

シェルダン・ナイドル10/20;「新しい世界」建設の開始 1

2009-10-21 12:56:07 | ファーストコンタクト
Selamat Jarin! We come before you with more to say on a number of topics. Around your globe the final great struggle between the dark cabal and our Earth allies is finishing off. The many secret members of this dark group are busy sabotaging the deliveries and the changes in government with only partial success. Consequently, the degree of change that is close to happening is looking to be increasingly severe. The dark seems to be on a scorched-earth policy that is dooming more of them to a most unkind fate. We watch this skullduggery and observe how our Earth allies have become more adept at countering these heinous and unforeseen blows. With each day, the ability of these dark ones to work against the Light decreases enormously, and thus the moment of promised change approaches fast. Those within the various councils of the dark seem wearier and more worried about their looming defeat, and this shift in attitude has brought out a certain careless abandon toward what they are doing and it is clear that their rout is inevitable!
As this plays out, Mother Earth pushes forward with the changes that are to come before you are evacuated from your surface world. She is adjusting more of her surface plates in order to lock them into position. These collisions have caused an increase in seismic activity and ocean volcanism in the plate zones located in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, and this increase is set to augment still further as these operations intensify during the coming year. Likewise, the odd weather associated with 'global warming' is to grow more drastic. In this way, Mother Earth is signaling to humanity that the changes to humankind require a swift and all-encompassing resolution, and we have duly acknowledged this message of hers. As we noted in previous updates, we have set up a number of alternate scenarios to carry out this much-needed return to full consciousness. You are under a prime decree by Lord Surea to be returned to your natural state of full consciousness. A number of special crystal cities are ready in Inner Earth to house you during this time and the procedures for your transfer there are well tested and ready.
1 豊饒化プログラムと他のプログラムによる現在の苦しみの軽減
2 地球外生命体実在の公式発表
What is left is to use the remaining time to aid all of you in achieving the change in governments; to carry out the prosperity and other programs designed to alleviate your present suffering; and to inform you of our presence. Then you can begin to solve the current crises of pollution, want, wars, and accumulated hatreds that have so long plagued you. These things our Earth allies intend to do. A new world filled with amazing technologies long hidden away within the multitude of dark projects undertaken since the end of World War II is the goal behind the agenda of our Earth allies. We have watched the serious interference put up by the dark, yet even these dark ones now realize the hopelessness of their cause. This world of yours is to move in only one direction, which is toward the Light and into the joy of a fully conscious reality. This process is taking a bigger chunk of the divine timeline you are on as the dark uses its acquired technologies to delay our arrival. This process can only go so far before we intervene fully. Bear in mind that our direct intervention alters everything for the dark.
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

シェルダン・ナイドル10/20;「新しい世界」建設の開始 2

2009-10-21 12:55:27 | ファーストコンタクト
One of the things we have to emphasize is that we fully realize just how we can affect what is happening right now. Your world is moving toward a transition that spans the interval between where you are now and where Heaven desires you to be. Our role is to come early only if necessary. Those who currently run your world remain as arrogant as ever. This stance is only to be expected of a group that has known nothing but special privilege since the dawn of this present age. To push them aside is to make them realize just how fragile their situation now is, which is why they fight with all the resources at their command. What frightens them is to see how quickly their privileges are being dissolved, and we watch as their stranglehold on power slips rapidly away under the attrition of our Earth allies. It is our intention to have this completed imminently and for you to enjoy the sovereignty and freedom guaranteed you by Heaven.
Your struggle to regain your true place in your reality has been arduous and long. Thirteen millennia of strife and deceitful rule by the Anunnaki have robbed you of any remaining memories of who you really are and of your true extraterrestrial origins. This is to be remedied once we land. Our mission then is to prepare you swiftly to accept the great changes that are to happen to you and your world. Right now, the great machine that powers your world is failing. Likewise, a comprehensive 'extinction' is beginning to alter the very nature of the ecosystem that surrounds you. This is yet another portent of the huge changes that are coming. To use a timely analogy: Your realm is now going through a winter that is severely testing your reality's viability to survive and powerfully demonstrating that a series of sweeping transformations are truly the order of the day. The time for great change is upon you!
These changes are to come suddenly. The dark matrix is like a great dam crumbling under the weight of a storm surge that is undermining its foundation and breaching its walls. The sluice gates cannot alleviate what is happening. The rapidly rising waters of the unrelenting storm surge are weakening the entire structure and there seems to be no way out. Yet, until the fatal cracks appear in great numbers, the engineers of this edifice (the dark) cannot give up the hope that they can somehow muddle through. Even as the terminal cracks appear, as they are now doing, they cling to their deranged hope. It is to take the fateful boom of the dam finally giving way to demonstrate the truth of their situation. This is the point at which you now stand. Our Earth allies have done remarkable work and are near the point of all-out victory!
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

