

不思議の森への旅 4

2008-12-24 07:32:45 | GFLJ速報


2008-12-23 06:48:25 | 宇宙からのメッセージ

Canada Admits - Alien Technology Operated by the USA
Toronto, Canada (PRWeb) February 25, 2007 -- A former Minister of National Defense of Canada believes that advanced technology from extraterrestrial civilizations could help all nations put an end to our addiction to oil, and reduce greenhouse gases.
UFO Technology Could Provide Climate Change Solutions: Former Canadian Defense Minister


2008-12-23 04:00:29 | 天国からのメッセージ
1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew, here to tell you that this season of holy days is unlike all that have preceded it. In these last days of one of the most dynamic years in your recorded history, people around the world are welcoming the uplifting sensations and tangible evidence of change. The light within renewed hopes, even convictions that a better world is coming, adds to the abundance Earth is able to provide to all her life forms.
12. To those who want proof that extraterrestrial sources are assisting you in the creation of a better world, first I shall put this into a context of what Earth’s peoples are doing: demanding truth, not lies; peace not war; health care and higher education for all, not only the rich; expanding efforts to end impoverishment, end exploitation of planetary resources and destruction of the environment and disrespect for human rights. Without decades of intense light-beaming from powerful celestial sources, none of that would be happening. Instead, the dark forces would have continued to control the planet through their puppets whose oppression, lies and violence resulted in fear, ignorance, apathy and spiritual dimness within the masses; and the relentless barrage of negativity would have destroyed Earth. It is not that your universal family’s help can be proven only after they alight from their crafts, roll up their sleeves and get to work. Their light and advanced technology started helping you well over sixty years ago when Earth was in death throes―that her planetary body is alive and you are living on it is proof!
The Matthew Books:12/21(抜粋)
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 天国からのメッセージへ天国からのメッセージ

不思議の森への旅 3

2008-12-21 17:28:12 | GFLJ速報


2008-12-21 16:25:05 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
The 21st of December 2008 offers mankind an almost unprecedented opportunity. Master Kuthumi has been talking about this particular event/time for more than two years now. And he has mentioned it often. If you would like to know more, please click here. The point is that it is now upon us. We appeal to everyone to join in with us on the 21st of December 2008 and either listen to the audio recording or read the transcript. We have made this particular channelling freely available because it is that important.
The Second Ascension Wave is a new lease on life, it is a step up the rung of the collective ladder of ascension and each of you find yourself redefining your life purpose, your perspectives and your understanding of self. This is where you experience the deeper dimensions of the broader world of your collective self, you move into the higher dimensions of your higher intelligence, the divine intellect, which is expressed through the divinity of your soul.
The Second Ascension Wave brings into your life a more tangible experience of and expression of the inner Father God and the Mother Goddess. Mary Magdalene has prepared your energy for this day and it is that we gather together within the sacred Heart Chamber of the Cosmic Temples of the Sixth Universe of Fluid Love and we embrace each of you, as you are, present within the divine mansion of our Creator.
21:12 - 2nd Ascension Wave of 2008 (Audio/text) (抜粋)

クツミ12/14:12月21日にピークに達するアセンションエネルギー 3

2008-12-21 10:10:54 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
To reach your true heart self, you must go deep, deep within yourselves, you must reach the depths of despair, for this is the only way to come to know your true self, and when you have reached as low as you think you can go, you will go even deeper, for it is there you will find the light you hid there many eons ago in former lifetimes. When you find the light, you will suddenly see the new eyes, hear with new ears, and feel the source pulsing in your heart centre, the same source that pulses in every being in the universe, the divine essence of the universe.
Experience it dear ones, it is what you truly are, and when you find it you will feel whole, complete, renewed and positive.
21/12/08 brings you the chance to move and shift stuck energies, if you welcome in the wave of ascension energy on this day by lighting a candle, sounding your instruments, opening your hearts to receive the cosmic ascension energy. Lift your voices, take your musical instruments and sound in the energy, sound it right into your heart centre letting the loving rays enter and anchor there.
My fellow light beings have spoken in the past of the importance of sound as the re-emergence of true healing energy. Sound can anchor the ascension energy into your Earths matrix and into your DNA matrix, opening up your heart and allowing the ascension energy to enlighten you all will shift the balance towards the positive for all beings.
With that enlightenment will come the voice of the goddess wisdom. Many eons ago, the feminine essence held the sacred wisdom of the universal love, the time is now upon us for the feminine essence to again be activated within your hearts and souls. These times of rapid change and transformation are not to be feared, no, rather they are to be welcomed and embraced, for change is good, change makes way for the new. You have faced and overcome many challenges, you will face and overcome many more, yet each is bringing you closer to the divine essence deep within you. This is a time of great spiritual awakening for al humankind, for the Earth Mother and all Her creatures.
Allow yourselves dear ones to let go of the old ways of being and move into your renewed spiritual soul selves. My Blessings dear ones, Kuthumi.
Kuthumi Speaks
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ

