


2016-12-31 15:08:31 | GFLJメッセージ



【転載】PFC コブラ・インタビュー 2016/12月


Aaron – この惑星で、お金が豊かさや奴隷化の道具として使われるのはあとどのぐらいだと思いますか。あと10年間はかかるのでしょうか。それが取って代わられるのはいつになりますか。
COBRA – 予定や所要期間について答えることは出来ませんが、イベントによってお金が不要の長物になるのは比較的に早いでしょう。まず、何でも物質化できるレプリ ケーターという高度な技術が手に入ります。さらに、人類のスピリチュアル的な覚醒によっても、お金への渇望がなくなる段階に達します。イベント前は不可能 ですが、イベントの発生で実現しますよ。
Lynn – イベントが起きた直後に開示が行われるのでしょうか。
COBRA – 開示とイベントは同時に起きるものです。イベントのパルスが届くと、その瞬間ではすでに主流メディアには大量の情報公開が行われ、それがかなりの速さでエスカレートして加速されていくでしょう。
Lynn – イベントの後、地球が公式的に宇宙の惑星社会の一員になるのはどのくらい掛かりますか。一世代はかかりそうですか。
COBRA – それよりもずっと早いです。

ドナルド・トランプが戦争犯罪人ベンニャミン・ネタニヤフ(Benyamin Netanyahu)の崩壊を止めようとすると、彼の首の鎖はグイッと引かれるだろう。
表の米国大統領に選出されたドナルド・トランプは、戦争犯罪人であるベンニャミン・ネタニヤフを含むハザールマフィアの最終崩壊を妨害しようとすると、彼の首の鎖を引かれることになると、国防総省とその機関は言う。そ の崩壊は今、掃討段階に入っていると国防総省情報源は言う。徒党の最後の拠点であるデンバー空港の広大な地下基地は米国、ロシア、その他の軍隊の派遣を受 けて、多くの襲撃を行い掃討が進行していると、その情報源は言う。他の作戦では、10万人の子供セックス奴隷がロスアンジェルスの地下基地から解放された と、彼らは付け加えた。先週、チリ南部は大まかに言えばバジロチェとパタゴニアのナチ領地を揺らすために地震兵器で攻撃されたと、彼らは言う












A Revisitation of Prophecies-September-29-2016 (1)

2016-12-30 00:37:53 | 天国からのメッセージ

Archangels & Ascended Masters: A Synthesis of Presidential Elections Prophecies, September 29, 2016

by Christine Preston

Christine: On February 18, 2016 Archangel Gabriel gave me the following message and at that time I didn’t have any expectation in regards the American elections and had little knowledge about them as I live in Britain. This is an extract from that message:
Archangel Gabriel:I have not mentioned a name to reveal who, at the top of the pyramid of great deceit, is going to be stripped of his credibility. I have sent a mental image of who it is to the emissary of this message. This is going to bring great turmoil in the political affairs but will be followed by a great renewal in relation to that mechanism in which those who preside over the people, in a certain nation in particular, are being replaced.
This turn of events will be deserved by those who have betrayed the trust of a Nation that was to be an example of democracy with a Constitution inspired by Saint Germain, and so dear to his heart. The time has arrived when there can no longer be any secret machinations and conspiracies of wars for economic gain and wealth that ends in the pockets of a few. Heaven has decreed ‘Enough is enough’. Now is the beginning of that Phase of Enlightenment that starts with a shaking up of the world. I am blowing my trumpet to announce to the world it is time to step upon that Path of the resurrection of civilization.
Mankind must be freed from its misconceptions, its mind set, and place its feet upon the path of enlightenment to recreate a civilization that will be represented in the Galactic Federation of Light. A new Gaia and golden age will then be recreated. We are all working together in unison, in a sacred relationship, to achieve this goal.
Christine: Then on February 28 Mother Mary made a revelation concerning the outcome of the presidential elections of 2016, as follows:
Mother Mary: A replacement in governance of that Nation – which was destined to be an example of democracy, and instead has been infiltrated down to its core and leadership by the forces of darkness – is shortly to take place. Of course, if a new President – one who, by the way, needs to be extremely resilient, dynamic and vigorous, to be able to oppose the Establishment – if that one told you that 9/11 was an ‘inside job’ to create an enemy, create the idea of terrorism, to serve the mechanism of the war industries, the number of doubting Thomas would drop sharply. And I am now revealing that Archangel Gabriel’s announcement alluded to this particular topic. We are entering a phase of Disclosure entailing a complete dismantling of the various systems of thought created by the powers of darkness in recent decades. These were also built upon the legacy inherited during thousands of years of slavery under the Anunnaki. I am referring to the system that has kept you in ignorance and darkness.

Christine: On March 8, Archangel Michael stated:
Lord Michael: A battle is being waged in the psyche, but before explaining something about this I would like to mention that the forces of darkness, on the astral plane, are still attempting to sabotage the Ascension process and to influence political leaders, the Establishment, the military, and other groups in the financial and business sectors of the big Corporations, to avoid complying with the orders imposed upon them by the Forces of the Light to go ahead with a program of Disclosure concerning the truths that have been suppressed for more than a century. They are trying to avoid it with a number of excuses. They are fearful and reluctant to lose power. Assaults are still taking place upon the light in the lightbearers and there is not one nation without these spiritual beings who are on the path of the Ascension. This is taking place behind the scenes of the political scenarios and you may feel that they make no sense any more. A phase of transition with changes on the political front and financial system will also be initiated, and it will take place because of some events in the USA that will affect the whole world in the sense that as a result the adverse influence from the astral world will be greatly lessened.

Christine: Then on March 18, Archangel Michael spoke of something that would happen before it was called the shift to 4th density and explained that some of the events expected in 2012 had not taken place.

Lord Michael: we wanted to convert more souls to a higher frequency of vibration so they could continue to exist on Earth. This is a world in transition and it is being lifted up to a higher dimension in the sense that physicality will still exist but in an exalted way, much like what you think of a Garden of Eden, or Paradise. So on September 28, 2015, something that had been expected to take place in December 2012, finally happened.

Christine: Then on March 22, Ashtar Command stated:

Ashtar Command: Dear ones, this is an Alert from Ashtar Command. We are approaching a time of difficulty because of the planetary adjustment that will take place with the process of Disclosure. The Earth has entered a most dense area of the Ring of Light that is called a Photon Belt, and the entire Solar System is being buffeted by electro-magnetic waves. These waves are instrumental to the Great Awakening as the photonic light and gamma rays of these electro-magnetic surges are stripping the psyche of mankind of negative elements in much the same way as the circles and swords of Blue Flame of Archangel Michael, as well as of the Elohim Hercules and Astrea.

Christine: They said Earth was to play a key role in the manifestation of the Divine Will and we were close to the goal because the planetary body had been swept by a flux of energy that had impacted the Solar System on March 20, 2016, and that on March 22, this stream of light had gone round the world for a second time. They also stated:

Ashtar Command: Those at the top of their pyramid of control have made their move like in a game of chess, to go ahead with a scheme designed long ago. They have tried various tactics to create a global conflict and weaponize space. They did not understand that the process of Ascension is a cosmic one and that it is also affecting the planetary bodies of the Solar System. They discovered that they could not leave Earth, nor run away with their secret technology and spacecraft. They would love to declare ownership of the Solar System. They intended to use their holographic technology to stage an alien invasion such as the one of ‘Independence Day’ or ‘The War of the Worlds.’ They are being kept under surveillance of the Galactic Federation of Light and Ashtar Command which would not allow it. We are coming close to a time when some replacement in power, in just a few months from now, will also create a more favorable climate for disclosure. We can see that Victory is very close, and we rejoice. A new perception of Reality of the whole situation upon Earth is being received. Enlightenment is also playing a part in the whole process, and you will be looking forward to the progress of the Third Wave when the energies peak at the end of the year.

Christine: On March 29, Archangel Michael declared that Disclosure would take place God’s Way and there would not be any delays. He explained again that the forces of darkness have created scenarios to create wars and are still attempting to incite conflicts, but are failing. He also said that the two first Waves of souls functioning in a realm of awakened consciousness were influencing the Media and the political scene.

Christine: Then, on April 23, André stated:
André : About the Presidential Elections we are still saying that Donald Trump is going to win them. Of course, it’s a very delicate matter to make such a prediction where you stand, but we have seen the certainties in the timelines. There is a situation with who is pulling the strings in the political scenes of the world. With regard to Donald Trump, we see that there is a need for a candidate to possess great strength and stamina in present circumstances, and we see that the next President will have a fight with the Establishment and need to oppose it so that Disclosure can occur. If the dark ones, the Illuminati, or Cabal, attempt to control him by threat, blackmail, or anything of the kind, we will be intervening with Ashtar Command, the air division of the Great White Brotherhood. The Cabal is being given a chance to turn to the Light.
Christine: In Time of Transition and Reunion, published on May 27, 2016, my ascended twin flame, André, stated:
André: Back on February 18 and 28, 2016, when Archangel Gabriel and Mother Mary first disclosed that it was Donald Trump who will be elected President, we gave you these prophecies and continued to inform you that he was still on track. He has now won the necessary delegates for this to become a reality and he is receiving a different kind of attention from the media. The Elections will play an important role in the changes that will not only transfigure the American Continent, but the whole world. The Earth is the planet that was to play a key role in the Ascension to bring physicality to a higher place.


