


2009-10-10 15:50:23 | 巨大地震

VIDEO ☆Cliff Richard - Congratulations★












サンジェルマン10/6:白い騎士団へのサポート 1

2009-10-10 11:06:31 | ファーストコンタクト
Ashtar has asked that we release the second part of Tuesday’s teleconferece first because we are asked to repeat this exercise and empower it further with our energy to support those who are about to do what we have been waiting for. This is an empowered statement of support led by St. Germain for all White Knights, past and present. This is followed by Sekhmet’s call to rest up for the coming activities.
St. Germain:
“I AM St. Germain and I stand before you hand-in-hand with Mother Sekhmet and beloved Sananda and all of this company who comes to you from what you call the stars and beyond, the higher realms or dimensions beyond 3D. And we ask that you join us in these higher realms for we have an exercise for all of us to do tonight which will be grand indeed and mighty in it’s effect for all of Planet Earth. And we are focusing most particularly upon the United States of America, and it’s most like-minded neighbors - Canada, Australia and what you call the United Kingdom, because it is here that these changes will be starting. It is here that they will as you say roll out to the rest of the world, and we are not talking just about the distribution of wealth, that is wealth in the sense of money. We are talking about the distribution of total ab undance for all, we are talking again about the distribution of truth, real truth, reality. We are talking about rising into higher states of being. We are talking about reaching out worldwide and beyond, seeing all as you look into the mirror, your brothers and sisters in Oneness.
“And there is one who has been chosen because he volunteered and has been prepared to be a leader in this, and his name is Obama. And there are those who are like-minded who have joined hearts with him, some you know, and some you don’t know yet. And these ones stand tall no matter what their size, and they stand together in courage. There is one who is with us still and he wrote a book called Profiles in Courage. He is writing a masterpiece to include Obama, his twin, and all of these others who now stand ready, ready to bring forth the truth and justice and compassion, and yes, Love to the entire world, starting in these countries we have named. And so we are asking that we join together in Family, and send a great message to them, to let them know that we stand with them. Oh yes, we have communicated. I, St. Germain, have been in almost constant communication with these ones as has Sananda, and others among us.
St Germain: Support for the White Knights (Ashtar Telecall, Oct. 6)