

五 次 元 の 仕 組 み 映 せ し 青 写 真  <悟茶>

2009-11-30 16:58:02 | コズミック・ディスクロージャー






2009-11-30 07:06:23 | 代替ニュース

In a claim that may soon inspire another Hollywood science fiction, Bulgarian scientists have said that aliens exist on Earth and they are in contact with them. "Aliens are currently all around us and are watching us all the time," said Lachezar Filipov, deputy director of the Space Research Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Aliens exist on Earth, scientists claim Zeenews 2009-11-27
バチカンのObservatory and the Pontifical Academy of Sciences(組織の名前)が科学者を集め、今月初旬、1週間に渡る会議を開いて地球外生命の存在の可能性を検討した。

デーヴィッド・アイク(David Icke)の情報


2009-11-30 04:13:39 | 代替ニュース
Today at Camp David, I met with President Obama and St Germain. There were two others at the meeting. There was a Video Conference with Ashtar and others on the Ships. We were discussing the Master Plan related to revealing Galactic Presence and explaining the arrests and changes in governments around the World. There are operations which will be choreographed together in a sequential flow. The final preparations are at hand. Regarding the meeting at West Point, later next week: What I can say is, the reason the press sites for the meeting is misleading. They are guessing at things they have no knowledge of. There are all kinds of rumors flying out there. For the sake of the military families and their children, I would like to avoid any speculation. Just know, there is much to gain for the dark Hats if an escalation were going to take place. Continue to put out the message that We are not going to buy into False Evidence Appearing Real. The President has waited for weeks to have this meeting to discuss Afghanistan and there are very few people who know what he really will say. He is writing his own speech for that meeting. We will let the Sirian Commander tell you what he wishes to say.
KOS on Arrests and Disclosure of Galactic Presence
(抜粋:全文訳は試翻その7 (通りすがり)を参照ください)

サ・ルー・サ11/27:真実を明らかにする光のエネルギー 1

2009-11-29 11:56:17 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
We believe it is becoming noticed by many more people, that the pressure to bring out the truth about events such as the Iraq war is paying off. It is just the start of a number of enquiries relating to many covert actions carried out by the dark forces. For some years since 9/11 there has been a call for an independent enquiry, as the amassed evidence of what really occurred is unquestionable. Have we not told you for some time that the incoming energies are increasing the Light upon Earth, and you are now seeing its effect in uncovering the truth. At a certain level which you will reach after Ascension, the point comes when only the truth can exist. In any event it is necessary, as part of your increasing awareness that you know the truth about your history. It will answer many questions about the downfall of Man, and why until now your progress into the Light has been so slow. You must realize by now that you have been deliberately held back, and every attempt made to keep you in the dark about your true purpose in life.
You may not see full justice carried out, because of the extent of the dark ones activities over the last century. However every soul concerned with them, will eventually answer for what they done that has gone against the Laws of the One. Each of you review your lifetime’s thoughts and actions, and normally you are your most stern critic. You do not therefore have to concern yourselves too much, about the fate of those who masterminded your experiences to make you their slaves. The days of the lynch mobs are well past, and revenge is not something we advocate. Indeed, we are against all such reprisals and remind you that you are the Children of God, and dwell in Love and Light. Your most rewarding response to such matters would be to see all souls as part of yourselves, needing your love as much as any one else. Perhaps Dear Ones, more so if they are to return to the Light quickly as all will do so eventually. Even though you may be well placed in the Light now, like everyone else you will have gone through many experiences that have also included the dark side. Think upon the occasions that you may have been helped to rise up, and the love that you must have been given to heal the damage to your soul, and be generous to others.
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ

