

10・14 ファーストコンタクト22:新しい世界体制が生まれます(ダイアン9/29)1

2008-09-30 23:50:53 | ファーストコンタクト
YouTube/First Contact - 29th Sept 2008. Diane - Channeled Message.
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ

これからの世界変革の流れについて(Nesara Canada9/28)

2008-09-30 20:50:37 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
In response to correspondents' asking about seemingly conflicting reports on the internet concerning "deliveries being blocked by Bush" who is also reported to be under House Arrest in the WhiteHouse, by Tom Heneghan today.
ONLY Lady Master Nada can authorize deliveries, on TV, within 72 hours of NESARA's Announcement. She is our Postal Lady in charge of deliveries...and, also Special Prosecutor, appointed by the International Court of Justice, with extraordinary powers to over ride any nation's court decisions and even has authority to dissolve our Supreme Court and order arrests of corrupt judges and others. She has said that no deliveries would take place until it is safe to do so. The banksters & criminal associates in most of the world's inteligence services would otherwise seize the funds and probably eliminate the beneficiaries. That is why that aspect has been placed in the sequence after Announcement and regime changes are made.
In the coming days massive numbers of galactic peaceful family, who have been protecting the planet from the dark renegades' technologies, will be decloaking and will become local communications stations over every city on the planet. You will know who they are by the joy and upliftment you will feel in your heart and core. You already know that feeling and will find yourself remembering it directly. Captain Ashtar and Admiral Sananda will be speaking to all of us at that time, as will others, including Lady Master Nada and St Germain, who are already on the earth awaiting the opportunity to address us over TV & Radio.
Nesara Canada


2008-09-29 20:23:48 | GFLJメッセージ

10・14 ファーストコンタクト21:恐れずに10月14日に備えてください(アダム9/26)

2008-09-29 15:50:49 | ファーストコンタクト
YouTube/"Adamu" through Zingdad:Preparation without fear Part One
There are many of you who believe in the 10-14-08 date, and there are some of you who are in denial, and still in darkness surrounded by fear not wanting the ship to show up. The opinion poll on this site was placed here for a reason. And I am amazed by how many of you are in support of this prediction given by Blossom Goodchild. For those of you who are still in fear, who are corrupted by the feeling that betrayal is imminent if indeed such a phenomenon appears in October, or for those of you who just don't want to believe...I and Adamu both say this to you...
You need to lighten up. This is a timeline you are able to bring into culmination, if you believe. You have the ability to step out of the darkness that foreshadows this world which encourages fear, greed, hate, anger and death. We are all good people at heart. We must all step out of the shadows of the unevolved. We are all here for a reason. All of us are extra terrestrial in origin and each of us have jumped at the chance to be here a long time ago.
Rekindle your ability to bring yourself back to feeling the light that you once occupied. Overcome the unevolved nature of the dark workers and work to believe in something again. For if you do believe, you will prove to all the dark workers and skeptics, that we are not alone. That we have never been alone.
And that this encounter will be exactly what it says it will be. A peaceful one. A peaceful encounter that will jumpstart our confidence in being our own self-saviors. This is what I attempt to get through to those who have not awoken or who are falsely guided towards beliefs of darkness. This will be a joyous time for humanity, but only you...Only each and every single one of you on this planet can make this happen...If you believe.
~Namaste Brad Johnson
Preparation for October 14 th Without Fear
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ

