan, this has brought a big environmental change in terms of security.
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from today's Nikkei

2006年10月11日 08時41分43秒 | 新聞記事から
安保理、制裁めぐり調整急ぐ 北朝鮮が核実験 米が原案、英仏同調 中国に柔軟姿勢 船舶臨検など検討
North Korea anounced it conducted nuclear test. The U.N. Secuurity Council is accelerating its adjustment on the draft plan presented by the U.S. over sanctions against North Korea based on Chapter 7 of the U.N. Charter among the member countries. By country, Britain and France have agreed to the draft,and China also has changed its stance to be flexible,probably not denying the plan.The sanction includes ship inspection.

「日本、核保有せず」首相 衆院は北朝鮮非難決議
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said that Japan will not pocess nuclear weapons from now on to the questions in a intensive Q&A session on diplomacy in the Budget Commitee of the House of Representatives on October 10, with regard to the recent nuclear test by North Korea.The House of Representatives adopted a resolution of condemning North Korea for its nuclear test unanimously on the same day.

According to some sources, the possibility of another nuclear test by North Korea has been emerged.

日立、クラリオン買収へ 自動車機器事業を強化 月内にもTOB
Hitachi,Lt. has decided to buy out Clarion Japan ,which is now a affiliate company with its stakes of 14 % taken by Hitachi, and make it a subsidy, in order to intensify its opeartion of the automobile equipment business. Hitachi will implement the take-over bid for it within the month.

石油代替燃料開発へ 官民で 原油依存弱める メタンハイドレード オイルサンド 石炭液化油
Japan will deveopl alternative fuels for petroleum ,such as methane hydrate,oil sand and coal liquefaction oil,with the strength and knowledge of the private sector and the government combined together, in order to make dependence on crude oil smaller.
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