シェルダン・ナイドル10/20;「新しい世界」建設の開始 3

2009-10-21 12:54:02 | ファーストコンタクト
The present period can cause a degree of frustration to all of you. It is not easy to be on edge for so long. The destruction created by the greed of the dark devastated many of you, while others among you watched as continued war and hatred created chaos and prevented the resolution of these difficulties by the world community. The operation to transform your world, as we have mentioned before, is to result in escalating turmoil, as if some unforeseen, immense whirlwind had been dropped on you. This situation is encouraged by the dark. On previous occasions, such dire conditions helped to discourage all who tried to topple the dark, but now a new group has arisen that is unable to be thus dissuaded and is determined to succeed. Thus the scene is set to topple the mighty dam of dark power and forge a new, positive reality for all!
First contact heralds a new time for all. We have come here to end the UFO cover-up and start the final stage of your journey to full consciousness. This part of our mission is now where we are at. We review our options daily and prioritize the best way to aid our Earth allies. But this is merely a small aspect of our work here. We also have strong links to Inner Earth and our allies, the Agarthans. These fully conscious Terrans have helped us greatly to know you and to prepare our schedule for the post-landing meetings with you. Much needs to be discussed and our mutual and equal exchanges are most important to us. We are here to reunite you with Inner Earth and to impart to you our experiences in the realms of the fully conscious. We are more than ready to get these final stages underway!
Today, we continued our exploration into what is going on in your world. We come as a grand expedition of explorers. We have stayed, as a special group at Heaven's request, to move you gracefully into full consciousness. The time comes for action, and the moment approaches for first contact and a new, fully conscious reality! Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy)!
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