A Revisitation of Prophecies-September-29-2016 (2)

2016-12-30 00:33:45 | 天国からのメッセージ

Christine: On April 29, Archangel Michael stated:

Lord Michael: The world is emerging into a better reality in which America will become the example the founding Fathers wanted it to be. It was Saint Germain’s dream, and he is causing it to unfold at the moment, as the Dark is on the run.
Christine: On May 5th, Mother Mary gave me a message entitled ‘Prophecy regarding the Elections’. I had 35 videos published at the time and now the number is 83. So please listen to this one as well as the one entitled ‘Renewed Prophecy for the Elections’ published by Matt Muckleroy. An important part of the first video is where I have explained:
I would like to inform you that on February 28, 2016 I received a message from Mother Mary saying that Donald Trump will be the elected president. I didn’t hesitate to post the message on my Facebook page and to have it published as a video although predictions are a bit tricky because – as they say – prophecies are not set in stone, and that is because they depend on mankind’s actions, and there are many timelines. Some new events can change the prophecy. However in this case I was assured that there was a certainty about this. They looked at the timelines and saw the future. Normally they see the possibilities, or probabilities, as well as what is certain. In this case, my daily contacts [which are constant where my ascended twin flame is concerned] were adamant and kept on saying day after day, week after week: ‘we are still saying that Donald Trump will make it’ or something of the kind. They have explained that the forces of the Light are supporting him because of the need to oppose the Establishment. It’s not just happened by coincidence, i.e. they are not supporting him because he happens to be aligned with the Divine Will. No, it’s like he has incarnated for this mission and there has been manipulations to get to this point. It is in relation to the Ascension and the fact that the Earth and Solar System are in a galactic alignment, and crossing an area in space that is intense in photonic light. This is having an influence upon mankind. It is causing an awakening and a liberation from the forces of darkness that have been controlling mankind. Light transmutes darkness. After my explanations I repeated the statement Mother Mary made on February 28:
Mother Mary: A replacement in governance of that Nation – which was destined to be an example of democracy, and instead has been infiltrated down to its core and leadership by the forces of darkness – is shortly to take place. Following this a phase of disclosure will begin with the scandalous matter of betrayal related to 9/11. I am Mother Mary, confirming to Christine that this notion is correct. She takes my dictation and doesn’t know what is coming next. But while listening to one of Donald Trump’s speeches recently, something he said made her suspect that Archangel Gabriel’s last announcement concerning a disclosure may have been related to that subject of 9/11. Some ideas concerning a disclosure on that subject have spread many years ago, but in the mainstream media this is still regarded as a conspiracy theory. However, of course, if a new President – one who, by the way, needs to be extremely resilient, dynamic and vigorous, to be able to oppose the Establishment – if that one told you that 9/11 was an ‘inside job’ to create an enemy, create the idea of terrorism, to serve the mechanism of the war industries, the number of doubting Thomas would drop sharply. And I am now revealing, as Christine is noting word for word, in this method of dictation, that Archangel Gabriel’s announcement alluded to this particular topic.
Christine: After Donald Trump was nominated to represent the Republican Party, Nigel Farage was interviewed in the United States. And he has been interviewed again a few days ago after the first Debate had taken place. He also recognised the parallel between what is going on in the United States with that battle for Brexit in Britain, as being to do with an opposition to the Establishment. Archangel Michael made a comment that related to Mark Taylor’s Prophecy, given to him in 2011. I learned about it in May and Archangel Michael told me he was the one who revealed it to Mark Taylor, but being Christian, the latter speaks of the Spirit of the Lord. On May 11, Archangel Michael said to me:
Lord Michael: With regards to the video entitled ‘Prophecy regarding the Elections,’ it has caused some bewilderment. However, some people were already given such a prophecy many years ago. The prophesied election of Donald Trump is in relation to the need to oppose the Establishment and large Corporations. If some people see a division occurring, remember that you are now living in the predicted time of great tribulations called the Apocalypse.
Christine: In Time of Transition and Reunion, published on May 27, 2016, my ascended twin flame, André, stated:

André: Back on February 18 and 28, 2016, when Archangel Gabriel and Mother Mary first disclosed to you that it was Donald Trump who will be elected President, we gave you these prophecies and continued to inform you that he was still on track. He has now won the necessary delegates for this to become a reality and he is receiving a different kind of attention from the media. A battle has already been won in regards a certain dissemination of misrepresentation for a political agenda. Once the strings of control are totally severed the Leaders of the Nations will be freed to make changes to spread peace around the world. It will be freed from that captivity under the forces of darkness that sought to precipitate more and more chaos upon the surface of this globe to serve their own agenda. The Elections will play an important role in the changes that will, not only transfigure the American Continent, but the whole world, because it was the nefarious activities of the War Industries that caused the decline along the lines plotted for many decades by the Dark Forces.

Christine: In the video published on June 5, I explained that I had received a request from Saint Germain, as follows: I have received symbolic images that carry the meaning that the American Elections and Brexit in Britain are like the top of the iceberg of what is going on, and in one of them this dark force was a Dragon that will be wounded when Britain choses to leave the European Union. It needs to be slain in the sense that we have to overcome it, and perhaps that is what will happen as a great turmoil seems to be created in the process of the American Elections. A great awakening is however resulting from it. A great many people are changing their opinion as so many notions are coming out in the open. Saint Germain conveyed to me the idea that the individuals opposing and fighting the Establishment in the process of the American Elections are taking a hard beating. Certain Ascended Masters are closely connected with this struggle. So Saint Germain has asked me to make calls for those who are fighting a battle for Freedom and to see if a video with some prayers can be produced. He is the Hierarch of this New Age of Aquarius and of Freedom.
Christine: In ‘Broad Vision’, June 10, André, my Ascended Twin flame, a judgment is taking place behind the scene of the Elections and revealed that Donald Trump is a soul extension of the Master Saint Germain:
André: Greetings dear ones. We are still saying, as we have before since February 28, that despite enormous difficulties at the moment, Donald Trump is the candidate who will eventually be elected President of the United States as a result of the present Elections and nominations. There is an enormous ‘turn around’ of opinions as a result of light being cast upon the abominations and deceptions carried out by the Institutions, and there is increased awareness concerning the activities of the major Corporations which are acting as the hands of this shadow government upon the Astral plane. The Archons ruled in Atlantis and rose to power again in the 1980s. Everything they have done was allowed as their judgment has been, and will be, based upon their deeds. Those who were given a second chance could not have been judged before they had committed their crime. So this is the status. Donald Trump will be President by destiny. He is a soul extension of Saint Germain, who is an expert in creating wealth and has a momentum of Light that permits him to win any battle or confrontation with the Dark ones. Keep in mind that extensions, or incarnations of great beings such as Masters, Archangels and Star seeds, are still veiled and do not possess memory of who they are. I have permission to release this information at this time as we know there is no need to keep this a secret from the Lightworkers any more. Saint Germain is the Hierarch of the Aquarian Age and is involved with the Project of Peace, Prosperity and recreation of civilization, which will propulse mankind, and this planet, in a golden age era. He was the one who shouted ‘Sign that document!’ when the Founding Fathers hesitated and were about to introduce the Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc. in 1776. He appeared and then disappeared in a room within locked doors and this miracle remained a mystery. The Constitution is not in effect any more. Many perversions have been introduced in politics, and Donald Trump has enough strength and abilities for this battle against the power that are keeping mankind captive. A lot has still to happen between now and November 2016. This broad vision of what has happened up to now will help you to keep faith.
You also have a shift in density to look forward to at the end of this year. We are shortly to enter a Time of Transition. As we have said it before, the time ahead is one of Disclosure and then of Transition, with healing and teachings, as well as contacts and great encounters of the inner and outer types. We will be able to meet when you have reached a higher level than the present one upon which you dwell. Ahead and beyond 2016 is a time of reconstruction, of enlightenment, of teaching, of the creation of new Gaia, a time of Great Disclosure to continue unveiling suppressed truths and discovering a new spiritual Science, a time of using new technologies. It’s a time when many will be busy with their sacred labors and a time of great discoveries in preparation for a destiny greater and more wonderful than you can yet imagine. It is one of Reunion of twin flames and of other relationships too, of Peace, and of growth, one of Great encounters and of supernatural experiences as you are all progressing upon the path of Ascension, and are discovering the wonders of your inner Selves. Everyone will be learning and working to prepare the collective and the population for that next quantum leap years later, when the human will have conquered illnesses and death and will be Galactic.
Christine: In the video ‘Broadcast Love’ of June 15, a message from the Master Jesus, I explained: We are having a revolution in spirit and consciousness. The liberation comes from the 7th Ray of Saint Germain, and the impulse of cosmic energies projected to Earth in this Age of Aquarius, the Hierarch of which is Saint Germain, who has been known for centuries as the Count of Saint Germain and has a reputation as the ‘man who never dies’. The Violet Transmuting Flame also is the energy of forgiveness that erases the records, their causes, cores and memory. Its liberating effects will also cause the restoration of the Rights relating to every human being in this time of Transition to a Quantum Leap to the Fifth Dimension in some years to come, in terms of changes to our physicality. The true Democracy of the founding fathers will be resurrected and America is still promised to function as an example to other nations when corruption is abolished and righteousness is resurrected in the land. Its truth and values have been desecrated because of the infiltration of dark powers in the government to its core, and therefore God has not ruled over men. ‘God over men’ is what government is supposed to be but has not been for many decades. A revolution is taking place but as people are trying to work out who to follow, who is telling the truth, there is a whirlpool of negative reactions as well as an attempt of control on the part of those forces that fear to lose control. However, you can recognize truth when you hear it, if you already know it because you have magnetized the Light of Christ consciousness. The Master Jesus explained that the group of souls which had not yet been anchored in the 5th dimension, as far as consciousness, perception, attitude, or spirituality, goes, would be fished in the net of the 5th dimension by the waves of the photonic light by the end of the year, and he asked our motto to be ‘Broadcast Love’.
Christine: In ‘From Liberation to New Gaia’ of July 2, 2016, my twin flame stated:
André: I will demonstrate to you what is happening. We are on the verge of an enormous amount of changes at a very speedy rate which will result with the promised disclosures, though some have already taken place and caused consternation. We, the Forces of the Light, who are opposing those of Darkness, have just had a great victory, as a majority of people in Britain have seen the Light, come to their senses, and rejected the side of the sinister ones, in the process of exercising their right to vote and of their own freewill, and have said ‘No’ to the European Union. These people who have voted ‘Out’ have been able to perceive the truth that the sinister forces have attempted to conceal behind the world dramas they fabricate. The dark forces counted on the peoples’ reduced spectrum of consciousness, but they had been awakened in the process of Ascension, and Campaigners had outlined the reasons and advantages to reject the European Union, especially as its leadership has never been elected. So a majority of people in Britain have taken their stand against an anti-democratic organization that is linked to the Obama administration as well as the neo—con policy makers governed by the Elite, the Cabal and its servants, the Bankers, who own 95% of the wealth of the world and yet obtained to be bailed out with the peoples’ tax monies some years ago. So you get the picture. It is scandalous. The present situation of the Solar System is that it is relentlessly moving within the Stargate towards its final destination, the Constellation of Sirius. It will take its place, as recently stated by Lord Sanat Kumara, as the 8th system that will orbit Sirius A. In the United States of America the battle that represents the other side of the same coin, so to speak, with the presidential Elections, also is one against the same Establishment that has one foot over the new continent and the other over Europe.
Christine: In ‘Renewed Prophecy and Hope’, published on July 21, André stated:
André: I would like to pass on a message of hope with regard to the Elections in America. The vote has been cast and Donald Trump has been elected as a nominee for the Republican Party, and what will follow from this is a nasty battle of wits and words coming from the opposition. As we have said it before, in prophetical messages that have been published in February and then May this year, it will be Donald Trump who will be elected President of the United States of America, and he was the only one who had enough strength for the coming confrontation that will bring deliverance as well as to oppose the Establishment. His appointment is part of a divine Plan to restore order upon earth and release mankind from its captivity to the dark forces.
Christine: On July 30, the World Mother declared ‘I come with the Ruby Ray’ stating:
World Mother: I come to intervene in the affairs of the world. I am coming to precipitate certain events in the arena of the world and its political scenes. The American people are about to overcome a great negative power that has held them in great suffering. There are great forces at work which will cause them to awaken to a new perception of Reality through the deliberations taking place for the Presidential Elections.
Christine: Then on August 1, Saint Germain confirmed that the World Mother is present to dissolve the core of darkness on the physical plane of the planet that originated from the Draco Constellation, and that contributed to the fall of the planet that existed between Mars and Jupiter that was destroyed and that was called Maldek. He revealed the fact he has more than one incarnation at the moment, and that one of these extensions of himself is indeed Donald Trump whose work it is to oppose the Establishment and lead Earth in to an era of transition and golden age, or the New Age of Aquarius of which he is the Hierarch.
Saint Germain has a deep connection with mankind and his plan including the release of prosperity funds will play a key role in the Age of Transition that will apparently start in a few months. He was with us as a Leader in the land of Egypt but at the time of a decline from the Golden Age of Lemuria. He said that Hillary Clinton is in the leading position of that conspiracy to cause a downfall of civilization.
May you all be kept safe and secure in the Ascended Masters’ Light, Christine