10・14 ファーストコンタクト20:マジェンタ・ピクシー9/25 2

2008-09-28 16:44:48 | ファーストコンタクト
There are many who during these "difficult times" are experiencing the happiest times of this incarnation and indeed of all their incarnations. For "difficult times" are only experienced as difficult by those who believe them to be so. When "difficult times" is replaced with "times of change" or indeed "wonderful times," those that believe these statements to be true, as indeed they are, shall experience just that.
Whilst we have said before there are no saviours and that the saviours are yourselves, there are teachers, helpers, healers, light-workers, and way-showers. If you hear these words and resonate with them, then you are that teacher, helper, healer, light-worker and way-shower.It is therefore you that shall lead others to a place of protectedness, connectedness, and abundance. It is you that shall shape the future of your wonderful planet for your descendents to incarnate here and enjoy all that you have created for them.
The month of October brings much change and this really is the best way to describe it. For what seems like a highly negative situation shall birth such unity, togetherness and love, leading to democracy, fairness and soul-family recognition and reunion.Structures based on corruption, greed, control, jealousy and fear cannot sustain [themselves] within the new energies. We realize that which is to be feared is to be seen with your real eyes. But that which is to be embraced with love can be felt with your hearts.
The light is invisible to some, but when you ask for it, embrace it, live it, and exude it from your very being, you shall then see it, feel it, know it, and shall share it with others. Be unshakeable with your truth. Others will wonder why you are so strong. Then they will question their fears when they see others also as strong, walking and knowing, walking in bliss.This is the job of the way-showers and light-workers and, over the coming months, you shall be needed to live that which you know. The time for the light has come. The time for freedom has come. The time for you has come.
October is a month of great change, a month where blocks of darkness shall be transmuted and dissolved. Then there shall be a period of cleansing where the old shall be replaced with the new. This shall coincide with a mass period of awakening to the truth.At last humanity shall see that which has been kept from them. And we tell you again, any structure or system based on darkness and constructed with fear, corruption, greed, envy, control and service to sustain cannot sustain within fifth-dimensional energies. The more love you feel, the more connectedness with the light and merging with the higher-Self counterpart that you embrace, the more you anchor fifth-dimensional energies on Earth and the more the systems of darkness shall fall. We are the white-winged collective consciousness of Nine. (The Nine channeling through Magenta Pixie,"Energies for October … and Beyond," at Youtube,)
www.angelfire. com
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ

10・14 ファーストコンタクト19:マジェンタ・ピクシー9/25 1

2008-09-28 11:53:52 | ファーストコンタクト
YouTube/Energies for October........and beyond.
Hello. I am receiving many e-mails from very frightened people at the moment due to the increasing fear of the collapse of the economy, the state
of the political structure, and the worries over martial law being
declared.Many people are also concerned about the predicted heightened
energies surrounding the coming month of October. Many people have been reporting feelings of impending doom or the feeling that something big is about to happen. Whilst I do apologise for not being able to answer each e-mail individually I have presented these concerns to the Nine for their response.
Dear Pixie, we can confirm a heightened state of state of fear, concern, panic and worry on your planet currently. However, these frequencies have little hold within your planetary grid and are in the process of being transmuted and dissolved.For we can also confirm a huge increase in positivity, joy, love, abundance, connectedness and dimensional movement.
These frequencies are firmly anchored within the planetary grid and these are the frequencies that transmute and dissolve their opposite. We can confirm, as we have done so before, that, for as much darkness and fear [as] there is, the Light comes in to match that and indeed overshadow it.We realize it is difficult to see one thing in the world with your own eyes and to hear things with your own ears and yet to be told the opposite from unseen energies such as we are who claim to be Light Beings who see from a higher-dimensional perspective.
We know that we cannot make you believe our words as opposed to that which you see on your television screens. What we can do is point you in the direction of those whom you can trust above all else. This is your connection to the Light and to the Higher-Self aspect and therefore to the Divine Source. Each and every one of you have the ability to make this connection and it is that which you learn from your inner connection that shall carry you through these times on your Earth now. Difficult times ahead have been predicted for many of your earth years from various sources. These difficult times are here now.But within these difficult times is an abundance of ever-increasing Love and Light that has never been seen on your planet before. Even in the times of the ancients was there the Light that you now have.
www.angelfire. com
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ


