

Daily Vocabulary(2019/03/15)

2019年03月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
23141.penthouse a very expensive and comfortable apartment or set of rooms on the top floor of a building
One of my older sisters used to live in a penthouse apartment in Santa Monica.
23142.Forget something(忘れ物をする)
I've got to run back into the house, I forgot something.
23143.Leave something somewhere(忘れ物をする)
Do you guys mind if we go back to the hotel? I left my wallet in the room.
22144.take over(引き継ぐ、引き取る、(…を)接収する、(…を)持っていく)to take control of something
Then, could my company take over the management of the ryokan?
23145.sacred(神聖な、神の使いの、神聖視された) very important or greatly respected
Torii are the symbols of shrines and mark the boundary between the everyday world and the sacred realm of the gods.

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Daily Vocabulary(2019/03/14)

2019年03月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
23136.upset(ひっくり返してこぼす、くつがえす、だめにする、狂わす、気を転倒させる、ろうばいさせる、心配させる、心配する、気にする) unhappy and worried because something unpleasant or disappointing has happened
She was deeply upset about the way her father treated her.
23137.call it quits(人がしていることを止める)to stop doing something
I'm fed up with my job. I'm going to call it quits.
Congrats on getting married! Wishing you two a lifetime of happiness!
22139.Kudos(名声,栄誉,威信; 称賛)the state of being admired and respected for being important or for doing something important
Kudos to everybody who helped out with this event. This would not be possible without your support.
23140.enjoyable(楽しい、愉快な)something enjoyable gives you pleasure
I try to make my lessons more enjoyable by using games.

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2019年03月13日 | 爺英語

Donald Keene, a noted scholar of Japanese literature, has died of heart failure in a hospital in Tokyo.
Keene studied Japanese literature for over half a century. He introduced Japanese culture to the world through his translations of classical and modern works.
The American-born scholar studied at Kyoto University after World War II and became a professor at Columbia University. He was a close friend of well-known Japanese writers, such as Yukio Mishima and Nobel Prize winner Yasunari Kawabata.
Keene received the Order of Culture in 2008. It's Japan's highest cultural award. Keene moved to Japan after the devastating earthquake and tsunami in 2011 to show his solidarity with the Japanese people. Keene became a Japanese citizen in 2012.
He remained active despite his age, but his agent says Keene was in and out of hospital in the last several months. Donald Keene was 96.

Order of Culture文化勲章
solidarity連帯loyalty and general agreement between all the people in a group, or between different groups, because they all have a shared aim
a gesture of solidarity

in and out of hospital入退院を繰り返して to prevent something unpleasant from happening

Daily Vocabulary(2019/03/13)

2019年03月13日 | Daily Vocabulary
23131.entirely(まったく、完全に、完全に(…ではない)、もっぱら、ひたすら) completely and in every possible way
You can change the past but future entirely up to you.
23132.designated(指定された) to choose someone or something for a particular job or purpose
Staff need to be in their designated position by 8:30.
23133.dehydrated(脱水状態)to remove the liquid from a substance such as food or a chemical
The rescue found the boy dehydrated.
22134.mechanic(修理工、整備工、機械工、工員)someone who is skilled at repairing motor vehicles and machinery
She and her husband, Joe, an auto mechanic, have taken their first airplane trips.
23135.be good with one's hands(手先が器用)
MY dad is good with his hands.

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2019年03月12日 | 論語を読む



「以前私は孔子からこんな御言葉を聞いた。 "人は両親の喪中を除いては、自分の感情を出し切る事などできない。"」

Zeng Zi said, "I heard from Confucius, 'You cannot express all your emotion, except at mourning for your parents'"

全20編(学而第一~堯曰第二十) 構成され、編の名称は各編の最初の二文字を採ったものであり内容上の意味はない。

Daily Vocabulary(2019/03/12)

2019年03月12日 | Daily Vocabulary
23126.ethnic relating to a particular race, nation, or tribe and their customs and traditions
The students are from a variety of ethnic backgrounds.
23127.nosyalways wanting to find out things that do not concern you, especially other people’s private affairs
Don’t be so nosy!
23128.impertinent(生意気な、失礼な、でしゃばった、生意気で、失礼で、適切でない、見当違いの、(…に)無関係で)rude and not respectful, especially to someone who is older or more important
He was always asking impertinent questions.
22129.stomach(我慢する.)in someone else’s situation, especially a bad one
Who could stomach such insults?
23130.unsolicited(嘆願され(てい)ない、求められない)not asked for and often not wanted
To provide an unsolicited e-mail block system capable of effectively preventing an unsolicited e-mail among electronic mails.