2016-12-27 17:26:59 | ディスクロージャー



エ リア51とは、アメリカのネバダ州にある秘密の地下基地でロズウエル墜落事件で回収された宇宙船の残骸と異星人の生存者が収容されて、アメリカ軍部と異星 人による秘密の共同研究が行われていると言われてきた謎の施設である。アメリカ政府は永年にわたってこの施設の存在すら認めずにきたが、2013年8月 17日にCNNがアメリカ政府が公式にエリア51の存在を認める発表をしたと伝えた。



(CNN) 米中央情報局(CIA)がこのほど公開した資料で、宇宙人説や米政府陰謀説に絡めて長年話題を振りまいてきた軍事基地「エリア51」の存在を初めて公式に認めた。ネバダ州内の所在地を記した地図も併せて公表している。





ロシアによる宇宙人情報の暴露によっ て、これまでのアメリカ政府と異星人の共謀関係に関する証言の信ぴょう性が確認されると共に、アメリカ政府を影でコントロールする秘密組織が異星人から高 度なテクノロジーの提供を受けながら、世界核戦争=NWO計画を推進してきたとする説を裏付けることになった。




UFO Aliens In Area 51 Were Filmed For the First Time In Human History


UFO : The CIA and Federal Government finally admit the existance of Area 51 (Aug 16, 2013)



♩♫ Inspiring and Uplifting Trailer Music ♪♬ - Ascension





2016-12-27 16:29:34 | ディスクロージャー

Lockheed Martin scientist on deathbed says aliens are real (VIDEO)




ブシュマン氏のビデオが撮影されたのは死を目前にした2014年8月7日。33分におよぶビデオはYouTubeに掲載されたものの、それから3ヶ月ほど たった今頃になって注目を集め始めた。ブシュマン氏はビデオで宇宙人の存在を明言しており、それを証明する証拠をいくつか示したほか、宇宙人米国人学者、死の目前に宇宙人の存在を明言の様相を描写 している。





Area 51 officially acknowledged, mapped in newly released documents



(CNN) 米中央情報局(CIA)がこのほど公開した資料で、宇宙人説や米政府陰謀説に絡めて長年話題を振りまいてきた軍事基地「エリア51」の存在を初めて公式に認めた。ネバダ州内の所在地を記した地図も併せて公表している。












アメリ カ政府は少なくても1970年代から火星に到達していた。アンドルー・バシアゴとオバマ大統領は火星に「ジャンプ」またはテレポートをしていた。2011 年には闇の勢力が第三次世界大戦の避難所として建設した全米各地の地下基地が破壊された。そして今、火星上の秘密基地が破壊されるに至ったことをフル フォード氏は伝えている。私には情報の信憑性を確かめるすべはない。ただ、もしこれが本当であるなら、この爆発は彗星が火星を通過する時期に人々の関心が 集まることを予想して実行されたかもしれない。でもそれは、単純で荒削りな推測にすぎない。













Benjamin Fulford Report: "Trump's Chain will be Jerked" -- December 26, 2016

2016-12-27 06:15:08 | 代替ニュース

(Copied from Operation Disclosure

Trump’s chain will be jerked if he tries to stop the takedown of war criminal Benyamin Netanyahu
Posted by benjamin
December 26, 2016

Full Report

Donald Trump, president elect of the shallow US state, will have his chain jerked by the deep state if he tries to prevent the final takedown of the Khazarian mafia, including war criminal Benyamin Netanyahu, Pentagon and agency sources say.

The takedown is now entering a mop up phase, Pentagon sources say. “The Cabal’s last stronghold, the vast underground base at Denver airport, was routed by a contingent of US, Russian and other troops, mopping up is in progress with more raids,” the sources say. In another operation “100,000 children and sex slaves were liberated from the underground bases of the Getty center in LA ,” they add.

The South of Chile was hit by an earthquake weapon last week to in order to “shake up the Nazi enclave in Bariloche and Patagonia in general,” they say.

The Khazarian stronghold of Israel is now also under unprecedented attack, as can be seen by the passing of a UN resolution condemning their illegal settlement building in the West Bank. The 14-0 UN vote, with the US abstaining, will lead to more UN resolutions aimed at forcing that rogue nation to agree to a two state solution to the Palestinian issue, many sources agree.

The murder of the Russian ambassador to Turkey and the downing of a Russian aircraft over the Black Sea by the Israelis has given Russia both moral authority and legal grounds to pursue UN sanctions against Israel and to mount a real global war on terror by going after ISIS/Mossad assets worldwide, the Pentagon sources say.

In an attempted counter-move, war criminal Netanyahu sent the head of Mossad to visit Donald Trump and got him to issue a statement saying he would have vetoed the anti-Israel resolution. However, with the Khazarian base in Denver being wiped out, the Khazarians no longer have the military ability to impose their will on the US government, the Pentagon sources note.

The remaining Khazarian agents in the CIA are bracing for massive purge by Trump of the Bush faction, CIA sources say. The reformed CIA will end all drone attacks and drug flights, and will focus on human intelligence (humint), as well as open source intelligence (osint), the sources say.

