from an editorial of today's Yomiuri

2006年10月09日 12時34分37秒 | 新聞記事から
Japan-China reciprocal relationship:The issue of North Korea would be a litmus test

Japanese and Chinese top leaders' summit talks brought about not only resumption of summit meeting between two countries stalled in the corner,but also substantial rewsults in terms of North Korea's declaration of conducting nuclear test,which is the most serious concern in the international community.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visted China ,and met with Chinese President Hu Jintao.The summit meeting between the two countries was first after a one- and- half years, and also it was first in five years that Japanese prime minister officially visited China.

from today's Nikkei

2006年10月09日 12時00分07秒 | 新聞記事から
日中、「戦略的互恵」で一致 首脳、北京で5年ぶり会談 北朝鮮の核実験 阻止へ緊密連携 歴史認識で 安倍首相「損害と苦痛与えた」
Japanese prime minister and Chinese counterpart met in Beijin for the first time in 5 years. In the meeting,they agreed in making a close tie with each other in order to make North Korea abandon its intention to carry out nuclear test.At the meeting , Abe said with regard to recognition of history that Japan did damages and pains to Chinese people. In the meeting ,also, they agreed in the thinking of " strategic reciprocity" between two countries.

液晶パネル 東芝、欧州で共同生産 韓国LGフィリップス 40型以上、安定調達Toshiba Corp. likely will manufacture liquid crystal panes in Europe jpintly with LG.Philips LCD in South Korea.Specifically, Toshiba will constantly procure larger -than-the -40-type liquid crystal panels from LG.Philips there.

早期是正措置 生協共済に導入 厚労省方針 契約者保護を強化
The Ministry of Health,Labor and Welfare has decided to intensify its regulation toward consumer cooperatives dealing with mutual-aid products similar to insurance products.In the move, so-called "early improvement order " will be issued by the ministry if the solvency ratio of each coperative gets under the certain decided level. This is aimed at protecting consumer contractors.