from an editorial of Yomiuri

2006年10月17日 09時48分33秒 | 新聞記事から
Junior-high second -grader boy's suicide:A teacher's behavior lay behind the suicide

A teacher's careless behavior has put a student into the corner. Saying so is no exaggeration.

A second-year boy student in a junior high school, in Tsukushi town, Fukuopka Prefecture, killed himself with a note saying," I can no longer survive being bullyied."

The very cause of its bullying came from a teacher,who was in charge of his class in his first grade,
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from today's Nikkei

2006年10月17日 07時56分22秒 | 新聞記事から
育児休業中の賃金 雇用保険で最大7割補償 厚生省方針、来年度から 企業負担分 半額を助成
The Ministry of Health,Labor and Welfare has decided to revise the present Emplyment insurance system,introducing a new idea into the system,expected to be effective from next fiscal year,in order to raise support for people who are off the work because of their child-care leaves.At present,those who are off the work temporarily due to child-care leaves ,can get benifits,which are corresponding to about 40 % of their former wages for their works. According to the draft plan,people can get benifits from the revised employment system,in the most favorable case with the help by the employer,up to about 70 % of their last wages for their works.

米が北朝鮮核実験 確認 1キロトン未満 爆発は小規模
The U.S. confirmed the North Koreas's nuclear test,whose size was relatively small and estimated corresponding to the TNT bombs of less than 1 kilo tonnage.

産業用ロボット 川重、国内に新工場 40年ぶり 中長期需要増 見込む
Kawasaki Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. will build a new plant for manufacturing industrial robots,which is expected to start its production in 2008,in Hyogo Prefecture.This move is aiming at meeting the demand wich is expected to increase over the intermediate and long-term periods and the first domestic plant building for the robot in 40 years.

武田、経常利益5000億円 今期5%増 米国販売が好調
Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. will likely reach a recurring profit of about 500 bilion yen, up 5% comapred with the previous period,in this business term through next March,due to the brisk sales in the U.S.
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