Friendless Israel is now expected to face an air/land/sea blockade and other actions to force that state to conform to international law, Pentagon and agency sources agree. The Khazarian regime in Saudi Arabia will also be forced to end its various barbaric practices, they say.

Extra security measures have been taken for Donald Trump with Russian mercenaries and special forces sent to disarm nuclear weapons in New York and near the White House, the Pentagon sources say. One nuclear weapon under Washington has already been dismantled, they add.

The Khazarians are also planning to counter attack by creating a major financial crisis, multiple sources, including from the Rothschild family, agree. Here is what a twitter account claiming to emanate from Baroness Hanna de Rothschild, the daughter of Baron Jacob de Rothschild, had to say about the upcoming attack:

“Bss De Rothschild ‏@BssDeRothschild Its going to be a frightfully dismal year for US in 2017. No jobs, hyperinflation, more debt & impeachment. Merry Christmas you fools!”

She is also making multiple death threats against Trump and needs to be taken down, CIA sources say.

The financial attack, which will accelerate rapidly in the New Year, has already begun with 
a major push to cause interest rates world-wide to rise to crippling levels. This is being done by means of a huge sell off in the bond market by the Khazarian mob families. The planned result will be to cripple indebted emerging nations’ economies and punish debt slaves in countries like the United States by forcing them to pay more for their card, car, house and other loans. The plan is to blame the engineered economic hardship on Trump, Rothschild family sources say.

However, there is a huge split within that family that will make this planned economic attack impossible to carry out.

On that front, we got word from Nathaniel Rothschild who says he has not been killed, as claimed by Pentagon sources, but has merely gone into hiding.

Here is what a source with access to Nathaniel had to say: “His family members are out to take away his position as the next head of the clan. They are not out to eliminate him, but need his signature on a specially prepared document only used by ‘the family’ that will annul his upcoming leadership ascension.”

The source also said “The battle continues within the family. They are losing control of the world’s financial system but will still remain in the club with China at the helm, via the Shanghai gold exchange… of which they are a main player”.

As far as the overall financial war was concerned, this is what the source, who is of Asian royal blood, had to say:

“It seems that those with a lot of green backs ( USD) want to get rid of it and trade it for Au. This is happening all over the world. The problem is that only a handful of people can actually move it around. Unless you are talking about black Au of which there are hundreds of thousands of tons of it but only the 10 ‘authorized dealers’ will touch it because it is not hallmarked. Hallmarked Au is not just a mark for selling, and keeping track of its movement. All hallmarks also contain a ‘radioactive marker’ so it can be tracked during shipment. Remember that the Boys also did this to the Shah of Iran’s gold stored in Thailand. Many people want the real thing now, NOT the paper that says you own it, as you and I have seen so much of that fake paper going around. That is why the next month is going to be very interesting. There is a scramble for physical gold now. The off ledger Au will be slowly moved back into the official market and must be hallmarked. We anticipate that China, Russia, and Thailand will be the main players involved in this transfer as they prepare for the new Gold backed currency. Remember that China slipped the news out in their big billboard near the Bangkok airport a few years ago. The truth was put there in place sight.

Do you wonder why there is no mention of BRICS lately? It because there is internal juggling taking place. They are repositioning their strategy now. They will need the physical Au to back their currency”.

Here is a picture of the billboard mentioned:

The same source said that “The intel regarding David Rockefeller [being dead] is correct. He is in stasis now at ‘The Base’…he will not be heard of or seen again… unless they hologram him…There are others in the elite club who are also there now. I am obtaining a list from our man on site and will pass it on to you once I have it. I was informed a few days ago that W J Clinton has been denied access to ‘The Base’. Henry Kissinger has a pod reserved. He will most likely go off radar very soon.”

Queen Elizabeth II, head of the committee of 300 has also been put under house arrest, Pentagon sources say. This can be partially confirmed by the Queen’s cancelation of her scheduled public appearances in recent days. However, sources close to the Royal Family say the Queen is simply avoiding public appearances as a security precaution because they have received reports the gnostic Illuminati are targeting her.

The other visible bloodline public figure being targeted by the gnostic Illuminati is Adolf Hitler’s daughter and Rothschild family member Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany. The Illuminati say members of the German army and intelligence services are determined to remove her from power during the coming year. The recent fake German truck terrorist attack, and subsequent media campaign pinning the blame for that on Merkel, was just the first round of that campaign they say.

The year 2017 may also be time when the secret space program and ET folk get their long awaited disclosure. The following quote, from a source in the Antarctic base, requires more proof before I will believe it but, nonetheless here it is:

“The cabal are all freaked out by what they found in Antarticia – It gave Buzz a heart attack. Very large “pods” with beings inside. That is why John Kerry was there Election Day. Animals and people frozen in time. 12 – 14 foot humans in the pods who were in stasis, are now awakening”.

One thing we can confirm about Antarctica is that while the North Pole appears as part of a regular map on Google Earth, the South Pole cannot be found there, instead the map just vanishes into a point where many lines converge. We can only speculate as to why that is.
On a final note for this week and this year, December 25th marks the first day of the solar New Year. Since the Christians do not know the actual birth date of Jesus Christ, they conflated the old pagan solar New Year festivities with his birthday celebration. So, in a holiday spirit, we would like to wish our readers a Merry-Christmas and a Happy New Year. May 2017 be the best year yet.








2016-12-25 14:59:59 | 地球解放


From the Federal Reserve to a New US Republic via a Global Currency Reset




Judy Byington、MSW、LCSW、author、 "Twenty Two Faces" CEO、Child Abuse Recoveryによって2016年6月24日に編集され更新されました。 www.22faces.com www.ChildAbuseRecovery.com

2016年6月17日 、米国最高司令官、米国防総省では、スタッフのチーフスの頭と新しい米国の共和国の一般ジョセフ・ダンフォードの大統領1.は、平和のための世界的な力に米軍の移行について議論する国連平和維持サミットを取り上げました。 :米軍は現在、彼のスピーチの全文をここに見ることができるなど、強姦、窃盗の不祥事を起こし破損しているし、不十分な訓練を受けた国連平和維持軍に取って代わるだろうhttp://usun.state.gov/remarks/7340は大使サマンサによって備考パワー: usun.state.gov https://geopolitics.co/vital-issues/ben-fulford/in-a-first-us-supreme-司令官-一般-ジョセフ・ダンフォード・アドレス--アンとしてヘッド共和国/


米国のための計画の3パートは、オバマ大統領とバイデン副大統領は、決闘の辞職をテープで留めていると言われたときに2015年9月にロールアウトし始めました。 ハーグの世界裁判所において、彼らは米国に対するトゥーソンの裁判と有罪判決を受けたと主張した。



6.これは、スピーカーの位置を受け入れるために彼の決定を下す前に、ライアンは、オバマ氏の辞任演説2015年9月を目撃したと述べました。 明らかにRyanは、翌年には、偶然にも巨額の財政的財政的水和と一致しない、暫定米国の共和国大統領となることを、古代中国の長老とBRICS諸国から保証していた。

7.オバマ氏とバイデン氏の辞任演説は、昨年9月に発表されたもので、世界通貨建ての公表発表と全く同じ時期に発表される予定だった。 これらのイベントは、6月の終わり2016年、または2016年7月4日独立記念日のお祝いにより期待されました



それはプライベートな管轄権に最高裁の例を移動された新しい米国の共和国の下で働いて演技米司法長官があったことが報告された2016年6月21日で10。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxLooTsjbvo

11.米国最高裁判所は、明らかに判例法を審理するために500件の再入国裁判所を静かに追加したと思われる。 スコトゥスのために作用して、それらの例数はすでに米国最高裁判所の決定を却下していた: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72RX_bArFSI

12.米財務長官は常にPeurto Ricoの米国法人の一員であったが、現在はDunford将軍がReno Nevadaからその地位を掌握していた。

13年前に議会を通過したネサラ法では、ほとんどの行を導入することが、新しいアメリカ共和国の意図であったが、腐敗した政治家によって抑えられていた。 これらの行は、クレジットカード、モーゲージおよびその他の銀行債務をゼロにし、米国の所得税制度を廃止し、非本質的な新規項目に14%の税金を課し、裁判所と法律問題を憲法に戻した。

14.明らかに日曜日2016年6月19日に中国はBRICSに参加していた他の世界の指導者に近づきました。 オバマ大統領が世界通貨建て債務を凍結する脅威を続けていれば、世界の国々は米国に対して禁輸措置をとることに全員が同意した。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2goBwhh3EiA

15.グローバル・カレンシー・リセットを実施するためには、次の3つのことが必要でした。A.中国元は、世界準備通貨バスケットの一部にならなければなりませんでした。 この決定は2015年10月に行われました。

B.新しいUSN / TRNをリリースしなければならなかった。 新しい通貨が印刷され、全国の倉庫に保管されていることがわかりました。 その記者会見はいつでも来ることができる。

C.キャブロック・コントローラー、主にロスチャイルドは、引き離すための降伏または合意のポイントに来なければならなかった。 レポートに基づいて、それは起こっている過程であった。

16.国内の米国通貨の創設は、世界的な金融システムの再計画された再開と同時に起こっていた。 ロスチャイルドの家族が2015年6月中旬に連絡を取ったように、「新しい各地区は新しい通貨のために独自の引当金を保有します。 各地区は、様々な商品で裏付されるアジアの通貨のバスケットの一部となるだろう」



