

シェルダン・ナイドル10/20;「新しい世界」建設の開始 1

2009-10-21 12:56:07 | ファーストコンタクト
Selamat Jarin! We come before you with more to say on a number of topics. Around your globe the final great struggle between the dark cabal and our Earth allies is finishing off. The many secret members of this dark group are busy sabotaging the deliveries and the changes in government with only partial success. Consequently, the degree of change that is close to happening is looking to be increasingly severe. The dark seems to be on a scorched-earth policy that is dooming more of them to a most unkind fate. We watch this skullduggery and observe how our Earth allies have become more adept at countering these heinous and unforeseen blows. With each day, the ability of these dark ones to work against the Light decreases enormously, and thus the moment of promised change approaches fast. Those within the various councils of the dark seem wearier and more worried about their looming defeat, and this shift in attitude has brought out a certain careless abandon toward what they are doing and it is clear that their rout is inevitable!
As this plays out, Mother Earth pushes forward with the changes that are to come before you are evacuated from your surface world. She is adjusting more of her surface plates in order to lock them into position. These collisions have caused an increase in seismic activity and ocean volcanism in the plate zones located in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, and this increase is set to augment still further as these operations intensify during the coming year. Likewise, the odd weather associated with 'global warming' is to grow more drastic. In this way, Mother Earth is signaling to humanity that the changes to humankind require a swift and all-encompassing resolution, and we have duly acknowledged this message of hers. As we noted in previous updates, we have set up a number of alternate scenarios to carry out this much-needed return to full consciousness. You are under a prime decree by Lord Surea to be returned to your natural state of full consciousness. A number of special crystal cities are ready in Inner Earth to house you during this time and the procedures for your transfer there are well tested and ready.
1 豊饒化プログラムと他のプログラムによる現在の苦しみの軽減
2 地球外生命体実在の公式発表
What is left is to use the remaining time to aid all of you in achieving the change in governments; to carry out the prosperity and other programs designed to alleviate your present suffering; and to inform you of our presence. Then you can begin to solve the current crises of pollution, want, wars, and accumulated hatreds that have so long plagued you. These things our Earth allies intend to do. A new world filled with amazing technologies long hidden away within the multitude of dark projects undertaken since the end of World War II is the goal behind the agenda of our Earth allies. We have watched the serious interference put up by the dark, yet even these dark ones now realize the hopelessness of their cause. This world of yours is to move in only one direction, which is toward the Light and into the joy of a fully conscious reality. This process is taking a bigger chunk of the divine timeline you are on as the dark uses its acquired technologies to delay our arrival. This process can only go so far before we intervene fully. Bear in mind that our direct intervention alters everything for the dark.
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation


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いつもながら。 (kwwmsy)
2009-10-21 12:08:35





クリスタルシティ (twinkle star)
2009-10-21 20:22:54






