

挑発する米軍機がサイバー攻撃で麻痺させたウクライナ機を盾にした/Paralyzed Ukraine plane by cyberattack shielded provoker US fighter

2020-02-03 02:29:52 | イラン2020~
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 Red Alert !!, Iran-US Moreover "False Flag"



 出典:INDEPENDENT「Al Quds Day: Protesters burn flags and chant 'death to Israel' at annual rallies held across Iran」 


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  1947年に「フェイク・ユダヤ」によって建てられた“Fake Chimney”と国連パレスチナ分割決議   


 新約聖書・ペテロの手紙 第一4章15~19節

 The New Testament・The First Epistle of Peter 4:15~19
  For let none of you suffer as a murderer, or a thief, or an evil doer, or a meddler in other men’s matters.
  But if one of you suffers for being a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God in this matter.
  For the time has come for judgment to begin with the household of God. If it begins first with us, what will happen to those who don’t obey the Good News of God?
  “If it is hard for the righteous to be saved, what will happen to the ungodly and the sinner?”
  Therefore let them also who suffer according to the will of God in doing good entrust their souls to him, as to a faithful Creator.


 The New Testament・The Epistle of James 1:12
   Blessed is a person who endures temptation, for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life, which the Lord promised to those who love him.



     ※(自分の)「欲」= 直訳:(自分の)「腹」

 The New Testament・The Epistle to the Romans 16:17~20
    Now I beg you, brothers, look out for those who are causing the divisions and occasions of stumbling, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and turn away from them.
  For those who are such don’t serve our Lord, Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by their smooth and flattering speech, they deceive the hearts of the innocent.
  For your obedience has become known to all. I rejoice therefore over you. But I desire to have you wise in that which is good, but innocent in that which is evil.
  And the God of peace will quickly crush Satan under your feet.
   The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.


 出典:busy「Who is the real aggressor ? USA China Russia Iran - Part 2」

YouTube: МИД РФ: американская авантюра приведет к росту напряженности в регионе - Россия 24
YouTube: Cyber Threats in Aviation
YouTube: Aviation Cybersecurity: Keeping the Wings On

YouTube: How Israel Rules The World Of Cyber Security | VICE on HBO

  US fighters to provoke used as shield Ukrainian airplane which was paralyzed by cyberattack !

 ”How Israel Rules The World Of Cyber Security”







YouTube: Iran: IRGC says no-fly zone was requested "several times" before Ukrainian jet downing



YouTube: Iran blames 'US hackers' for Ukrainian airline tragedy

  以下、2020/01/15付・Radio Farda「Iran Military Suggests US Disruption Of Radar Caused Downing Of Airliner Despite New Video」より
   「Several high-ranking officials have made statements about possible American "disruption of Iran's radar network" and "cyberattacks" that appear to be in preparation of a new official scenario to explain the missile attack on a Ukrainian airliner on January 8.
   Ahmad Jannati, the hardliner Chairman of the Guardian Council on Wednesday said the possibility of "enemy sabotage" is being investigated by authorities.
   Brigadier General Ali Abdollahi, the Coordinating Deputy Commander of the Armed Forces General Headquarters, on Wednesday said a team has been formed to probe the possibility of an American cyberattack that could have disabled the Iranian radar system.
   According to Abdollahi there had been a report about a U.S. cruise missile attack in the wake of Iran's missile launches at two Iraqi bases a few hours earlier on January 8. He claimed that the operator of the missile fired at the plane had difficulty in receiving the message of the command center when the alert about cruise missiles was removed and mistook the plane for an incoming American missile.
   Abdollahi also said the possibility of involvement of enemy infiltrators in the air defense system was being probed by the Iranian intelligence bodies and could not be ruled out yet.
   A new video of the crash has now become a challenge to all the explanations offered by military officials so far. The video that was uploaded on YouTube on Tuesday shows two missiles, 30-seconds apart, were fired at the Ukrainian plane. Neither missile immediately downed the plane. The plane is seen ablaze after two missiles hit it, an explosion and then the crash after a short time.……」
  以上、2020/01/15付・Radio Farda「Iran Military Suggests US Disruption Of Radar Caused Downing Of Airliner Despite New Video」より