マシューメッセージ10/19:ETディスクロージャーの意義 1

2009-10-21 08:52:57 | 天国からのメッセージ
(全訳はまもなく玄のリモ農園ダイアリー に掲載されます)
1. 皆さん、こんにちは。高次元のすべてのソウルを代表してご挨拶申し上げます。皆さんがあまりにも長い期間にわたって待ち続けてきた歴史的なイベントが、ようやく目の前に迫ってきました。この数年間、さまざまな光のメッセンジャーたちが「地球の皆さんの周りには、霊的・知的・テクノロジー的に進化した文明があり、その真実を世界的に信頼と尊敬を集めている人物が発表するだろう」と、伝えてきました。
1. With loving greetings, this is Matthew speaking on behalf of all souls at this station. You have been waiting a very, very long time―far longer than you are consciously aware―for the momentous occasion on your near horizon. For several years various messengers of the light have been telling you about the spiritually, intellectually and technologically advanced civilizations surrounding you―soon you will hear this truth from persons in your world whom you trust and respect.
2. 地球のゴールデンエイジのマスタープランを計画した高等評議会のメンバーは、集合意識の流動を観察して、皆さんの聖なる兄弟の実在を広く知らせる日が近いという結論で一致しました。概して言えば、「窓が開かれて」意識と霊性の飛躍が文明の高次元への上昇をもたらすことになります。この窓は以前にも地球人類に開かれたのですが、闇の勢力が妨害して星を見上げる代わりに足元を見下ろすように人々に強制してきたのです。しかし宇宙の高等な存在は、「地球は愛と調和と平和が基礎になる高い次元に移行して地球のすべてのソウルたちと共に上昇する」決定を行いました。
2. Members of the highest council that designed the master plan of Earth’s Golden Age have been observing the pace of flux in the collective consciousness, and they have agreed that the day is nearing when the presence of your celestial brotherhood must become widely known. There are “open windows,” universally speaking, that offer the leaps in consciousness and spiritual clarity that enable a civilization to ascend into a higher density. These windows have opened for Earth’s peoples before, but they closed because the darkness that permeated the planet prevented the peoples from looking up at the stars instead of down at “feet of clay.” This is the time of another open window, and as ordained by the Supreme Being of this universe, Earth will fly through on her way into the higher densities where love, peace and harmony is the basis of life. In her love for all her resident souls, she wants them to go with her.
3. これからそれぞれの窓が開かれる力強い時間の流れに向けて、着実に進歩を続ける必要があります。そして2012年の終わりまでに大部分の課題を達成しなければなりません。くり返しますが、地球が第5密度に向かって上昇することは確実です。それは、自分の旅を計画するひとりひとりの意志にかかっているのです。皆さんの中にいる闇の勢力は、何千年にもわたって人類をしばりつけてきた大がかりな偽りを維持しようと画策を続けています。闇の勢力は人工削減をたくらんだ世界規模の戦争がもはや終わったことを知っていて、まだ傷が癒されていない人々が光を見て直感的にメッセージを受け取ることを妨げようとしています。闇の勢力の最近の戦略は人々の間に怒り・混乱・不和をあおることです。それはお互いの善意の交流を実現しようとするスピリットの対極にある感情なのです。現在の新聞の見出しに並ぶ不正と汚職の数々は大衆を欺いて押さえつけ、意識を眠らせておくための意識操作なのです。
3. Measured progress is necessary to meet the energetic timeline of any open window, and much must be accomplished before this one closes around the end of your year 2012. Again, Earth’s soaring through and onward to her destination in fifth density is assured―it is up to individual souls to chart their own journey. The tenacious resistance of the dark minds among you has managed to keep a lid on the massive deception that has kept the peoples in bondage for millennia. The dark forces knows it has lost the war for global domination, but its battle continues for individuals who have not heeded their souls’ intuitive messages to “see the light.” The current strategy of the puppets of darkness is to stir up anger, confusion and divisiveness―the antithesis of the spirit that can see and seize opportunities for benevolent change―and even as tiny bits of pervasive corruption and depravity seep into headlines, a great deal still is operating to keep the masses deceived, suppressed and consciously asleep.
4. しかし、このような状態は地球が愛する人類に求めている願いではありません。マスタープランを立案した高等評議会は皆さんの間にいる霊的に進化した人々と合意して、計画の主要な2つの部分の順序を入れ替えることにしました。もともとの計画では、最初に闇の勢力による世界的な無数の陰謀の数々を暴露して、まだ眠っている人々の目を覚まし、その次に遠い国(宇宙)からの訪問者の紹介をして、まだ世界に残っている混乱を一掃する予定でした。しかし時間が最重要になるにつれて、(計画どおり進めても)大衆の意識の目覚めは、必要とされるほど急ピッチでは進まないことがわかりました。そこで誰もの注意を大きく引きつけて皆が目を覚ますイベントの実現を先行することにしたのです。それが、地球外知的生命体実在の政府発表なのです。
4. Because that is not in keeping with Earth’s desire for her beloved souls, the master planning council in conjunction with spiritually evolved beings among you decided to reverse the order of two major parts of the plan. Originally it was thought that exposure of the dark ones’ controlling hand in myriad worldly matters would arouse the sleepers and then there would be the revelation that newcomers from distant lands have come to help you clean up the mess your world is in. But awakening of the masses isn’t happening as quickly as need be and time is of the essence, so it has been agreed to jolt the many sound sleepers with something that cannot miss getting everyone’s attention―your governments acknowledging that other intelligent beings are in the universe.
Messages from MATTHEW
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 天国からのメッセージへ天国からのメッセージ