サ・ルー・サ11/27:真実を明らかにする光のエネルギー 2

2009-11-29 11:55:00 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
We are here for you all, but if some reject us that is their choice and we will be there whenever a different one is made. No one is pushing you into something you do not want, but we do encourage you to seek the true purpose in your life. Beliefs can be very powerful, and all we ask is you acknowledge that you are in a period of great changes that can benefit you. Your awakening is coming even if it is painfully slow, and each of you will take just as much as you desire and can handle. You have Guides who know you better than you know yourself, and if you will but listen to that quiet voice within you will not be mislead. It is when you are in conflict with yourself that you sometimes lose your way, but be assured you will always get back to the Light. The path can be as easy or hard as you make it, and it will get easier once you understand that all experiences are for your souls evolution. Learn your lessons and move on, and they will not come back to you again. However, if you do not they will return many times until you do, but there is no sense of needing to hurry as life is infinite and it is you who set your goals.
There are so many souls that are involved in your Ascension to ensure you have every opportunity to rise up. They are both on and off Earth, and of course we ourselves form one part of that group, albeit a very important one that concerns your immediate future. Although you may consider progress as very slow, it is in part because you have had to be gently awakened from your great sleep. Too much too soon could do more damage than good, which is why even now so much consideration is given to such events as First Contact. For those reasons we are continually adjusting to what is happening on Earth, and according to how you are accepting such a possibility, There are many factors involved, hence there is always going to be “a right time”.
Whatever happens around you, keep calm and know that you will see us eventually when it is safe to be amongst you. We refer not so much to ourselves but you, who are generally speaking unaware of the extent to which the dark ones will go to stop it happening. If we are unable to meet you within a specified time that we are not allowed to reveal, there is an ultimate date by which we shall take a different course and go ahead. So Dear Ones you have nothing to fear, as we will by one means or another, follow the announcement of our presence with official landings. It is not the first time you have been informed of our plan, but we like to remind you of it and keep you cheerful.
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ

サ・ルー・サ11/27:真実を明らかにする光のエネルギー 3

2009-11-29 11:11:54 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
The game of duality is a really serious one where you are concerned, so you wonder why you elected to take numerous lifetimes in such low vibrations. You knew in advance that it would be tough, and you would find yourself in circumstances where you would feel detached from the Source. In reality that cannot happen, but when the vibrations are low it is much harder to lift yourself up into the Light. Consequently you have felt separated from All That Is, and have fought to preserve your lives at the expense of others. You were encouraged to do so by those who knew the truth, but had turned to the dark side for their own power and control over you. We know some will ask why God allowed it, and the simple answer is that you readily volunteered for the experience. You were comforted by the promise from God, that you would be helped to rise up again. Now you are about to complete your time in this cycle, and have acquired immense knowledge and understanding of Duality. You will never need to tread this path again, and Ascension will enable you to leave in glory and success rightly deserved.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and we of the Galactic Federation realize what a most volatile time you live in, as the new paradigm gains ground on the old one, which has served its purpose. It can be very confusing particularly for those who have little knowledge of what is behind the changes. As Beings of Light you have the ability to lift up such souls, with your assurance that in the end all will work out satisfactorily. Peace will come when the guns of war have been quietened, and we can ensure that once it is agreed all weaponry will be made unusable. We will protect you from any attempts to disrupt any part of the program to restore your Earth, and establish your path to Ascension.
Thank you SaLuSa.Mike Quinsey.
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ


2009-11-28 06:18:42 | GFLJメッセージ




2009-11-27 08:20:00 | ファーストコンタクト
Many people have asked us for our current view of the information provided to David Wilcock and ourselves in June by Dr Pete Peterson that "time had been booked with the networks" for an announcement about Disclosure by Obama tomorrow - 27 November.
We're not holding our breath: there's no immediate sign of this, and we doubt that this will happen. Dr Peterson himself stated as an immediate caveat that it was just a plan, and that plans often change. Our recent marathon audio interview with Clay and Shawn Pickering (alongside the most interesting July Barcelona panel discussion on Disclosure, which Camelot hosted) offers insight into the many problems of the subject. And as a note of interest, we were told recently by an insider source that a speech had been written for Bill Clinton - in his first term - as a Disclosure announcement. But of course, that never saw the light of day. We don't know why it was canceled.
Recent events, however, suggest a steady build-up to an announcement of something, sometime. Two weeks ago the Vatican held a conference on extraterrestrial life (we enjoyed the 'ET phone Rome' headline). NASA has now stated that there's water on the moon. And there have been more interviews by Larry King on UFOs this year then ever before. Like everyone else, we're watching and waiting for the announcement to be made: whether it's this year, next year, or in 2012, it has to come sometime. The world's as ready as it ever will be.
Project Camelot