  以下、2020/01/18付・ZeroHedge「False Flag? Fmr CIA Officer Suggests US Hacked Ukrainian Plane Transponder To Provoke Iran Shootdown」より
   「Philip Giraldi, a former counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer of the CIA, penned a piece in the American Herald Tribune speculating that the U.S. launched several cyber-attacks, one on an Iranian missile defense system, and another on the transponder of the doomed Ukrainian plane.
   Giraldi explains the Iranian missile operator experienced extreme "jamming" and Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752's transponder was switched off several minutes before the two Russian made Tor missiles were launched.
   "The shutdown of the transponder, which would have automatically signaled to the operator and Tor electronics that the plane was civilian, instead automatically indicated that it was hostile. The operator, having been particularly briefed on the possibility of incoming American cruise missiles, then fired," he said.
   Giraldi said the Tor missile system used by Iran is vulnerable to being hacked or "spoofed," and at the same moment, Flight 752's transponder was taken offline "to create an aviation accident that would be attributed to the Iranian government."
   The Pentagon has reportedly developed technologies that can trick enemy radars with false and deceptively moving targets, he said.
   "The same technology can, of course, be used to alter or even mask the transponder on a civilian airliner in such a fashion as to send false information about identity and location. The United States has the cyber and electronic warfare capability to both jam and alter signals relating to both airliner transponders and to the Iranian air defenses. Israel presumably has the same ability," Giraldi said.
   Iran made the claim Wednesday that "enemy sabotage" cannot be ruled out in the downing of the plane.
   Iranian Brigadier General Ali Abdollahi suggested the U.S. hacked missile defense systems to make it appear Flight 752 was an incoming missile.
   Iranian President Hassan Rouhani also accused the U.S. of being responsible for the downing of the plane, saying that:
   "The root of all sorrows goes back to America... this cannot be a reason for us not to look into all the root causes." 」
  (以上、2020/01/18付・ZeroHedge「False Flag? Fmr CIA Officer Suggests US Hacked Ukrainian Plane Transponder To Provoke Iran Shootdown」より)

  以下、2020/01/19付・日刊ゲンダイDIGITAL「トランプvsイラン 狂気の泥仕合 撃墜されたウクライナ機はアメリカ軍用機の盾にされた?」より
 (以上、2020/01/19付・日刊ゲンダイDIGITAL「トランプvsイラン 狂気の泥仕合 撃墜されたウクライナ機はアメリカ軍用機の盾にされた?」より)

