


2019年03月20日 | 爺英語

Japan's leading convenience store chain says it will be testing out a reduced schedule at more stores than previously planned. This comes as a labor shortage has forced the country's 24/7 businesses to make adjustments.
Seven-Eleven Japan is cutting operating hours at a number of stores to 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. on a trial basis starting later this month.
The company had previously planned to try out the reduced schedule at just 10 company-owned locations. But officials are adding several franchise stores to the list. They say the expanded trial will give them a better idea of how the shorter hours will affect operations.
Seven-Eleven Japan had made it a rule to keep all its outlets open around the clock. But a group of franchise stores are calling for shorter hours, citing the labor shortage.

test out~を試行する、~を試す
24/7businesses24時間営業の店if something happens twenty-four seven, it happens all the time, every day
around the clock24時間体制のall day and all night without stopping
cite~として挙げる、~に言及する to prevent something unpleasant from happening

Daily Vocabulary(2019/03/20)

2019年03月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
23161.Hi/Hey there!(やぁ!)
Hi there. How are you doing? Pretty good. How about you?
23162.take advantage of(〜をうまく活用する)
It make sense to take advantage of the skills and wisdom that grandparents to be have
23163.pros and cons(良い点と悪い点・長所と短所)the advantages and disadvantages of something, which you consider when making a decision about it
Let's look into the pros and cons before we make a decision.
22164.for and against(賛成と反対・賛否・是非)
There are (both) arguments for and against legalizing same-sex marriage.
23165.certified(公認の) to give an official paper to someone which states that they have completed a course of training for a profession
She's a certified financial planner and recommended by a friend.

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