不思議の森への旅 2

2008-12-19 15:54:34 | GFLJ速報

クツミ12/14:12月21日にピークに達するアセンションエネルギー 2

2008-12-18 07:11:10 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
Because dear ones, whilst at this present time we speak through your Lightworkers, it is only because they still themselves to listen and in listening with their true selves, they hear us. You all have within you the ability to hear us and communicate with us, through the angels and archangels, through your Gods and Goddesses of whatever religion you choose, through the Ascended Masters and even through the source itself.
The essence of al these things is within you already, you just fail to recognise and communicate with it. You are of us and we are of you, yet you act as if we are all separate. Please try to understand that you are all part of the whole and the whole is a part of you, there is no you and I, us and them, we are all of the same essence, all the same source.
It is time to switch off your self limiting minds and settle in your heart centres. See, feel, hear and know from your heart centre, divine love is the source of all that you desire in this your world. It is your minds that tell you you need money and material things, items to survive, your heart tells you all you need is love, love begets love, gratitude, compassion, beauty and joy, and love begets an abundance of these qualities.
Kuthumi Speaks
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ

不思議の森への旅 1

2008-12-17 14:15:04 | GFLJ速報

クツミ12/14:12月21日にピークに達するアセンションエネルギー 1

2008-12-15 14:20:45 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
I am Kuthumi of the One Love and I come to greet you all at this time. Your Earth year of 2008 has been one of great changes and transformations, and dear ones, of light for the powerful energies will continue into your new year as you draw close to the height of the years magical dates and abundant energy flows.
Step aside from your world religions and step once more into the old ways when the birth of your Star is reborn in the Heavens, a date significant over the eons, but more so now as the waves of the ascension process continue to grow ever stronger.
I talk of the 21.12.08. It is time all religions stood together in the one light, with one love and all co-operating as one expression of the source, of the Mother/Father essence.
All paths are sacred to the source and each must walk their own path to enlightenment seeking to express their own true inner selves. You must all now redefine your true selves and how you express that essence of the divine within you. You will be challenged to altar your perceptions, your way of understanding, of how you view yourself and your life.
Many beings are speaking to your Lightworkers at this time, all are asking you to see, hear and feel your true selves, and as you begin to do so, so you will overcome the self imposed obstacles you set for yourselves. These self destructive patterns have served their purpose and you no longer have a need to remain steadfast in them. With each new wave of ascension energy, it lifts you higher, you can more easily let go of the unnecessary baggage you carry. You have the divine power within you to do so, but will you allow it to be so ? Or will you remain in the fight?
The challenge dear ones, is not to fight to overcome, but the will to let go and allow life to flow. Fight is a ploy of the ego to inflate itself, will to let go is about empowering the spirit within, within each and every one of you.
Kuthumi Speaks
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ