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Daily Vocabulary(2019/03/11)

2019年03月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
23121.a bunch of(たくさんの・かなりの数の)
I picked up a bunch of fruits from the grocery store.
23122.a ton of(たくさんの・大量の)
She makes a ton of money online.
23123.plenty of(十分な・たっぷりな・潤沢な)a large quantity that is enough or more than enough
Make sure you rest and drink plenty of fluids. I hope you get better soon.
22124.dozens of(数十個の・数十人の)in someone else’s situation, especially a bad one
There were dozens of students who didn't receive the email.
23125.Are you with me?(私の言っていること分かりますか?)
I've covered a lot so far. Are you still with me?

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Daily Vocabulary(2019/03/10)

2019年03月10日 | Daily Vocabulary
23116.fashionably late(技と遅れていく)
Most people came fashionably late to the BBQ.
23117.on draft(生ビール)
Do you have Asahi on draft?
23118.I was going to(〜するつもりだった)
She was going to attend the seminar but her son got sick.
22119.I was supposed to(〜をするはずだった)
I was supposed to get a haircut today but I rescheduled it to tomorrow.
23120.I'm between jobs.(失業中です)
I'm between jobs right now. I actually have a job interview tomorrow.

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2019年03月09日 | 読書日記



鎌田 實(医師・作家)


序章 本当の事を云おうか
第1章 死んだ人間で食っている
コラム1 坊主丸儲け
第2章 死のクロスロード
コラム2 寄り添い? 支え?
第3章 ひとりの人間に戻れる場所
コラム3 Wanna Live (ワナ・ライブ=生きたい)
第4章 死に手をかすということ
コラム4 お布施
第5章 ぼくはこんな葬儀をやってきた
コラム5 葬儀屋さんが、泣いた日
終章 風にそよぐ木々の葉音で
あとがきにかえて 再誕の旅へ

1948年、長野県に生まれる。龍谷大学文学部卒。1990年、神宮寺住職。2018年、神宮寺退職。NPO法人ライフデザインセンター理事、龍谷大学客員教授。1991年から1997年の6年間で36回チェルノブイリに通い、医療支援活動を行うなど、「四苦(生・老・病・死)のケア」を実践している。著書に『チェルノブイリの子どもたち』(岩波ブックレット)、『寺よ、変われ』(岩波新書)、鎌田實医師との共著『生き方のコツ 死に方の選択』(集英社文庫)など多数。





Daily Vocabulary(2019/03/09)

2019年03月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
23111.catch up on(近況を報告する)
WE had a lot catch up on.
23112.sweet heart(恋人、いとしい人)
My brother married his childhood sweet heart. spoken a way of speaking to someone you love
23113.come first(最優先だ)to be the most important person or thing to someone
As far as I’m concerned, the children come first.
22114.listen for(注意して聴く)in someone else’s situation, especially a bad one
I'm expecting a delivery, so can you listen for the doorbell while I'm out.
23115.fool around(ふざける) to waste time behaving in a silly way or doing things that are not important
He always used to fool around in class.

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Daily Vocabulary(2019/03/08)

2019年03月08日 | Daily Vocabulary
23106.I'm going to be late(遅れます)
I'm sorry, I'm going to be 15 minutes late. I'm stuck in traffic.
23107.I'm running late(予定より)遅れています)
I'm running 10 minutes late.>
23108.up to(最大〜まで、最高〜まで)
You can withdraw up to 500 dollars at the ATM
22109.I came up with a good idea.(いいこと思いついた)
I came up with a good idea.
23110.I figured it out.(いいこと思いついた)
I think I figured out a way to fix this problem.

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