マシューメッセージ10/19:ETディスクロージャーの意義 2

2009-10-21 08:51:44 | 天国からのメッセージ
5. 私たちに伝えられている「隠ぺい暴露」の情報によれば、それは「ドラマティック(劇的)」という表現には尽くせないイベントとなり、同時にスペースシップのデクローク(覆いをとって姿を現す)や宇宙ファミリーの地球着陸が行われる可能性もあります。宇宙から訪れた皆さんの兄弟姉妹たちが、ただちに紹介されて皆さんと交流を始めるというわけではありません。今の世界にはまだ皆さんのようにこの知らせを歓迎しない懐疑論者や否定論者が多いために、突然に(星間交流を)始めることはできないのです。不安や疑惑が世界に混乱と不安をもたらすことのないように慎重に賢明な注意を払って計画を進めるつもりでいます。
5. According to information reaching us about the “unveiling,” it will be understated rather than dramatic, such as a simultaneous fleet of spacecraft decloaking or a host of visitors landing. And there will not be an immediate outpouring of interaction with your brothers and sisters from faraway homelands―their introduction will be unfolded, not suddenly thrust upon a world where skeptics and nonbelievers will not greet this news with the same enthusiasm as you. Wisdom dictates caution so that suspense and doubt will not turn into chaos and fear.
6. 闇の勢力は永年にわたって否定されてきたこの真実がもはや否定できないことになれば、彼らの何世紀にもわたる悪事を閉じ込めてきた「パンドラの箱」が開けられることを知っています。ライトワーカーたちが、今回ついに地球外文明の実在が公表されることを歓迎しているのは、それによって闇の勢力の恐怖による人類支配が終わりを迎えるからです。闇の地球外生命体の操り人形である地球上の闇の勢力は恐怖のエネルギーが光と意識を隔てることを知っていて、ソウルたちの光を閉じ込めるために強力なネガティブエネルギーの膜で人類をおおってきました。それが、「ETは恐ろしい。人類を征服して奴隷化する。」という偽情報(キャンペーン)なのです。
6. The dark ones know that once this long-denied truth no longer is deniable, it opens a virtual Pandora’s box of their heinous activities throughout the ages. Thus, even as lightworkers are rejoicing that at long last the presence of other civilizations is publicly confirmed, the dark minds will be furiously churning out fear. As puppets of the off-planet dark forces, they know that the energy of fear puts a barrier between light and consciousness, and always the goal of that powerful force field of negativity has been to conquer souls by capturing their light. Their puppets will make every effort to convince the populace that the ETs are to be feared, they have come to conquer and enslave.
7. Your interconnectedness with all souls in this universe will help dispel the fear that non-illumined individuals succumb to. The light in your elation not only will touch all around you, but will radiate out into the universe and through the law of attraction, bring back “like” energy that can reach those who bought into the fear-filled falsehoods. The light can open their hearts and let them also welcome the visitors who have come to assist you rise out of third density, where darkness thrives. It is true that God told these others of His children to help you, but they are doing this eagerly and lovingly so all of you can awaken to your rightful place in our universal family.
8. 光の勢力をサポートする多くの勇気あるソウルたちに敬意を表します。高次元のすべての存在を代表して申し上げるのは、デイビッド・ウイルコックが明確に説明したように、あらゆる存在は相互に結びついていて科学とスピリットは一体となった同一のものであり、すべての転生が宇宙意識の中で共通の体験をしているからなのです。
8. Because we honor every one of the many courageous souls throughout your world who are aiding the light forces, rarely do we single out an individual for such recognition. Speaking on behalf of all souls at this station, I do so in this instance because David Wilcox so clearly explains the interconnectedness of all in existence, how science and spirit are one and the same, and all incarnate experiencing is within the universal consciousness.
Messages from MATTHEW
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 天国からのメッセージへ天国からのメッセージ