サ・ルー・サ11/25:イルミネイションに向かう新しいステップ 1

2009-11-26 10:37:14 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
You have every right to feel pleased with yourselves, at the turn of events that are leading to definite changes soon to be apparent to you. After a long period of Endeavour, you are about to reap the result of your dedication to bring the Light to Earth. Your faith has been remarkable given that you have been unable to appreciate the whole picture as we do. Where we have seen positive movement you have found it hard to detect, indeed at times the chaos has seemed to accelerate. As we have pointed out with regard to the cleansing that it is taking place, it has inevitably given the impression of uncoordinated events because of its nature. The truth is that each occurrence is following a pattern that will make way for the new systems to take their place. It is not easy to prise people away from what they have been used to do doing for decades. Therefore the answers to your problems are not necessarily evident, but with the assistance of our allies you will begin to see positive signs of what is to be done. They will satisfy your pleas for a new way forward, and will eventually bring about the long awaited peace to Earth.
The tempo increases as your thoughts turn to the festive celebrations that are quickly approaching. This is more than welcome, as when our presence is made known your spirits will already be lifted. It is not that everyone will be ecstatic at the news, and many will not know what to think. However, our intention is that sufficient information will be released, that will satisfy such persons as to our reason and desire to have a closer contact with you. Our actions will soon be understood as those that convey our concern for you, and our loyalty to the Higher Ones who are of Light and Love. We come to help you elevate to our level of existence and rightly take your place alongside us. Most of you have all but completed your experience of duality, and you now need to take the next step up on your path to illumination.
SaLuSa 11/25/09
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ

サ・ルー・サ11/25:イルミネイションに向かう新しいステップ 2

2009-11-26 10:36:41 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
We can hardly wait to get fully started on our mission, and a ripple of excitement is spreading through the Galactic Federation at the prospect of commencing very shortly. For us time is not as you experience it, but nevertheless we understand that as you live by linear time matters seem to have been drawn out. We share your concern about your pressing needs, that have led to a worsening quality of life for many of you. Again we say this is largely due to necessary changes that can only follow a dismantling of your old systems. Once we get the go ahead we can so to say move mountains, and no task presents us with any problems whatsoever. We are equipped to ensure that you are inconvenienced as little as possible whilst the changes occur. Speed will be our priority and you will be pleasantly surprised at our rate of progress.
So Dear Ones, it is a bit of a waiting game but it will not go on too long. A point has been reached when our presence must come about, to enable us to be accepted and mobilize our allies to work in co-ordination with us. Be assured that we are in any event aware of exactly where we need to be, and what action to take prior to our official landing on Earth. We can start at a minutes notice, and that is a measure of how prepared we are already. So please do not be unduly worried at any delay, it will hardly have any effect on our overall objectives and time scales.
More and more people see our craft in your skies, and clear enough to sufficiently determine that they are extraterrestrial and not of Earth. However, there are designs of earthly craft that could be mistaken for ours. Size is indicative of origin, as our Mother Craft that are disc shaped can be hundreds of miles in diameter. They are not called Cities of the Skies for nothing and as inter galactic craft, they are totally equipped for their crews to stay in space for extremely long periods of time. Because of their sheer size, they stay at a safe distance from Earth for your safety. Technological advances must be accompanied by an understanding of what conduct is expected to go with it. The ambitions of your dark forces are not in accordance with such aims, and for this reason they will not allowed to move beyond your solar system. Law and order exists throughout your Universe, and when civilizations show that they can abide by it they are allowed to explore beyond their own solar system.
SaLuSa 11/25/09
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ

サ・ルー・サ11/25:イルミネイションに向かう新しいステップ 3

2009-11-26 10:35:53 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
Man is being prepared to join the Galactic Federation and will be expected to make that step after Ascension. You will by then have risen sufficiently to become One with us, and join your brothers and sisters of Space. There are many organizations similar to ours to be found in different areas of the Universe, and they help maintain peace through their spiritual knowledge and application. You will never run out of things to do, and your experience in duality will be invaluable as you help others to reach out for upliftment. Experience is the priceless jewel that each one of you seeks, and you have well earned your place amongst us. It is the application of it with your achievement of Unconditional Love that will enable you to be of great service to others.
We will tell you that your future is in the higher dimensions, and that is where your true home is amongst the stars. In us you will see yourselves, and we will encourage you to emulate what we do in service to you. It is a most enjoyable and rewarding existence, which even for us is increasing our level of consciousness. You will find that you never stop learning, and every permutation of whatever you could think exists is there in reality. There are millions upon millions of planets, and all are at some dimensional level that supports intelligent life forms. Many will be non-human but they are nevertheless just like you, born of the Source that you know as the Creator. Wonders never cease to astound us, and life is astonishing inasmuch it can be found to exist in the most unusual circumstances, but as you are aware not all are like your Earth conditions. This is evident in your own solar system, where there is a vast difference in other planetary conditions compared to yours.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and bless you all from my heart centre, that you may find the ability to work from yours and spread the Light wherever you may go.
Thank you SaLuSa.Mike Quinsey
SaLuSa 11/25/09
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ

マザー・セクミット11/24:惑星ニビルから地球へ 1

2009-11-25 12:18:56 | ファーストコンタクト
Mother Sekhmet Speaks to All of us from the Council on the Mothership: "Niburi"
Greetings. Welcome to "Nibiru".
We have some friends here at the Nibiru Council:
With me are Alcyone, St Germain, Lady Master Nada and KOS,
Captain Ashtar and Admiral Sananda, Rama, Tom the RingTail Cat and some of our other Paschat Friends.
The are the ones you have met before, and the other Members of our Council you will become more familiar with.
We welcome you all. Thank you for joining us here on Nibiru.
We come to you tonight to bring a message about family reunions.
Many of you have been to Nibiru or originated from Nibiru.
There is much about your own ancient history you do not yet remember.
NASA has come out with a lengthy discourse denying the existence of Nibiru.I assure you,Nibiru exists and it is very real.
We are here because Earth is ascending. We are here to assist all the inhabitants on Earth in their ascension.
There are millions of Galactics now living on Nibiru. Our MotherShip is in your Earth's orbit. We each have a job to carry out which assists in bringing Earth to this change point. We work with the Sirian Commander, U.S. President Barack Obama. He has prepared many lifetimes for the role he now plays.
He has special abilities and will carry Earth into a new era of One Race. We help coordinate the Master Plan for Worldwide Peace.
I have lived before on Earth, for thousands of years, during the Golden Age in Egypt. I am known as Mother Sekhmet, the Lion Goddess [see Robert Masters book"The Goddess Sekhmet"].
I am joined here with the Galactics, your family. We are the lion people, the bird people, and the reptile people. We are all humanoids, we are hybrids.
We are joined by the Kumaras of Shamballa, the peoples from Inner Earth, in the Argatha Network, and the Council of 4 and 20. We are also joined by Councils from Planets in your Solar System and beyond your Solar System.
All of us are meeting together and we will be meeting with you on Earth. We have been working with the people of Earth on Ascension.
As Earth vibration raises up to the Higher Dimensions, there are some who have chosen to leave the Planet rather than make the changes needed to ascend with everyone else. These Ones have volunteered to wear the Dark Hats and teach about duality. They got so into their role-playing,that they were unable to turn the Dark Hat to a White Hat.
Their time is up. We love them, because they lovingly played these roles so each one of us could experience life's lessons.
Mother Sekhmet at Nibiru

マザー・セクミット11/24:惑星ニビルから地球へ 2

2009-11-25 12:17:03 | ファーストコンタクト
The Ones who are leaving now have volunteered to be returned to the Source. That is my role, to help them go. For too long the Dark Hats have controlled, lied, and manipulated their fellow humanity on Earth. They have kept your true origin from you. They have manipulated you into forced slavery for their own benefit. They have kept you in a place where you are unable to see you are all Creator Gods. The only way to bring World Peace on Earth is to bring all the Councils, working together, to make it happen. Many of you here now are lightworkers and starseeds who incarnated at this time for the sole purpose of turning Earth back to a Planet of Love where all races live together in harmony.
Mother Earth [Gaia], with her Twin Flame, Vywamus, has requested an end to her destruction and nothing can stop these changes from coming to pass.
We have Galactic Technologies on our Ships which support this effort along with millions of Galactics here to play roles in bringing about Earth Ascension. We have transportation, communication, intel, computer systems, imaging abilities, and healing capabilities which far surpass anything you have ever been aware of in recent memory.
We have used all of these things to help bring about necessary changes. Our Galactic members have their own Secret Forces which have members placed in all levels of law enforcement. We have Galactic members with special abilities, such as shape shifting and telepathic communications, working in the Secret Service Guarding the President of the United States so he may carry out his Mission.
This President is entrusted with communicating with all the World Leaders in every country, to let them know that they must cooperate with the Master Plan, or they will be leaving the Planet. Gaia/Vywamus can no longer tolerate pollution, war, strip mining, misuse of water, slavery, violence, and lawlessness to be the norm.
The Master Plan is one where there is an end to all wars everywhere on the Planet. Neighboring countries will be required to live together in harmony. Only then can Mother Earth be safe from destruction through nuclear holocaust. The Master Plan has provisions for No Nukes. The end of Nuclear proliferation is at hand, it will no longer be tolerated.
All countries must work together to accomplish this. Any country with leaders entertaining the idea of building and storing nuclear weapons, will see arrests and removals. We will be certain that the new leaders put into place, are working together with all countries to end nuclear weapons. As a matter of fact, no weapon which is being used for the intention of harm will work.
There have been rumors that President Obama will take away American's right to 'bear arms'. That is a misunderstanding. Hunters all over the U.S. have been hoarding guns and ammunition since President Obama was elected.
When the time is right, these arms will no longer discharge. They will be holding onto a pile of junk which no longer has a use. There will be Peace. The animal kingdom will be honored with all of Earth's citizens and there will be an end to hunting.
Mother Sekhmet at Nibiru