カー・オン(ヴィーナス)12/8:光のサイクルへの転換 3

2008-12-15 09:02:23 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
The new energies sweeping through the Earth are an awakening call to those who still slumber. The old energies are no longer adequate in these times of change, and there is every reason to move into the higher ones. The old will not be sustained for much longer, and it is going to be difficult for those who reject the new energies. They will have no place in your near future, and unable to exist outside of the lower dimension. These changes are all to do with the preparations for Ascension, and your final achievement of full consciousness. This itself is not new to you, as you lost that level of consciousness when you dropped into the lower vibrations. From this you can easily understand how many souls have become oblivious to their true status as Beings of Light. Do not be hesitant to consider yourselves as the Gods you really are, as we know some of you have beliefs that consider it to be a blasphemy. Think upon it clearly, that as you came from the Godhead you are Children of the Creator, and do therefore carry the God spark.
Sympathy and compassion are required where you meet civil disobedience, and some souls only know this way of expressing themselves. What they do know however is that society is breaking up, and that the old paradigm no longer serves your purpose. You who have moved into the Light have a different mindset, and know that the spreading of Love and Light is the means by which you create opportunities for change. There is much that is discordant and aggravates conditions that lead to unrest. Young people see no future ahead of them, and feel disempowered to do anything about it. Understandably they feel out of place, yet have an innate knowing that there are better ways of building a society that is a reflection of the harmony and happiness they seek. Until they see a new way of governing the people that is fair and just, they will continue to reject what your present society has to offer.
ありがとう。 カー・オン(ヴィーナス)
I am Ker-On from Venus, and how I wish you could immerse yourselves in the Light from my home. It is not called the Planet of Love without reason, and it is one that has manifested all that is in harmony with the higher vibrations. It is reflected in every building, shape, color and in all forms of life. It is heavenly by contrast to your earthly vibrations that are coarse and heavy. Harmony and balance are the key words that describe our dimension, but words are inadequate to fully convey it. Your divine destiny is to return to such levels of Light, and you shall be instrumental in creating your new Earth. Let your vision be on what is manifesting now, and concentrate on the Light. We are with you and love you for being the ones who carry the Light for Humanity.

Thank you Ker-On.
Ker-On of Venus Update Dec 12/08
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ

カー・オン(ヴィーナス)12/8:光のサイクルへの転換 2

2008-12-14 12:26:20 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
Your calls for help have been acknowledged, and your cries have been heard throughout the Universe. This has touched the hearts of many civilizations, particularly those who have been associated with Mankind for thousands of years. Help given is measured by the extent to which you have turned to the Light, and even with the best of intentions it must not interfere with your chosen path. Fortunately, you have responded to the work of those who have come to Earth, to offer you help that has gradually lifted you into the higher vibrations. As each dear soul awakens to the truth of their spirituality and their Oneness to all life, a wave of Light has spread out across the Earth.
Light is now the dominant energy, and is changing everything around you. Matter is becoming less dense, and your bodies are gradually changing to accommodate it. With it comes a change in your cells, which will effectively cleanse your body and restore it to good health. It reaches a point where the lower vibrations cannot exist, and you may note that those souls who aspire to live in the Light are not ravaged by illness. This is not to be confused with symptoms that arise from your integration of the higher energies, as you will experience some discomfort that will leave you depleted. Flu like symptoms are not unusual and all manner of mild upsets are being experienced. This will not last long, and eventually you will find that your body has been prepared for Ascension.
These last few years will absolutely speed by, and your level of interest and participation in the changes will increase. Once we are working with you a new energy will lift people up, and an outlet found for their desire to bring them into being. Know that you are all on Earth for a specific purpose, and many of you will work on Earth cleansing projects with us. By then your dependence on work to survive will have been replaced by the abundance that is coming to you. We know that a happy soul is one who has no worries, and is working in a creative manner that provides satisfaction. You have so many talents, and before long they will be applied to bring out the best in you. Much is wasted at present in ways that have no benefit at all to you and Mother Earth. Indeed, it is often that you find yourselves doing unfulfilling work.
Ker-On of Venus Update Dec 12/08
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ

カー・オン(ヴィーナス)12/8:光のサイクルへの転換 1

2008-12-14 11:32:23 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
nergies that are carrying the higher vibrations of Light. From our perspective we see all in the Now, and it is why with full confidence we can assure you that you have already won the battle with the dark forces. They are being subdued and their power taken from them, but still refuse to recognize a lost cause. Their part in duality has almost been played out, but you have yet to learn the full truth where they are concerned. That is part of our plan, as many of you have no idea of the way you have been used to fulfill the dark agenda.
It is time for the commencement of many revelations, that will gradually increase awareness of your true past history. You have all played a part in it, and no one is excluded from some degree of responsibility for the Dark Ages. You have been the creators of your own destiny, and through the Law of Attraction have allowed entities of a lower vibration to take over your power. It goes back very far into your past, and has followed on the fall of Atlantis. From that period of time another cycle commenced, that has seen you hit the depths of deprivation. Conversely, it has also shown you what happens when your lives are not motivated by true spiritual energies. However, your thoughts and actions are reflected back to you, and you have created another vision where the Light overcomes the darkness all around you.
Ker-On of Venus Update Dec 12/08
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ


2008-12-14 10:33:05 | 巨大地震
YouTube/銀河鉄道の夜 one night

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