19.上海派閥関係者の中国政府高官は、地区の理解は、現在の国連安全保障理事会常任理事国5人、 アフリカ、中国以外のアジア、中国、インド、ロシアを含むヨーロッパ、イスラム世界、北米と南米の7つの地域グループの代表者に代わっている。

フランスの批准された最近のパリ気候変動協定を確認した国防総省の筋は、BRICS諸国と米国の "すぐに"米国は金と資産を裏付けた通貨枠組みと世界通貨の再設定を偽装したと見ている。 この新しいシステムでは、排出量の割合は世界のGDPの割合に等しいと見られるため、中国はこのシステムで世界の通貨を20%支配するだろう、と情報筋によると、 この新しいシステムは、自然界の生態系が価値を持ち、かつこれまでになく保護されていたことに勝る大きな利点を持っていました。 例えば、熱帯雨林は炭素吸収源として大きな価値があり、それをカットするのは非常に高価です。

21.何年も前、ペンタゴンの軍事情報機関のポール・レイン氏は、インドネシアの秘密のナチス潜水艦基地を報告した。 インドネシアのCIA筋は、インドネシアのナビレにそのような拠点があることを確認した。 潜水艦は、新しい金融システムで使用するために金を輸送していると言われました。

22. 2016年6月21日中国は金バックYaunだ立ち上げました。 中国はすでに世界貿易のために米ドルの受け入れを拒否し、連邦準備制度の崩壊を支援し、ロンドンのゴールドフィックスを置き換えると予想される世界的なゴールドベンチマークを設定していた。 フィリップティルトン - 中国の元は正式にゴールドバック

23. 2016年6月23日に英国はユーロ圏から撤退しました。

24.連邦準備制度理事会が違法に保有していた800兆ドル、27兆ドル、9兆1000億ドルの納税者の金を使って、米国国家債務を償還しようとする試みは、カバールによって絶えず挫折していた。 数百万人がクリントン財団によって押収された。 現在、これらの資金のほとんどは、グローバル通貨のリセッションを待っている欧州の銀行口座にあります。

25.「ワンタにイーグルOne "連邦準備制度理事会での汚職約間もなくことが放出されたドキュメンタリー、この予告編を参照してください: http://eagleonetowanta.com/

26.米国の通貨制度についてのドキュメンタリー映画もあり、カバール、CIA、9-11(現代のグローバル通貨建て替えが行われたときに起こった)、ジョンソンとブッシュ大統領、そして大統領の暗殺ケネディ ケネディが殺害された右の前に、彼は連邦準備制度を閉じていた文書に署名した。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1Qt6a-vaNM






From the Federal Reserve to a New US Republic via a Global Currency Reset

2016-12-25 14:37:12 | 地球解放


Events of the past week since June 17 2016

Compiled and updated on 24 June 2016 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, Author, “Twenty Two Faces,” CEO, Child Abuse Recovery. www.22faces.com www.ChildAbuseRecovery.com

1. On June 17 2016 US Supreme Commander, Head of the Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon and President of the new US Republic General Joseph Dunford addressed the United Nations peacekeeping summit to discuss transitioning the US military into a global force for peace. US forces would now replace corrupt and poorly trained UN peacekeeping troops who caused scandals involving rape, theft, etc. The full text of his speech can be seen here: http://usun.state.gov/remarks/7340 Remarks by Ambassador Samantha Power: usun.state.govhttps://geopolitics.co/vital-issues/ben-fulford/in-a-first-us-supreme- commander-general-joseph-dunford-addresses-the-un-as-head-of-republic/

2. By June 19 2016 the Global Currency Reset was said to be held back in order to ensure financial, political and military compliance for all sovereign nations in agreement with a master plan, the schedule of which was dependent on certain world events.

3. Part of the plan for the US began to roll out in September 2015 when President Obama and Vice President Biden were said to have taped duel resignations. It was claimed that at the World Court in the Hague they had been tried and convicted of Treason against the US.

4. Head of the Vatican Bank (which was known to launder drug, arms, child and human trafficking monies for the Cabal) Pope Francis was said to have requested the resignations, along with that of Senate Leader John Boehner’s, when he was in Washington that September.

5. That same September 2015 John Boehner stepped down and Paul Ryan took over as Speaker of the House.

6. It was said that before making his decision to accept the Speaker position, Ryan was allowed to witness Obama’s resignation speech that Sept. 2015. Evidently Ryan had guarantees from ancient Chinese Elders and the BRICS nations that the following year he would be the sitting interim US Republic President at a time which not so coincidentally would coincide with a massive financial fiscal hydration.

7. Obama and Biden’s resignation speeches said to be taped last September were to be released at the exact same moment of the public announcement release of the Global Currency Reset. These events were expected before June’s end 2016, or by the July 4 2016 Independence Day celebrations.

8. These planned events were timed toserve as a natural mass media cover events for the RV to quietly come and go.

9. The plan was said to be so that Paul Ryan would have a chance to impliment economic strategies that would ensure prudent handling of the new asset and gold-backed US monetary system including implementation of a new fair share flat tax.

10. On June 21 2016 it was reported that there was an Acting US Attorney General working under the new US Republic who has been moving Supreme Court cases to private jurisdiction. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxLooTsjbvo

11. Evidently the US Supreme Court had quietly added 500 Re-entry Courts to review case law. Acting for the SCOTUS, a number of those cases had already overruled US Supreme Court decisions:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72RX_bArFSI

12. Although the Treasurer of US had always been part of the US Corporation in Peurto Rico, now that position was held by General Dunford out of Reno Nevada.

13. It was the intention of the new US Republic to implement most lines in the NESARA law passed by Congress years ago, but had been held up by corrupt politicians. Those lines concerned zeroing out credit card, mortgage and other bank debt, abolishing the US income tax system and creating a 14% flat tax on non-essential new items, plus returning courts and legal matters to Constitutional Law.

14. Evidently on Sunday June 19 2016 the Chinese approached other world leaders who had joined BRICS. All had agreed that the world nations would put an embargo against the US if Obama continued his threats to hold up the Global Currency Reset. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2goBwhh3EiA

15. In order for the Global Currency Reset to take place three things had to be in place: A. The Chinese Yuan had to become a part of the world reserve currency basket. That decision was made Oct. 2015.

B. The new USN/TRN’s had to be released. We are told those new currencies were printed and being stored in warehouses around the country. That news conference could come any day.

C. The cabal controllers, primarily the Rothschilds, had to come to a point of surrender or agreement to step aside. Based on reports, that was in the process of taking place.

16. The creation of a domestic US currency was coinciding with a planned reboot of the global financial system. As the Rothschild family contact said in mid-June 2015:“Each new district will have their own reserves, for their new currency. Each district will be part of a basket of Asian currencies that are backed with various commodities.”

17. A separate senior Rothschild source told a WDS member in Europe that their family would come through the current troubles intact “after making some adjustments” but that the Bush and Rockefeller factions were in much deeper trouble because of their association with the Illuminati and plans of the New World Order.

18. The Illuminati appeared to have admitted that their ISIS campaign failed, though remaining ISIS fighters were expected to struggle to the last.

19. A senior Chinese government source affiliated with the Shanghai faction said his understanding of the districts was that the current five permanent members of the UN security council; China, France, Russia, the UK and the US, would be replaced by representatives from seven regional groupings: Africa, Asia outside of China, China, India, Europe including Russia, the Muslim world, plus North and South America.

20. Pentagon sources confirmed the recent Paris Climate Change Accord which was ratified by France, the BRICS nations and “soon” the US, was a disguised gold and asset backed currency framework and global currency reset. In this new system the percentage of emissions would be seen as equal to the percentage of world GDP, so China would have 20% control of the global currency in this system, the sources said. This new system had a huge advantage over what had prevailed in that natural ecosystems would have value in and of themselves and be protected as never before. For example, a rain forest would have huge value as a carbon sink and cutting it down would be prohibitively expensive.

21. Years ago Paul Laine of Pentagon military intelligence reported a secret Nazi submarine base in Indonesia. A CIA source in Indonesia confirmed such a base existed in Nabire, Indonesia. The submarines were said to be transporting gold for use in the new financial system.

22. On Tues. June 21 2016 China launched it’s gold-back Yaun. China had already refused to accept the fiat US dollar for world trade, thus helping the fall of the Federal Reserve and setting the world gold benchmark that was expected to replace the London gold fix. Philip Tilton — China’s Yuan is Now Officially Gold-backed

23. On June 23 2016 Britain withdrew from the Euro Zone.

24. Repeated attempts to pay off the US national debt using the $800 trillion, $27 trillion and $9.1 trillion of taxpayer monies illegally held by the Federal Reserve had been continually thwarted by the Cabal. A few million had been confiscated by the Clinton Foundation. At present most of these funds were in European bank accounts awaiting the Global Currency Reset.

25. See this trailer of a soon-to-be released documentary about corruption at the Federal Reserve, “Eagle One to Wanta”: http://eagleonetowanta.com/.