マザー・セクミット11/24:惑星ニビルから地球へ 3

2009-11-25 12:15:50 | ファーストコンタクト
It is not President Obama who will take away the right to have a gun. It is the Galactics who will insist on World Peace, by Gaia's request, that will make the weapons inoperable. President Obama, along with me and you and all of us are also Galactics.
It is through the coordinated efforts of the Galactic Federation, those in the skies over Earth, and you, the Ground Crew, working in your roles, who are bringing Peace to the Earth. We also have Galactics working in the courts. We have the International Criminal Court of Justice at the Hague. We have Universal Jurisdiction.
We have 16 million men working with the King of Swords (KOS). All the Dark Hats, working with the 13 Families of the Illuminati, will be rounded up, arrested, and tried for war crimes, including genocide. These atrocities will no longer be allowed on Earth.
The Master Plan includes dissolving the Federal Reserve Bank and the The Internal RevenueService. There will be payments made to every man, woman and child for monies taken from them illegally. This will be for every person on Earth.
The division between the haves and the have nots will be permanently eliminated. Everyone will have all they need, once the payments are received. There will be new currencies, and new partnerships in the countries around the world.
In order for the Master Plan to be fully carried out, we must have disclosure of the Galactic Presence on Earth. This means everyone will learn about the millions of Galactics here now, who are working through the Office of the Christ, to bring harmony to Earth. We are working in concert with you to solve the World's problems. President Obama has been criticized for tackling too many issues at once. What cannot be seen is that he has millions of Galactic helpers working on these issues with him. It will be accomplished. It is happening now.
Mother Sekhmet at Nibiru

マザー・セクミット11/24:惑星ニビルから地球へ 4

2009-11-25 12:14:53 | ファーストコンタクト
Once everyone is aware that the removals have taken place, there will be no reason to hold up disclosure. There will be no reason to hold up the payments made available through the Reformation Act, NESARA Law.
When this happens StarShips of all sizes and all types will be seen flying in the skies over all Earth. This is called mass decloakings. Everyone will know we are here.
It will be a great reunion with all of you, a part of our larger family of star nations. Within days we will be landing on Earth and interacting with you. You will have mentors to help you work into your new lives. You will have loved ones coming back to live with you. You will have technologies that will make life easy. You will have all necessary abundance.
Free energy and new building practices will end pollution on the Planet.
All of these things we have been talking about for many, many years. There are some new to these ideas, so we went into a detailed review for the ones reading this news for the first time.
NASA will have to remove the denials from their website and this will be done at the time of decloakings.
What we have not been talking about is, at the time of decloakings, there will be an half-step increase in intelligence and heart opening for all inhabitants on Earth. This serves the purpose of dropping the veils which stand between you and the other dimensions and parallels. With these veils dropped, you will remember you are a Creator God.
You will be ready to explore Co-Creation with immediate results. We would like you to consider what this means. Instant Creation. Some of you are doing this now, in fact you are very good at it. You repeatedly create that which you do not want in your lives, due to repetitive thought that you do not want it in your life.
We have healing techniques that can help you balance all of your subtle bodies, the mental, physical, the emotional and spiritual bodies. In doing this, you change your point of view. You will be able to rise above the chaos on Earth and come into joy and love. When the declaokings come it will be easier to be fully in joy and experience more love.
You may begin today removing old programs and shifting your thoughts to those of abundance. Continue to imagine the changes you will have in your life when the changes come about.
Many are asking questions, What about this and What about that? We hear all the questions you toss around in your minds. The world will so greatly change, when you have the Galactic Technology; in a short time you will not believe the improvements.
Mother Sekhmet at Nibiru