  ・2020/01/08付:「イラク議会が米軍撤退要求決議採択 “自惚れるな!さっさと出て行け!”/"Don't be conceited! Get out quickly!" from Iraq to disliked US」
  ・2020/01/09付:「軽挙妄動:トランプはグローバリストの罠に陥り殺人の過ちを犯す/Rash Trump fell into trap by globalist, and made mistakes of murder」
  ・2020/01/09付:『イラン・イラク司令官暗殺:米国の良識者「私達は殺されるに値」「我の道徳崩壊」/US good ex."US morality collapse" "We are worth being killed"』
  ・2020/01/22付:「僕は無罪のソレイマニ少将を暗殺したトランプを支持する事が出来なくなった/I can't support Trump who assassinated innocent Gen. Soleimani」
  ・2020/01/23付:「イランへの先制攻撃を行ったトランプの再選は失くなった/Trump who did a preemptive attack to Iran lost reelection possible」
  ・2020/01/24付:「クビにしたボルトンに従う皮肉:トランプはイラン攻撃で祝福を受ける/Irony from dismissed Bolton, Trump received blessing by Iran attack」
  ・2020/01/24付:「解任されたボルトンの恨み:イラン攻撃で罪を犯したトランプを追い詰める/Grudge Bolton, Trump which sin 100% by Iran attack are cornered」
  ・2020/01/25付:「ソレイマ二将軍暗殺:米国の協力者・山本五十六を引き合いに裏切りをアピール?/ Do MSM appeal betrayal by presenting US cooperator Yamamoto?」
  ・2020/01/27付:「愚かなトランプによるソレイマニ将軍暗殺への報復を誓うイラン(1/2)/Gen. Soleimani assassinated by Stupid Trump, Iran vow Retaliation」
  ・2020/01/27付:「愚かなトランプによるソレイマニ将軍暗殺への報復を誓うイラン(2/2)/Gen. Soleimani assassinated by Stupid Trump, Iran vow Retaliation」
  ・2020/01/28付:「愚かなトランプは傲慢にも悔い改めず泥沼戦争へ/ Stupid Trump doesn't reform arrogantly, and go to war in swamp」
  ・2020/01/29付:「イランの文化施設破壊と愚かな脅しをする罪人トランプはバカ/Culprit Trump of foolish threat destructing Iranian cultural facilities」
  ・2020/01/29付:「愚かなトランプを抑える:米下院、対イラン武力行使制限可決/US lower house decided for restriction Stupid Trump using force to Iran」
  ・2020/01/29付:「イランのメディアをYouTubeからパージするユダヤの奴隷米国/Iranian media was purged from YouTube for Jewish slave US conspiracy」
  ・2020/01/29付:『ザリフ外相「高校いじめっ子覚えとる?」暴落トランプ「NATO-MEになれ」/FM Zarif "Remember high school bully?,Slump Trump "Be NATO-ME"』
  ・2020/01/29付:「愚かなトランプ指令暗殺テロによるイランとイラクの殉教者のイラク合同葬儀/Iraq Joint funeral by assassination terror of stupid Trump order」
  ・2020/01/29付:「愚かなトランプ指令暗殺テロによるイランとイラクの殉教者のイラン合同葬儀/Iran Joint funeral by assassination terror of stupid Trump order」
  ・2020/01/29付:『ParsToday「世界的メッセージを伴うイラン将軍らの盛大な葬儀」/"Grand funerals of Iranian general etc with worldwide message"』
  ・2020/01/29付:「イランの殉教者ガーセム・ソレイマニ将軍が遺された美しいメッセージ/Beautiful message that martyr Iranian General Qasem Soleimani left」
  ・2020/01/30付:「1.8ソレイマニ将軍を暗殺した米国へのイラン報復攻撃/Iranian retaliatory strike to culprit US who assassinated Gen. Soleimani」
  ・2020/01/30付:『ParsToday「米侵略軍テロへの断固たる回答のイラン・ミサイル攻撃」/Missile attack to US terror invasion army as firm reply by IRGC』
  ・2020/01/30付:「かつてIS等打倒の協力者ソレイマ二将軍を暗殺した米国/US assassinated Gen. Soleimani of formerly cooperator for IS overthrow」
  ・2020/01/30付:「報復:イランが米国防総省をテロ組織に指定/Retaliation:Iran designated US Pentagon as terrorism organization」
  ・2020/01/31付:「イランPressTVをYouTubeからパージしたユダヤの奴隷米国/Iranian PressTV was purged from YouTube for Jewish slave US」
  ・2020/01/31付:「ソレイマニ将軍暗殺:悪魔米軍の中東駐留終了へ/Gen. Soleimani assassination:Opening of end, Devil US forces stationed in ME」
  ・2020/01/31付:『「自惚れるな!さっさと出て行け!」大規模イラク反米デモが表明する「国家主権」/ ”Don't be conceited! Get out!“ From Iraqi sovereignty to US』
  ・2020/01/31付:『「米国よ、さようなら~!」イラクはロシアから迎撃システムを購入する/"Hey, US, good-bye!", Iraq buys interception systems from Russia』
  ・2020/02/01付:「イランのデモに供給された米国製武器/Weapon made in US supplied to Iranian demonstration」
  ・2020/02/01付:「差し迫る証拠なし:愚かなトランプは罠にハマり政権内からも裏切られる/Without urgent evidence, Stupid Trump is betrayed in admin in trap」
  ・2020/02/02付:『ParsToday「視点;ウクライナ機墜落事件を振り返って」/”Viewpoint:Thinking to looked back crash matter of Ukraine airplane."』
  ・2020/02/02付:「ウクライナ機墜落事故:イランが常に米軍に囲まれる脅威/Ukraine airplane crash:Threat that Iran is always surrounded by US troops」

  ・2019/09/03付:「正義イラン仕業と偽装し偽イスラエルとユダヤの奴隷米国による偽旗謀略 2019-まとめ/False Flag by Fake Israel & Jew's slave US pretended Iran」 ・・・または本ページ右サイドの「ブックマーク」

  ・World English Bible(eBible.org)

  ・2020/01/15付・Radio Farda:「Iran Military Suggests US Disruption Of Radar Caused Downing Of Airliner Despite New Video」
  ・2020/01/18付・ZeroHedge:「False Flag? Fmr CIA Officer Suggests US Hacked Ukrainian Plane Transponder To Provoke Iran Shootdown」
  ・2020/01/19付・日刊ゲンダイDIGITAL:「トランプvsイラン 狂気の泥仕合 撃墜されたウクライナ機はアメリカ軍用機の盾にされた?」

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