26. There was also a feature documentary film about the US monetary system and it’s relationship to the Cabal, CIA, 9-11 (which happened as an intial Global Currency Reset was to take place), Presidents Johnson and Bushes and the assassination of President Kennedy. Right before Kennedy was murdered, he had signed documents which would have closed the Federal Reserve: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1Qt6a-vaNM




Global Elite Global Elite Prepare For Imminent Solar Storm Apocalypse

2016-12-22 04:57:42 | ディスクロージャー

INQUISITR August 25, 2016

Recent warnings of imminent massive solar flares that could cause planet-wide devastation have sparked an exodus of the global NWO-Illuminati elite to massive underground bases in South America and the Antarctica, according to reports currently circulating in the conspiracy theory blogosphere.

According to conspiracy theorists, recent media reports that scientists were preparing for possible massive solar eruptions that could plunge the world into chaos and cause large scale devastation were intended to warn the unsuspecting masses of imminent apocalyptic solar events that could wipe out human civilization.

Although media reports tried to downplay the urgency of the threat by describing the expected solar storms as “low probability but high impact events,” conspiracy theorists have raised the alarm, saying that secret mass movement of the global elite to deep underground bases in Antarctica following the warnings proves that the elite are covering up information about the expected scale of the impending solar flares.

The conspiracy theory blog Exopolitics, claims that recent warnings by scientists corroborate the predictions of Major Ed Dames (aka “Dr. Doom”), a “remote viewer” and alleged former psychic spy for U.S. military intelligence, who has been predicting for years the imminence of a “killshot” solar flare that would burn satellites, power grids, and large swathes of the Earth’s surface.

“The ‘killshot’ is the sun… going on a rampage and producing extreme solar flares… heat up the Earth’s atmosphere and dry Earth’s fresh water.”

Dames warned in an interview on March 21, 2016, that fulfillment of his “solar killshot” prediction was imminent (see video below).

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security and NASA also warned of possible imminent catastrophe, according to the Independent.

“National power grids could overheat and air travel disrupted… electronic navigation devices and major satellites could stop working.”

Multiple reports circulating in the conspiracy theory blogosphere claim that a large scale movement of the families and relatives of members of the global elite to six massive underground facilities in the Antarctica is ongoing.

The underground facilities are managed by a government-extraterrestrial species alliance called the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC). The ICC is allegedly one of the five major clandestine space programs managed by an alliance of the global ruling elite and extraterrestrial beings.

Several self-proclaimed whistleblowers have come forward recently to spill the beans about alleged secret space programs formed through alliances between the ruling elite of the leading military powers — such as the U.S., Russia, China and the EU — and extraterrestrial beings. 

Extraterrestrials, according to multiple whistleblower reports, are exploiting the greed of the ruling elite for advanced alien technology in the intensifying struggle for world domination.

Bizarre testimonies by self-proclaimed whistleblowers, such as William Tompkins, allegedly a top aerospace engineer, Corey Goode, who claims to have worked with one of the top government-alien space alliances, and Peter Beter, politician and former General Counsel for the Export-Import Bank (1961-1967) under President John F. Kennedy, have caused a stir in the alien and UFO conspiracy theory community.

According to the whistleblower Corey Goode, who manages the space conspiracy theory blog Sphere Being Alliance, scientifically advanced ET partners of world governments have warned that a massive swathe of the Sun’s coronal surface is about to erupt in a gigantic coronal mass ejection (CME) that will hit the Earth directly.

The Sun

The Sun will erupt in a gigantic solar eruption that will scorch the Earth, according to conspiracy theorists [Image via Shutterstock]The Sun would then go dark for several days before it recovers its brightness.

The massive CME, according to conspiracy theory sources, will disrupt global communications and plunge the world into darkness.

Some theorists believe that the CME will cause a flip in polarity of the Earth’s magnetic field. The sudden geomagnetic reversal will impact devastatingly on life on Earth.

However, there are conflicting views about the long term impact of the alleged imminent geomagnetic storm event.

Some theorists believe that the Earth will recover fully from the event in a few decades, while others believe it will trigger apocalyptic events, such as large scale earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that will end human civilization.

But members of the global elite are not taking any chances, according to conspiracy theorists. Since early in the year, members of the global Illuminati cabal and their families have been escaping quietly in huge black submarines via South America to six massive deep underground facilities near the Ross Sea region of the Southern Ocean in West Antarctica.

They have been moving personal effects and supplies to Antarctica via deep underground tunnels stretching across Mexico, Brazil and Argentina.

The entrances to this extensive network of secret underground worlds are deliberately blacked-out on Google Maps, according to conspiracy theorists.

The Nazis began construction of the massive underground bases and the network of tunnels accessing them in the 1930s. Many members of the Nazi elite fled to the underground facilities after the Second World War. Further expansion of the bases began in the 1950s, according to conspiracy theorist Michael Salla.

An underground base

The global elite are fleeing to six major underground bases in the Antarctica, according to conspiracy theorists [Image via Shutterstock]Conspiracy theorists believe that the South America/Antarctica region is presently the headquarters of a secretive neo-Nazi elite known as the “Fourth Reich.”

The “Fourth Reich” is an elite group of the global NWO-Illuminati cabal. The group is also involved in major secret space programs formed through alliances with extraterrestrial powers.

The U.S. government, according to the conspiracy theorists, has links with the Fourth Reich dating back to implementation of Operation Paper Clip that recruited top German and Nazi scientists to work with the U.S. aerospace program after the Second World War.

The Fourth Reich now has its headquarters in Bariloche, Argentina, where President Eisenhower negotiated the terms of an alliance that linked the U.S. Military Industrial Complex with the Illuminati and extraterrestrial partners.

President Obama, according to Salla, also recently traveled to Bariloche to sign undisclosed ET space program treaties.

The world’s top military powers — the U.S., EU, China and Russia — also have different space program alliances with advanced extraterrestrial species, according to conspiracy theorists.

The Russian program is known as Cosmopheres.

Simmering tensions between Russian Cosmopheres and U.S.-backed ICC flared up recently, leading to an aerial battle in Antarctica, according to whistleblower Goode, who claims access to an insider source code-named “Lt. Col. Gonzales.”

During the battle the alien allies of the respective powers fielded exotic weapon systems.




Discovery of Flash Frozen Antarctica Civilization

2016-12-22 03:08:13 | ディスクロージャー



Discovery of an advanced civilization in Antarctica that was flash frozen has shocked political and scientific figures that have witnessed it, according to secret space program whistleblower Corey Goode in a December 11 update.

In part one, I described  how Goode’s military abductor “Sigmund” from a USAF/DIA/NSA/NRO secret space program, had learned of the existence of more advanced classified space programs such as Solar Warden from Goode. During Goode’s abduction on October 26, Sigmund revealed more information about his own activities, including time spent in Antarctica:

Furthermore he told me that he had been stationed at several military installations in Antarctica and had spent time in the very area where the Anshar had taken me on a reconnaissance flight.

Goode has previously written a report describing an extensive tour of Antarctica facilities controlled by the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate, another secret space program he discussed in depth, by an ancient Inner Earth civilization called the Anshar.

Sigmund then went on to describe recent discoveries in Antarctica, which explain the growing scientific, political and religious interest over the frozen continent:

He [Sigmund] stated that an extremely ancient series of cities had been discovered flash frozen deep under the ice-shelf.  He confirmed that there were also many animals and “pre-Adamites” preserved in the ice…. They were all flattened/ crushed or knocked over by the event that flash froze the area. They have tons of trees/ plants and wildlife frozen in place, like they were put on pause.

This is startling confirmation of the research conducted by Sir Charles Hapgood who has previously studied evidence of pole shifts that have led to the Earth’s axis of rotation shifting dramatically in a short period, where sub-tropical areas might suddenly find themselves at the poles.

His 1958 book, Earth’s Shifting Crust, featured a foreword by Albert Einstein endorsing the rigor of Hapgood’s research. Hapgood summed up his theory as follows:

Polar wandering is based on the idea that the outer shell of the earth shifts about from time to time, moving some continents toward and other continents away from the poles. Continental drift is based on the idea that the continents move individually…A few writers have suggested that perhaps continental drift causes polar wandering. This book advances the notion that polar wandering is primary and causes the displacement of continents….This book will present evidence that the last shift of the earth’s crust (the lithosphere) took place in recent time, at the close of the last ice age, and that it was the cause of the improvement in climate.”

Hapgood’s thesis that the last pole shift had happened at the end of the last ice age about 11,000 BC had apparently been startlingly confirmed by the discovery of a flash frozen Antarctica civilization.

Furthermore, this also confirms that the Oronteus Fineus map, which shows an ice-free Antarctica, is based on ancient historical records where Antarctica once possessed a thriving civilization before a devastating Pole Shift event. 


As to the question of when the Antarctica discovery was made, Goode says:

The first discoveries occurred some time back, not sure. They had an idea of what was below the ice after doing very high-tech scans from space. They had been excavating one site and discovered many, many others spread out across what used to be dry ground. This happened over time.

They have been studying what they are finding, and moving some of it out before bringing in various bigwigs from various secret societies. Then they do tours like the “Cabal Disneyland” they have in the stasis chamber in Ohio. They are continuing to excavate, but know what is around in the areas where they have cleared away the ice.

They are worried that all of the steam excavation could cause the surface of the ice shelf to collapse down on the sites they have uncovered. I think they would have to go public in some sort of a way to go bigger on this excavation and widen it.