マシューメッセージ10/19:ETディスクロージャーの意義 3

2009-10-21 08:50:18 | 天国からのメッセージ
9. さて、永年活動を続けてきたライトワーカーたちや新しいソウルの探求者たちの期待している話題に移りましょう。地球外文明の実在が広く知られることで、どれほど急速に地球の生活が変化していくでしょうか?閉ざされたドアの向こう側ですでに、改革の土台が生まれています。最も注目すべき地球上の環境と生活の変化は皆さんの宇宙の兄弟姉妹たちが皆さんと共に活動を開始して、スピードと性能で皆さんを驚かせるようなテクノロジーを紹介することによってもたらされます。
9. Now I shall move on to addressing other issues requested by “seasoned” lightworkers and new soul searchers. How quickly will improvements in life on Earth come after the presence of other civilizations is widely known? Behind closed doors, groundwork for many improvements is being birthed, so to say, but the most noticeable changes in Earth’s environment and lives of the long-exploited masses will come when your brothers and sisters from afar are working alongside you and introducing technologies whose speed and effectiveness will astound you.
10. もし私たちに高度なスピリチャアルな知識がなく他の人々のライフタイムと自分たちの主要な使命を自覚できないなら、これから訪れる地球の大規模な変化を予測することはできないかもしれません。皆さんにぜひ知っておいていただきたい変化をお伝えします。政府の主要人物と「権威者」が突然姿を消して、新しい改革体制に入れ替わります。協定によって国家間の戦争が終了し国内の紛争も解決に向かいます。オバマ大統領への誹謗中傷がなくなります。古い経済システムによる束縛に代わって新しい経済システムが始まります。一部の者たちが悪用してきたテクノロジーは完成された形で利用できるようになります。
10. To what extent will we recognize coming changes if we don’t have advanced spiritual understanding like remembering other lifetimes or knowing our main mission in this one? You will recognize many changes! Prominent figures in governments and other “authorities” suddenly will be out of the picture and others will be replaced as reformation progresses. Negotiations will replace combat between nations and civil wars will wind down to resolution. Criticism of US president Obama will cease. Putting bandages on a dead economic system will end and be replaced by a new system. Technologies that have been suppressed by one malicious means or another will become available for implementation.
11. 陰謀によって仕組まれたあらゆるタイプの汚染が根絶されますーすみやかになくなるものもあれば、徐々になくなるものもあります。空気・水・土の汚染が浄化されて純粋な自然が回復します。除去されるべき「汚染」には次のものが含まれます。軍事システム、気象操作、放射性汚染物質、人工的に作られた病気、マスコミによる大衆操作、貧困、暴力的な「娯楽」、マインドコントロールによる暗殺、女性虐待、憎しみによる犯罪、サタニズム(悪魔崇拝)、不正な法律と法律制度、非合法な薬品処方、動物虐待・・・その他、闇の勢力が人類に地獄をもたらすために考え出した陰謀のすべて。
11. Pollution in all its insidious forms will be eradicated, some quickly and others more gradually. The befouled condition of air, water and soil will be cleansed and purity returned. Other kinds of pollutants that have made life “hell on Earth” and will be phased out include weapons systems, weather control, radioactive materials, laboratory-designed diseases, deceptive media reporting, poverty, violent “entertainment,” mind controlled assassins, subjugation of women, “hate” crimes, Satanism, unfair laws and unjust justice systems, “illegal” and prescription drugs, cruelty to animals―EVERYTHING that has been devised by dark intent will be done away with!
12. これから起きる変化を目撃しても人々はこう思わないかもしれません。「この変化は集合意識の進んだスピリチュアルな理解が引き起こしている」しかし、すべての変化の基礎にあるのは、地球人類のスピリチュアルな意識の上昇なのです。これから起きる変化のどの一つも、皆さんが自然と調和して互いに平和に暮らし、地球という惑星が本来持っていた美しさと健康を回復したいと願わなければ、実現しなかったものなのです。光のメッセンジャーたちがこれまで伝えてきたように、皆さんが今生まれてきているのは、互いに協力してそのような新しい世界を創造するためなのです。
12. Although most of the populace will witness the incremental changes and not think, “These are occurring because of advanced spiritual understanding in the collective consciousness,” it is precisely the raised consciousness and spiritual clarity of Earth humankind that is the foundation of ALL the changes! None of them could come about without YOUR desire to live in peace with each other and in harmony with Nature on a planet that is restored to its original health and beauty! As many messengers of light have told you, helping to create this kind of world is why you chose to be there.
Messages from MATTHEW
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 天国からのメッセージへ天国からのメッセージ