2008-09-27 13:01:20 | 内宇宙への旅
I recently attended a meeting with the First Contact Liaison Teams
aboard a Galactic Federation of Light Sirian mothership. It was a 10
hour (in Earth linear time) meeting with 100 people of all different
races within this Galaxy and Universe. There has been a major success
that is creating a shift in the way the Galactic Federation of Light,
Ashtar Command, and Spiritual Hierarchy can work directly with Planet
Earth very soon. I will go over all of the key aspects that were
spoken about during this meeting.
The MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT is that by February 1st 2009 the Illuminati
will be totally dismantled. The collapse of the Illuminati will
happen through financial problems. When this finally occurs, they
will lose all control over Planet Earth and Planet Earth will finally
be able to start going down the path that is meant to happen; the
path towards First Contact and Ascension.
It is important to understand what is meant when talking about a
financial collapse. People tend to get scared or fearful when you
mention a financial collapse. What is going and already starting to
happen is a financial collapse that needs a new definition. This is
what it shall be: a collapse of a world empire due to bankruptcy
which is maintaining the sustainability of a mediocre economy due to
a manipulation of the monetary system to become based upon fiat
currency. It is not expected for a major depression to overtake the
USA or other countries. A big recession will likely happen for the
USA. What citizens of America have been experiencing within the last
couple of months will continue and tend to get a little worse. The
rest of the world should also feel an aspect of this but not anywhere
as what the USA will and have been experiencing. But certain key
parts of the world that are directly associated with the USA will
feel some similar financial pressures. This is what to expect. What
will be felt is what has been felt for the last couple of months, but
amplified to a more profound experience. Do not fear this, as this is
a positive event that will bring a new change to the planet and is
necessary. And this is exactly what is happening.
MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT by the Galactic Federation of Light and Ashtar Command
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ アガルタ:地球の中の宇宙へ


2008-09-26 19:00:42 | GFLJメッセージ
これまでなら興味本位にしか受け取られなかったファーストコンタクトの情報が、今回は世界的に真剣に受け入れられて広まっています。英語で書かれた情報が多いためになかなか日本のネットには普及しにくいのですが、私が調べた範囲では、「半信半疑ながらも期待して待ちたい」という反応が一般的だと見受けます。9・11疑惑から始まったマスコミ不信は、闇の勢力による世界支配の陰謀の解明へと向かい、イラク占領とテロ問題の真の理由への理解が次第に広まりました。すでにアメリカではブッシュ一味を国家反逆罪で逮捕し世界戦争を阻止しようとする動きが起きています。(Emergency in Washington, D.C. as Bushfraud Faces Arrest for HIGH Treason)並行して、金融崩壊に対する代替計画としてNESARA公布の実施が近づいています。(Ashtar Nesara Update Sept 17/08)今回のファーストコンタクトのニュースとアメリカ旧体制崩壊は、表裏一体の崩壊・再生の世界的な動きだと考えます。当ブログでは、「地球より進んだ文明とテクノロジーを保持する地球外生命体が実在し、地球の進化(アセンション)をサポートするために公式コンタクトを準備している」という立場で、これからもファーストコンタクトに関する情報の収集と普及を行うとともに、旧体制崩壊・新体制誕生の動きをお伝えしていきたいと考えています。信じる・信じないはもちろん読者の自由ですが、少なくても新聞・テレビの情報が現実の世界で起きている重要な変化を伝えていないことが確かであることだけは、皆さんに知っておいていただきたいと願っています。

10・14 ファーストコンタクト18:ブロッサム・グッドチャイルド9/22

2008-09-26 17:01:06 | ファーストコンタクト
We ask you to comprehend in all seriousness what this may mean to life on your planet in the days ahead. How will our visit affect you, your children, and your grandchildren? Will you be the ones to change your ways in order to bring back the beauty of your planet and indeed your selves? We say this is a positive action. We say you have all been chosen to play your part. Will you recognize your role when the time comes? If you are True to your self then of course you will … and your determination will be abounding with strength and illumination. You on “THE GROUND” are there to anchor the forces of LIGHT into their new position. What wonders you shall all behold as you unite in a manner that has been long forgotten. We choose to leave this for this day in the knowledge we shall resume presently.
Newest Channeling Message by Blossom Goodchild
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