Goode provided the following artistic sketch of the Antarctica discovery.


Such a discovery is clearly Earth-shattering news for the archeological community, and explains why prominent world figures such as U.S. Secretary of State  John Kerry, Astronaut Buzz Aldrin and Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill, have recently traveled to Antarctica to see the discoveries first hand. Goode asserts:

The finds in Antarctica are a major reason the World Political/Religious leaders have been brought down there to tour what has been found in the last year.

Goode went on to describe the inhabitants of this ancient Antarctica civilization according to Sigmund:

He described the “pre-Adamites” as beings with elongated skulls, with strangely proportioned bodies that were obviously not designed for Earth’s gravity and atmosphere pressure. This group had apparently arrived here from another planet in our solar system that was no longer hospitable.

They arrived here approximately 55,000 to 65,000 years ago and began to create hybrids of their species and the developing human population.

Once again, this is a startling archeological discovery that confirms the elongated skulls found in places like Paracas, Peru, belonged to another species of humans, rather than being artificially created deformities.


What is critical to understand according to Goode is that many of the Cabal view themselves as direct descendants of these pre-Adamite peoples, and consequently view the Antarctica discovery as an event that corroborates their uniqueness, and fitness to rule. Apparently, many pre-Adamites occupy very senior positions in the Vatican hierarchy where their identities are hidden by the elongated hats worn by Bishops and Cardinals.

Goode says that he has been told by a number of other sources that recent discoveries have indeed occurred in Antarctica, as claimed by Sigmund:

I have now had well over a dozen confirmations that indeed a HUGE F-ING discovery was made down in Antarctica. Indeed there are many, many types of ruins and artifacts strewn out across the continent/ group of islands and underground. … Many square miles of ruins have been detected w/only a small % that has actually been excavated.

The timing of an announcement of the Antarctica discovery is something appears imminent according to the following exchange between Goode (C) and David Wilcock (D):

D: “Will” as in they intend to make this part of the partial disclosure fairly early along?

C: I presume so, as they are not keeping a very tight lid on these discoveries very well and it’s during a time of an agreed-upon agenda for partial disclosure.

While the Antarctica discovery raises the possibility that a pole shift may occur again with devastating global consequences, Goode has instead emphasized the sun ejecting its coronal shell as the more likely scenario for an “Ascension event”. Apparently, predictions for the sun going dark for a number of days led to an exodus of the Cabal to hidden locations in Antarctica/South America in early 2016.

Regardless of questions of whether an Ascension event occurs, how it is triggered and how to best prepare, an official announcement of the Antarctica discovery is likely to be the first in a series of official disclosures that will rock establishment media and universities. While such an announcement may be intended to be part of a limited disclosure narrative, the more likely result is that it will open the door to full disclosure of ancient civilizations, both past and current such as the alleged “Anshar”, as well as the truth emerging about secret space programs and extraterrestrial life.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice



広めて下さい!冬至瞑想 2016 ― 日本時間 12月21日(水) 19時44分

2016-12-21 08:58:19 | 地球解放




日本時間 12月21日(水) 19時44分

Prepare For Change のコミュニティ交流サイト(COEO)の瞑想ページにある音声ガイド(英語版)は、上記の時間ぴったりになると自動的に流れるように設定されています。








1. 自分なりのやり方で 気持ちが楽な状態になってください。

2. イベントを起こすという思いを、この瞑想に込めて下さい。

3. オームを三回唱えましょう。唱えている間に、白く輝く光の柱がソースから 銀河のセントラル・サンを通って、あなたのソウルスター・チャクラから身体に入り、ガイアの中心につながる様子を イメージして下さい。今度はもう一本の光の柱が ガイアの中心から、あなたの身体を通って空に向かい、太陽系と銀河にいるすべての光の存在に入っていくのをイメージして下さい。あなたは今、二本の光の柱 の中にいます。光は同時に上下から流れています。この光の柱をそのまま 数分間保って下さい。

4. この光で、惑星上のすべてのライトワーカーのソウルスター・チャクラとつながって下さい。そして、144,000人の星の教団員のハイヤーセルフに対して、ミッションに目覚めるように呼びかけて下さい。

5. 私たちを導き、こんなにも多くの光やエネルギ・サポートを送って下さったアガルタネットワーク、アシュタル・コマンド、銀河連合を含めた太陽系や銀河のすべての光の存在を思い浮かべ、彼らのソウルスター・チャクラに この光でつながって下さい。

6. この合わさった光の束が地球のライト・グリッドまで広がり、地球のコアから発せられた永遠の光とつながり、ガイアのハートに定着していく様子を思い浮かべ て下さい。さらに、この光が地表のエネルギ・グリッドに沿って広がり、太陽系全体まで広がっていく様子をイメージして下さい。

7. この光の束が、地表の人々の間にある ネガティブな感情や振る舞いを消し去り、正義感・誠実さ・愛情の籠もった交流を人々にもたらす様子をイメージして下さい。

8. 女神斗母(トウム)がこの光の柱から地上に降り立ち、人類に平和をもたらす様子をイメージして下さい。

9. 地球でのETの存在について、そのすべての情報がマスメディアによって完全公開されるのをイメージして下さい。全人類のための公平で、新しい金融システム の設立をイメージして下さい。善意のET種族とのファーストコンタクトをイメージして下さい。イベントが起きて、地球がついに解放されているのをイメージ して下さい。以前のように、すべての人が自分のスピリチュアル・ファミリーやスピリチュアル・ガイドとコンタクトする様子をイメージして下さい。

Victory of the Light!



2016-12-12 16:42:05 | 地球解放






カバールはブラジルやインドといった BRICS 構成国の政治基盤への浸透に成功しました。インドのナレンドラ・モデイ首相が現金操作で戦争を宣言したことで、彼は光側の人間ではないことが明かです。

カバールが「偽ニュース」サイトと繰り広げているメディア戦争もよい兆候の一つです。それは単純に代替メディアが十分に力をつけてきたことを示しています。つまり、主流メディアは私たちと私たちが伝える真実の威力を恐れ始めているのです。私が皆さんに自分のブログを立ち上げて、なるべく真実を広めるように薦めてきたのはこのためです。私たちに必要なのは、 Stillness in the Storm Veterans Today のような高品質な調査に基づいたニュース・サイトであり、平らな地球やニビルの再来を宣伝するブログではありません。




Victory of the Light!

翻訳: Shigeru Mabuchi / PFC JAPAN Official Group


●参考情報 ① 舞台裏では光の勢力がキマイラグループの撲滅に集中している

舞台裏では、光の勢力がキマイラグループの撲滅に集中しております。当然のことながら、作戦についてはあまり詳しくお伝えしません。私に言える唯一のこと は、光の勢力が内部太陽系内(訳注:内部太陽系とは地球型惑星[水星、金星、地球、火星]と小惑星帯が位置する領域)にたくさんの基地を新しく設立したこ とです。特に小惑星帯、火星、月に基地が設けられました。光の勢力の新しい母船が多数、内部太陽系内の戦略的な位置につきました。より小型の宇宙船は、地 球の近くに配置されています。目下のところ、中高度軌道(MEO)に重点を置いています。


●参考情報 ②  “キメラ”とは何か

キマイラ(キメラ)グループについての機密情報を、さらに公開するときが来ました。ある人にとって、この情報には信じがたいような部分もあるかもしれません。しかし、事実は小説よりも奇なりです。 このグループには、アンドロメダ銀河から来た闇の勢力のリーダーたちがいます。彼らは25,000年前にヒューマノイド型の肉体を持って地球にやってきました。そして地球を隔離状態にしました。彼らは地球の周りにスカラー電磁フェンス(ベール)をめぐらせ、効果的にポジティブなETのコンタクトを妨げ、人類を孤立させてきました。次に彼らは広大な地下都市のネットワークを、奴隷使いであるドラコニアンと奴隷であるレプタリアンを使いながら、築きました。そしてそこから地上の住民を支配しました。



●参考情報 ③ “インプラント”とは何か

26,000年前、プラズマのインプラントが、初めて地上の住民に施されました。人々は転生する直前に、再びインプラントされてきました。このようにして、地上 の住民は26,000年間ずっと記憶喪失の状態に置かれていたのです。 インプラントは、地球の地下と太陽系中にあるインプラント局によって維持されました。そして惑星間空間、星間空間から異常プラズマが新たに補給され続けて いました。 インプラントはプラズマのブラックホールで、直径は大体電子と同じくらいです(10-17 meters)。インプラントは、プラズマに反重力効果を及ぼす、強磁場の中で回転しています。



●参考情報 ④ “MOSS”とは何か

去年(2014)の早い時期から、光の勢力はキメラに直接取り組んでいます。物質的な、ストレンジレット及びトップレット爆弾を一掃したので、今年(2015)の1月末からは、闇の最後の残滓をこの太陽系から一掃する作戦を始めています。この作戦のコードネームはMOSS(Multidimensional Operations Solar System)です。この作戦はまだ続いています。ここ数日間に、重要なブレイクスルーが起こりました。MOSSが成功裏に完了した後で、そしてイベントの時くらいに、ディスクロージャーとファーストコンタクトが起きるでしょう。そしてこれは惑星地球にとって隔離状態の終焉となります。



●参考情報 ⑤ “サブルーナー作戦 ”とは何か

レジスタンスはサブルーナー(月下の)スペースを、月の軌道の下と、人口衛星の一番低い軌道の上の空間と定義しています。 光の勢力は、MOSSの完了に向けた、次の論理的ステップとして、本日(15/7/14)サブルーナー作戦を開始しました。サブルーナースペースは、常に キメラが作戦を集中させていた領域でした。その領域が、地球表面に至る前の最後の防衛線だからです。 地球を周回している人工衛星はたくさんあり、その中にはキメラのプラズマ・ストレンジレット爆弾のインプラント局もあります。http://stuffin.space/ 言及すべき最も重要なことは、有人軌道実験室構想です。(日本語:有人軌道実験室) この実験室の開発は、公式には1969年に中止されましたが、実際は闇に潜り、今は最も重要な キメラのインプラント局になっています。



●参考情報 ⑥ 続くキメラグループの掃討・サブルーナー作戦の大半が終了

キメラグループの掃討は続いています。サブルーナー作戦の大半が終了しました。今は、キメラグループ及び、彼らのプラズマテクノロジーを地上からなくすこ とが、焦点となっています。 そのようなテクノロジーの一つが小型プラズマチェンバーです。数年前から、ほとんどの携帯電話、パソコン、wi-fiルーターに入れられています。そうし たプラズマチェンバーにはベールを補強する働きがあります。それらは間もなく取り除かれます。 現在の株式市場の一時的な反発は、来たるべきリセットの兆候です。ただし、まだリセットには至っていません。興味深いことに、主流メディアにもイベントに備えるための指示が載りました。









2016-12-11 16:43:50 | 真地球史
































考古学者は、ドイツで石器時代に建設された何千もの地下トンネルが、現在もあると報告している。これらのトンネルは、スコットランドからトルコまでのヨーロッパ全域にまたがって建設されている。それが、もともとどのように使われたのかは、まだ誰も答えることができずにいる。 クッシュ博士は、「古代世界へ通じる地下のドアの秘密」(ドイツ語:トレ・ツア・ウンテレベルト)という著書で、ヨーロッパ大陸全域に及ぶトンネルが発見されている証拠を示している。これらのおびただしい数のトンネルは、「古代のハイウェイ」とよく例えられる。

















Mindboggling discoveres that hint a Highly Advanced Civiiztion existed on Earth










5 Mindboggling discoveries that hint a Highly Advanced Civilization existed on Earth

2016-12-10 06:14:48 | 真地球史


Whenever you talk about advanced ancient civilizations –which had in their possession advanced technology that goes beyond anything we have today— you are guaranteed to get weird looks and comments of disapproval. Here we have five fascinating discoveries that hint an extremely advanced civilization may have existed on Earth tens of thousands of years ago.

However, the truth is that there is plenty of evidence which suggests that in the distant past—perhpahs before history was being written— an extremely advanced civilization existed on Earth and left numerous clues scattered across the globe.

Some say ‘it was Aliens’ while others say its forbidden history, but there have been numerous discoveries which point to the obvious: history as we know it is INCOMPLETE.

2,000-year-old computers

Did you know that the computers existed on Earth thousands of years ago? It may not have been popular gadgets like the Macbook, but devices such as the Antikythera mechanism –which is believed to date back over 2,100 years— is the ultimate evidence that in the distant past, people were far more advanced than what we are crediting them for today.

The Antikythera mechanism is commonly referred to as the oldest computer on the planet. Ever since its discovery, this fascinating mechanical device has captured the interests of numerous researchers, archaeologists and historians one hundred years after its discovery, and scholars have still failed to fully understand its purpose.

Massive underground tunnels

Why tunnels and why an extensive network of tunnels stretching thousands of kilometers? So far experts have still to answer how it was possible that thousands of years ago, different cultures across Europe built intricate and advanced tunnels that go on for thousands of kilometers. These tunnels were built around 12,000 years ago. These tunnels are said to stretch from Scotland to Turkey!

Archaeologists have discovered in modern-day Germany thousands of underground tunnels that date back to the Stone Age. These tunnels spread throughout Europe, from Scotland to Turkey, leaving researchers puzzled about their original function.

In the book Secrets Of The Underground Door To An Ancient World (German title: Tore zur Unterwelt), Dr. Kush states that evidence of massive underground tunnels has been found under dozens of Neolithic settlements all over the European continent. These tremendous tunnels are often referred to as ancient highways.

The Longyou Caves

Somehow, SOMONE had the technology and means to remove and transport nearly 1,000,000 cubic meters of rock, creating what is today known as the Longyou Caves.

Not a single ancient text describes or details who, how, and why these intricate caves were built thousands of years ago.

Furthermore, the precision present in the smallest details is indicative of superior craftsmanship which according to mainstream history should not have been possible thousands of years ago.

The obvious question ‘many experts are NOT asking’ is: Why had the technology and means to remove and transport nearly 1,000,000 cubic meters of rock, thousands of years ago? What kind of ancient technology was present at the time which allowed the ‘mystery builders’ to create such a fascinating construction?

Ummm… why are there Pyramids all across the planet?

Have you ever wondered why nearly all ancient civilization on Earth decided to erect Pyramids? Furthermore, why are these structures so similar to one another? How is it possible that Pyramids in Egypt resemble those located in the Americas, even though these different civilizations were –allegedly—never inteconnected?

The truth is that why ancients civilization built these massive monuments is one of the greatest mysteries archaeology has not been able to answer so far. What are the odds that ancient cultures around the globe decided to randomly erect Pyramids?

I believe it’s possible that nearly all ancient civilizations followed a pattern set forth by a civilization that predates all ancient civilizations.

Puma Punku: evidence of advanced machinery?

If you really want to see structures and monuments that defy all logic you only have to take a trip to Puma Punku and Tiahuanaco. There, you will find supermassive ruins which according to many date back over 15,000 years.

In fact, the structures located at Puma Punku and Tiahauanco are so incredible and so old that they predate the Ancient Inca.

How the builders of Puma Punku managed to cut, transport and precisely stack megalithic stones weighing over a hundred tons remains a profound mystery that no one has been able to answer. Furthermore, these ancient structures have no evidence whatsoever of chisel marks yet display laser-like details that according to many are evidence of advanced technologies on Earth present thousand of years before written history.

Like many other things that remain a mystery, Puma Punku is a true archaeological and historic enigma. There are no records that describe or detail the methods used by its ‘unknown’ builders to quarry, transport and cut massive stones which eventually resulted in the construction of one of the most mysterious sites on the surface of our planet.

So, there you have five incredible discoveries that I believe could be the ultimate tell-tale sign that in the distant past, perhaps before the last Ice age, an intricate and ‘unknown’ civilization existed on Earth with technology unknown to mainstream scholars.

What do you think? Is something like this even possible? Or are there other theories that can explain some of the many mysteries that have captured the interest of millions around the globe?

Maybe after all, history as we know it needs to be rewritten.

Featured image by Tryingtofly

Ivan is a freelance writer, editor-in-chief of ancient-code.com, he also writes for EWAO, Share Knowledge, Svemir Online and Ancient Origins.

History, Archaeology, Space and world’s mysteries are some of the topics he writes about.










2016-12-10 04:11:12 | 真地球史

オーパーツ - Wikipedia


英語の「out-of-place artifacts」を略して「OOPARTS」とした語で、つまり「場違いな工芸品」という意味である。日本語では「時代錯誤遺物」「場違いな加工品」と意訳されることもある。

オーパーツ一覧 - Wikipedia


恐竜そっくりの形の土偶。 主に、世界は唯一絶対神によって作られたとするキリスト教の聖書原理主義者によって恐竜と人類が共存した証拠であると主張されるが、そのモデルとなった恐 竜の特徴は近年判明した恐竜のイメージと喰い違っている。具体的には、ティラノサウルスと思しき恐竜がゴジラのように完全な二足歩行の寸胴で描かれている など。
    古代エジプトの 墳墓から発掘された、15センチほどの木製品。目とくちばしが付いており、実はただの小鳥の木製模型であることは写真を見れば一目瞭然である。過去に出 回ったグライダーに見えると称される写真のすべてが、目とくちばしの写らない斜め後ろや真上から撮影したもの、または写真を加工して鳥らしい特徴を消した ものとなっている。

① 4大文明をはるかにさかのぼる数百万年以上前に高度な知識とテクノロジーを備える地球外知的生命体(ETI)が地球を訪れて地球人類と接触していた。
③ ネガティブなETIグループは自分たちを「神」として信仰する地球上の闇の勢力(イルミナティーを中核とする秘密結社)をエイジェント(代理人)にして世界核戦争(NWO)計画を推し進めようとしている。
④ ポジティブなETIグループは銀河連邦(宇宙連合)に組織されていて、地球上の光の勢力と連携して闇の勢力の破壊活動を防止し、その影響を銀河系宇宙から排除しようとして活動を続けている。
⑤ 地球人類は地球上で猿から進化した生物ではなく、その起源は宇宙にあり、これから地球上に公式に姿を現す異星人と共通の祖先を持つ宇宙ファミリー(親族)の一員である。



●地球人のルーツ(Project Vega)




現代人(左)とネアンデルタール人(右)の比較              アウストラロピテク・セディバの手の化石



